Wang Clan Crisis

Its been a month after the pill refining experiment.

Over this time Ye One has finally learned how to concot Spirit assembling pil. This pill can help cultivators gather spirit energy ten times faster and now he can concot beauty pill with eyes closed.Ye four and Ye seven have also started learning alchemy.


Whole Wang Family was happily eating dinner today.

" Li'er I am so happy you started eating lunch with you again" Mother Wang was really happy that her son stated dining with them again. Wang Li's absence always made her upset and sometimes she even cried for her son.

Mother Wang Grabbed some food and put it into Wang Li's plate. Seeing this scene all the family members were happy.

Father Wang was also happy seeing this.

'' If your elder brother was he'd also be happy to see you today" Father Wang happily said.

"Father elder brother is also a general just like you he has to protect the nations borders."

"Yes Yes it's a soldier's duty to protect their nation" Father Wang said in a stern voice.

Seeing Father Wang's stern face everyone laughed as they enjoyed the family lunch.

"Father I heard that you are meeting with Official Yao."

Wang Li ate while pretending to inadvertently asked.

The atmosphere on the table suddenly became stagnant. Madam Wang hurriedly winked at Wang Li hinting him. Wang Kui was also scared and his chopsticks stopped in mid-air.

Everyone knew that Father disliked discussing official matters at home. He also disliked family members getting involved.

" Where did you hear their from?"

Father asked and looked up expressionlessly. Wang Li could clearly see Father's brows slightly narrowed when glancing across the dining table. It was obvious that he was displeased by the topic.

Wang Li's heart skipped a beat, but he could only bite the bullet and continued the conversation. This matter was urgent. If couldn't change the destined event then everything he has done so far would be in vain.

"I accidentally heard this when Father and mother were talking."

Wang Li anxiously replied. Everything depended on the next few lines.


Father's eyebrows moved and remembered that he did somewhat mentioned this once to his wife Zhao Shuhua. It was only once but it was overheard by Wang Li.

" Yes it's true why are you asking about this."

Lately Father was really pleased with Wang Li's behaviour. He wasn't angry with Wang Li. He was starting to treat Wang Li has an adult.

" Official Yao has always been on bad terms with father. I believe that the fact that he scheduled a meeting with Father is a scheme or has some ulterior motives."

Wang Li earnestly advised.

Wang Li knew Father disliked family getting involved in the official matters. And also that this discussion shouldn't been brought by a 12 year old kid, but he didn't have a choice.

In the previous life, Official Yao, Yao Guangyi invited father who has no relationship with him to a meeting in the name of the official matters.

Father was cautious. If Yao Guangyi was planning to persuade his father to join his side, he would have firmly refused. However, Yao Guangyi was very cunning. He only spoke of irrelevant issues and drank alcohol with father.

Later Yao Guangyi deliberately let King Song know of this meeting.

King Song who was an adviser in the ministry of defence, came from a royal lineage. He was one of the few royalty who had both power and authority in the ministry of defence. Because of his relationship with grandfather, King Song looked at Father favourably and trusted him very much.

King Song contributed very much to father being able to reach the rank of military general at such a young age.

father kept King Song in the dark about his meeting with Yao Guangyi who was a loyal subordinate of his political opponent, King Qi.

How could King Song not be angry.

It wouldn't amount to anything if it was the usual circumstance.

However, King Song and king Qi have been fighting both secretly and openly in the imperial court. They were like fire and water. King Qi even managed to bribe several of King Song followers to his side. This betrayal had led King Song to have very little allies in the imperial court causing his influence to decrease considerably.

This has made Kind Song were sensitive and paranoid. It was obvious how King Song would feel if father and Yao Guangyi met in privately behind his back.

What was worse was that father was inflexible and straightforward by nature. knowing that King Song would be suspicious, he still insisted that nothing was said during the meeting and they just drank alcohol.

How could King Song believe that two opposing forces in the imperial court were just drinking alcohol and nothing happened between them.

Father's reply not only failed to explain anything but also led King Song to believe that father had betrayed him and was also mocking his intelligence.

And Yao Guangyi played many such schemes which in the end made King Song think that the whole Wang Clan had betrayed him.

Deeper the love, deeper the hate. King Song and Wang Clan had few generations of closed relationship. Since their relationship was so close , the Wang Clan recieved much support and attention. Because of this he was unable to accept Wang Clan betrayal.

This was a huge blow to him. It was even harder to accept than the betrayal of his many followers and students. King Song was throughly disappointed in the Wang Family.

When Grandpa was alive, King Song still cherished the past relationships and only deprived father of his military status. But when Grandpa passed away Wang Family also lost the King Song's support.

Within a few years the Majestic Wang family was completely kicked out of the imperial court.

With this King Qi 's support and authority grew in the imperial court and being from the scholarly side , he made the Dragonland army internally weak. And they were dealt a huge blow by the dangers that later came.

Even until Father's death, he showed great remorse for this event, but everything was too late by then.

For Wang Li also this was a deep regret.

He really must stop this event from occurring again.

"kids don't need to involve in this matter I have my own considerations " Father Wang lightly claimed.

" Li'er, your father already said you don't need to get involved . Just eat." Mother Wang Knew what Li'er was thinking she hinted him with a wink.

" Father atleast let King Song know in advance that you are meeting official Yao tomorrow. Send me a letter" Wang Li didn't give up .

" You don't need to meddle in the adult's affair." Father Wang with an icy face, stood up from the table.

"You guys eat, I have some business I need to attend. See you later."

After these words he left, without even finishing his meal.

Mother Wang also grew worried seeing her son's face like that.

"Li'er it'll be alright just trust your father on this one. He knows what he is doing. And don't worry . Quickly finish your meal before it gets cold."

After that Wang Li quietly ate his meal and lost in own thoughts.

Seeing this Mother Wang sighed.