The First!?

Wang Baole felt slightly embarrassed as he held onto his voice transmission ring. After muttering a few words, he left the great halls of the Alchemy Pavilion hurriedly and headed for the Sect Lord's pavilion located on the mountain peak of the Upper Academy Island.

When he arrived, he saw the Sect Lord deep in meditation. He observed the look on the Sect Lord's face. He wisely didn't mention the name "Little Zhao" and instead, sat beside the Sect Lord. He began to ask about the matter of his Core Formation realm cultivation technique.

"Baole, the Ethereal Dao College has seventy-nine complete cultivation techniques for the Core Formation realm cultivator. They are divided into grades A to D accordingly. There are seven Grade As, nineteen Grade Bs…" The Sect Lord gave Wang Baole a look, then pulled out a jade slip and handed it over.

Wang Baole's eyes brightened as he took it hastily and began reading.