
"Ye One follow me and the rest of you go and try your best to break through the seventh rank". Saying this Ye One pushed Wang Li's wheel chair to the Wang Li's study room.

"Congratulations for breaking through the seventh rank, you have done well" Wang Li said as he laughed.

"Its all master's grace, if not for master who knows where would I be?" In Ye One's heart Wang Li was number one. He was willing to give up his life for him. Wang Li nodded.

"Ye One a huge threat is about to befall on humanity and with our current strength we have no way to eliminate that" Wang Li seriously said. Ye One has never seen his master this serious. He wanted to know what threat Wang Li was talking about. Aware of Ye One's thoughts Wang Li replied

"Breakthrough the silver rank and you guys will know."

If anyone else heard Wang Li's word they would bash their head to a wall. Breakthrough the silver rank my foot. Silver rank is a legend. But Ye One was aware breaking through Silver rank was just a matter of time.

" Do you know what's Alchemy?" Wang Li asked

"Alchemy is a divine profession that existed in legends, pills produced through alchemy can help in cultivation." Ye one replied.

"Its really a pity that its just a legend,"Ye One thought in his heart

"Correct. Do you wanna learn it? Wang Li asked

"WHAT MASTER? LEARN WHAT? " Ye One thought he has heard wrong.

"Hehehe no need to be shocked. Get ready to learn alchemy " Wang Li said mysteriously.

Demon spirit coins were the currecy used in dragonland empire. Usually, two-three thousand demon spirit coins would be sufficient for a commoners family living expenses.

In these several years Wang Li has saved quite a lot of money afterall he didn't do anything other than staying in his courtyard. To be exact he had saved one hundred thousand demon spirit coins. He gave half of it Ye Two and Ye Three to buy medicinal plants. As for the Medical furnance , they are not more than mere decoration now even in his own home there were 3 furnance. He asked his mother to give him one.

After Ye Two and Ye Three bought back the herbs Wang Li and Ye One started refining pills.

In an empty room in Wang Li's courtyard

"Control the fire through your mental power. Good , Now add the herb one by one accocrding to the recipe." Wang Li kept instructing Ye one.


The herb inside the furnance exploded.

"I am sorry master" Ye one felt guilty about wasting those precious herbs.

"It's alright, it will take time. We will keep trying. We cannot give up."

Hence the master and servent started refining again.The Pill they were trying to concort was the simplest first grade pill beauty pill , this pill can enhance a person's beauty, and can remove any scars, freckels and burns on the skin. If this pill were to be released in the market every woman will go crazy over it, even some men might crazy.

After One week

"Master I did it I refined a pill" Ye One was really excited. He was the first person to concort a Pill , an actual pill. From now on he is a genuine Alchemist. The long lost divine profession from the legends.

After Wang Li saw the ten pills in Ye One's hand he also saw hope. Hope to conquer the demons.

Wang Li laughed " Finally".

Others soon arrived and congratulated Ye One. Although they were jealous but they were more happy seeing their comrade succeceding.

" Good that we have succeeded now let's get to the other pill. "

The other Pill Wang Li was talking about was the 10 year longtivity pill which increase a person's life span by 10 years. It was also something his grandfather really needed. His previous injuries must be really bad and would be tormenting him.

So Wang Li and Ye One again started to refine pills and tried their best. This time it was much easier for the as Ye One had grasped the idea of refining pill.


Wang Li was in his room thinking about the past life event. They were some amazing treasure that were brought to the capital city by their neighbouring countries merchants. One such treasure was Wortz Steel. People didn't think much of the Wortz Steel but now everything was different he had the Smithing techniques in his hands and from that he learnt that Wortz Steel could be used to create sharpest of the swords. It was the most heaven defying treasure in the world.

" Though there is still some time before the Wortz Steel appeared in the capital. And I don't have the capital to buy the Wortz Steel. So this matter should be left to the future in the mean time I can also collect some money by auctioning those pills." Wang Li muttered to himself.