Immortal Tomb

Feeling the power of a strength, refinement stage cultivator, I felt 2 steps closer to the day of my revenge. I started to deactivate my skills and started to walk back home.

Ding = you will be passing out in 30 second

"what, why?" = Your body need immediate help for healing the small Tares in your muscles and crack in your bones.

Not wanting to be eaten by some beast as I pass out, I turned around and ran towards the cave that I saw when I was trying to hide from the lion looking beast.

I crawled into the cave, but before I was even ready to pass out the ground under my knees went down and everything fell.

The speed I was falling was not that fast, but I wasn't awake that before I passed out.


=Host is passing out in 3, 2, and 1, host is passing out now.

3 hours later

I open my eyes to see nothing at first, I thought I had passed out but I asked the system "where am I"

The system did send a notification, but it wasn't the what I asked for.

Ding = You have found an immortal tomb


= You have found an immortal tomb

"You already told me that you don't need to tell me that again"

I thought to myself if this is an immortal tomb there is for sure a treasure in this place.

Thinking that in this tomb there must be a treasure that could help me get stronger I started to think of a way to find some light source.

Ding = Release a bit of Qi and the lighting system in the cave will activate.

I release my Qi than tomb change from dark disappeared and light appeared in the spot I was sitting.

I stand up and follow the tunnel that went straight through the ground with a well-built structure.

10 minutes later

I have been walking through this tunnel for 10 minutes, but I didn't see anything that could be counted as a treasure or something. I still follow the tunnel, but the moment I take the next step my whole field of view changed to three doors probably leading to three different locations. I looked at the three doors and decided to go inside of one of the doors. I started thinking religiously and start from the right as it was always a good sign to start from right first then go to left.

I entered in the room to see nothing, I knew that there must be something inside this room and decided to look through this room closely.

I looked at every inch of this empty room for 20 minutes before I found a ring

I felt the joy exploding through my heart as the ring was absolutely going to be the main treasure as this was probably the immortals spatial ring,

Thinking positively, I opened the ring to bring everything out.

I was standing in shock as I saw what came out.


The crystal looking object filled the room, leaving enough room for me to move 80cm and no more.

"System, what are these crystals?"

Ding = This crystal are immortal power stones

I knew what power stones from memories of Eric but I have never heard of immortal power stones.

I asked the system "what are these crystals used for"


I asked the system

I started to cultivate trying to get a feel for myself about my new Qi and cultivation. "what are these crystals used for"

Ding = The crystals are used for cultivation My anger from a few second calmed down as I heard the system. I picked up the stones to start cultivating them, I felt the stone's edges and started to send my key and try to bring the energy towards my donation. I was trying to feel the power of the stones, when I heard the system.

Ding = Host cannot cultivate immortal power stones as you need to be an immortal cultivator to use them. The anger returned to me as I knew that I wouldn't be able to use them. I tried to calm myself and asked the system,

"What can I do with this stone"


=You can trade it for a purer qi and enough qi in your dantain to break through 5 stages with the system.

The moment I heard the notification I was extremely excited as I know could cultivate and break through more easily.


= Trade successful

I looked at my dantain to see it was changed from some kind air to our white liquid.

I start to cultivate to get a a feeling for my new qi

1 cycle, 10 cycles, 20 cycles, 30 cycles, 80 cycles, 130 cycles, 189 cycles, 368 cycles

I stopped cultivating and looked at my dantain, to only see basically no improvement as it had moved from 0 to 0.9% in this 10 hours I had cultivated only 0.9% of 5000%.

I stare at my dantain for a long time before I break out of the shock and asked,



= Host has now reached 100% qi purity,

Cultivation has slowed down to keep the 100% purity up.

After understanding why my cultivation speed dropped by so much I knew that the only way for me to improve my cultivation fast I had to fight a cultivator with a superior cultivation state than me.

Thinking positively, I started to walk towards the door and explore the other rooms.

I stepped outside of the room and started walking towards the middle room. I arrived in front of the in the middle room and started to walk inside it.

The moment I entered this room I saw writing on the wall, I came closer to the walls to read them.

The text was luckily in the same language as this empire or I wouldn't have been able to read it

I started to read the text on the wall with my full attention on it.

The text was describing,

(Authors note "dada da cliffhanger"

"Just what you guys needed for the next chapter")