
The Diamond Ape was bored during the period of time Wang Baole was away. The disciples were fearful and respectful of it, but that was no fun, which made it miss Wang Baole even more.

Most importantly, the puppets that belonged to it had already been broken from its toying. It had been a long time since it received new puppets, and that made his longing for Wang Baole even stronger.

Therefore, when it smelled Wang Baole's scent, the Diamond Ape was exhilarated and agitated. It roared while it sped towards Wang Baole, its cultivation level having reached mid-stage Foundation Establishment realm.

Wang Baole laughed heartily as he quickly arrived beside the Diamond Ape. Despite being smaller, his aura was far stronger than that of the Diamond Ape. However, Wang Baole had toned down the strength of his aura, and as he neared and leaped into the air, he landed on the Diamond Ape's shoulders, patting it amiably.