Let Me Have a Shot

Wang Baole didn't know how reciting the scripture would, in Little Missy's words, move the heavens and earth and exterminate all living creatures. It was all too strange, and something he felt was completely unimaginable.

But he could feel something indescribable surface within him when he heard the scripture. It was as if it hid a certain meaning that could not be described in words. The last line, especially, was imbued with immense power.

If it had been another time and place, Wang Baole would have cast his suspicions aside and found a way to verify the truth behind the scripture. After confirming that it was of use, he would then try it out. However, at that moment, trapped within the dangerous tree hollow and facing the onslaught of hundreds of assimilated cultivators, Wang Baole—who continued casting spells while deliberating on the scriptures—was running out of time.