Chanting the Sutra Scriptures!

The middle-aged black-robed man's body blurred. His attention was no longer on Zhuo Yifan. He dashed towards Zhao Yameng, swift like the fall of lightning. However, as he approached, Wang Baole yelled. The latter was prepared to recite the scripture's line, regardless of whether it worked or not, to stop the man from getting closer.

He didn't have the chance to say a word. The moment the middle-aged black-robed man approached, Zhao Yameng's tightly shut eyes opened abruptly. They glowed with a blue light which exploded into an ocean of blue, and surged towards the approaching man as if to pull him under!

The intensity of the blue light was too great. As it spread outwards, thundering, all the assimilated cultivators started trembling. They shriveled on the spot as if cleansed of all life, turning into dust within the blink of an eye!