Black Donkey Versus White Donkey

This was the first time Wang Baole had stepped onboard a military cruiser. Any other person might not have sensed the difference, but as a Dharmic Armament cultivator, Wang Baole knew at first glance what separated this military cruiser from other ordinary cruisers.

I've never seen this material before… it should be highly heat resistant. The inscriptions on the cruiser seem to look different than the usual. As Wang Baole inspected the cruiser, the Martian military cultivators were observing Wang Baole as well.

Wang Baole's reputation had been climbing steadily upwards in both the Federation and on Mars. His reputation in the military was the same, especially since he was the creator of the Baole Cannon.

As the military cultivators observed Wang Baole, they also caught sight of the donkey at his side. They all looked surprised. They turned and stared at one another. It seemed like they wanted to say something, but in the end, they didn't.