Boost In Power

"What half step strength, refinement stage"

The moment I heard the information, I looked at the lion looking beast and just turned around without even the lion noticing me I ran, like there was no tomorrow. I jumped on a tree branch and started jumping from 1 branch to another.

I looked back to see if the lion was chasing me, but guess I was pretty lucky that it did not chase me. I was still running that I didn't notice that something was coming from my left side at an unimaginable speed.

I was running without looking back, I thought that I wasn't being chased by the beast and was feeling quite good about not being chased but the moment I jumped from the branch I was hit by something.

The moment I was hit, I wasn't sent to my right as fast as a shooting star. On the way I broke a couple of trees with no difficulty. I couldn't think straight as I was being hit at least by something every millisecond non stop. Until I was suddenly stopped and was completely immobilised and couldn't even move a bit. The bones in my body were completely shattered to pieces, looking straight from where I came, I saw a dozen of the tree with a human body going through them. The first thing I notice was how my body is not feeling any pain, but I stopped thinking about it, when I heard a loud roar coming from a boulder on my right side, I looked at it to see the lion looking beast standing there and roaring as if it was about to attack its prey. The lion looked at me then suddenly jumped off the boulder and started to walk towards me with its sharp teeth and blood red eyes showing itself clearly in the almost dark night.

Ding= you have broken through 3 4 5 6 sub stages of muscle refinement stage, 80% percent of your injuries are healed for breaking through 4 sub stages.= stabilizing your foundation in 3 minutes. Feeling the power of me breaking through at that speed made feel greedy for more, but the best thing was that the healing of break through has healed 80% of the damage. You have been rewarded 8 upgrade card. Thanks to the healing now I could feel my bones and muscles that was torn apart. I got up and started to run to the opposite side of the lion with all my strength.

As I wasn't used to my new found strength I crashed to the boulder in front me, but the boulder could not even affect me as I shattered it to pieces, when it crashed with my body.

At the moment the lion was dumbfounded as he knew that the human wasn't as fast or strong before he hit him and almost killed him.

The lion thought that Eric had some special kind of blood line and if he ate him, he could evolve his own blood line or break through to the muscle strength refinement stage. The lion was thinking about Eric, while Eric was getting further and further from him. Eric thought that he got away from the lion and started to slow down a bit and looked around to find a safe spot to take a break. After looking around for a couple of seconds he saw a small hole in a boulder 10 meters away from him.

I started walking towards the whole, but for some reason some kind of danger. Moving my instinct I jumped up, the moment I jumped I saw a lion passing under my legs. I felt relieved for lessening on my instinct and jumped up. I fell back on the ground and without any hesitation, I catapulted myself towards the lion and activated both of my skills which boosted my power.

The lion looked at the aura and felt scared that I might a Qi rank cultivator, but he soon through the idea away cause I was too slow for being a Qi rank cultivator, and thought that it was my blood line that gave me the aura.

Feeling that he was right the lion became even more greedy as he imagined what my blood line would bring to him. I reached the lion and tried to punch in its face, but before I could do anything the lion jumped forward and hit me with his forehead and sent me flying again, but thanks to my cultivation going up I could handle it without breaking that much bones. I tried to attack it the same a couple of times, but the lion always used something to throw me back away. I did my 5 tries on attacking him, but before I could reach him I heard the system

ding = you have broken through 7 rank off muscle refinement stage, you have been rewarded with 2 upgrade card. You're healed by 20%The moment I heard the upgrade thing I remembered that I haven't yet upgraded my physique which makes me stronger and add more defence to my body. I wanted to upgrade it, but I went against it and decided to fight the lion in the way I am right now, so I could push my cultivation and break through the next stages. I fought the lion bare handed for another minute when I heard the system again

Ding =you have broken through 8 stages of muscle refinement stage, you have gained 2 upgrade card. You're healed by 20%

I felt the healing effect taking place in my body and heal my body back up to 60%.Without any more difficulties now I could handle the lion evenly, but after 2 minutes the effect of Berserk Mode went away and we came back to the unevenly marched fight between me and the lion.

The lion slowly started to break my bones again and rip apart my muscles where I couldn't move again.The lion thought that it could now eat me, but to his bad luck, I heard the system againDingYou have broken through Muscle refinement stage, you have earned 10 upgrade card.You are healed by 40%

After hearing my breakthroughs confirmation,

I stood up and didn't give a second to the lion and hit his face from left and right for one minute before I tore his head apart from his neck.