Dark Ancestry

As Wang Baole entered the hallucination realm and sought Little Missy's advice, far away from earth in the distant space lit with endless stars, lay a spatial distortion.

The region was extremely vast, as vast as the Milky Way. Countless threads of light filled the region and were the cause of the distortion. The varied and layered light waves resulted in layered images of everything in the area. Be it the drifting dust or the silent stars—they looked like countless images of themselves layered together.

Sight and all other senses would be disrupted here, and one would sense oneself being in an illusion. Everything that one saw was distorted.

The vastness of the spatial distortion was indescribable. All life that sprung within the region seemed to contain within themselves an essence of the distortion. They hovered between the real and the surreal. As a result, the region had been given a unique name by many civilizations in the universe.