I'm In Bleach

After reading the statues page from anime system I said

"Tell me your function and other stuff related to you"

*Shring*= The anime system mainly focuses on sending the host to an anime world to make host stronger. The system sends 90% of your consciousness on the anime you have chosen and the leaves the other 10% with the original body.

*Shring*= The system creates a character in the anime you chose and send you consciousness in that character. After reaching that character the system gives you a time limit that you can stay in that anime and after that time limit over the character that you are playing as comes back to this world and merges with your original body. You can fuse every character that you have played as in your body and you gain their power.

*Shring*- in the anime the system will change according to the anime, for example in Fairy Tail you will get things that exist in that world, like dragon magic or dragon bloodline but if you go to another anime you will get a system that fits that world.

*Shring*= When you go to an anime everything will be a game and you will be having a levelling system to measure your power and not cultivation stages. The highest level you can achieve is dependent on the anime your in. If you went to If you can achieve a level of 10k. The levels show what you will be able to get and not what other people can but there are some animes that you have and the other character have infinite level as there is no limit to their growth in power (Ahem, Ahem, Dragon ball).

*Shring*= you cannot use the other systems when you are in an anime world but you can exchange their points for points in the anime you are In.

*Shring*= When you enter an anime, you will be randomly placed in another character's position and the person will lose of his/her power.

*Shriing*= For each anime you go, you can choose 2 special abilities.

After reading all off the notification Eric looked at the Statues window for the anime system and decided to go to an anime right now. The main reason was that from what he saw from the fatty's memories every anime have different kind of powers and he wanted to go to one right now.

In front of him the statues window was opened again so he went straight to the [Available Anime System]. He saw 5 animes that he knew from the memories of the fatty Eric, Bleach. Boku no hero academia, One Piece, Naruto, Dragon Ball (z/s).

Eric did not look at the rest and just picked Bleach as the fatty liked this anime a lot but before he did he asked the upgrade system id it can buy a major and a minor law for him and gave it to the eric that would be staying here to comprehend.

After he said that he was suddenly transported to the anime called bleach. He looked at his surrounding and saw tall buildings everywhere and people going around.

Eric was confused about where he was so, he went and try to talk to somebody, he saw this boy with red hair, so he went to ask some question from him. Eric went near the person and asked,

"Excuse me wher.." Before he could finish his sentence, the person kept on walking as if he never heard him. Eric was ready to bump into this person but nothing happened for a while so he looked down to see no one there but before he could think of anything else he saw a hole in between his chest. He was horrified as he remembered that the only characters that have holes between their chests are Hollows and to check his suspicion he went and checked his appearance on the window of a building near him. What he saw was a low-level hollow that was very buffed and ugly. On his face he saw a white mask that covered his face and only showed his eyes and mouth.

Eric looked at his eye to see a red eyeball that was surrounded by an empty black hollow. Then it hit him that the system has made his character a hollow.

After that realization he heard a notification from the system,

*Ding*= Welcome to the bleach System. The system has been created from anime system to make your stay in this anime easy. I'll be going through stuff you need to know for you to understand this new system.

*Ding*= In this Anime there is 20k levels. For reaching every 1000 level you evolve, there are 2 ways you can level up, first is you do missions and it will give you levels/Exp, second way is that you observe other Hollows to level up.

*Ding*= There are 5 main functions for this system

1= Shop= You can buy pills/ skills/ other items

2= Statues

3= Analyse

4= Skill

5= Zanpakuto= Unlock at level 2000

*Ding*= Host need to choose 2 special abilities from the following abilities,

Gamers Mind: Max, keeps you calm at all time

Shinagami Hollow: Allows you to become a Shinigami after you max out your evolution for hollow.

Growth: your body levels up faster than normal.

Master: Every skill you learn will be at its peak.

Bless: Increases you over all statues by 40%

Eric did not wait for anything and picked the best one, which was the Bless and Master skills.

After picking his ability Eric called for the Statues window,

Name: ????????

Race: Hollow

LV 0: 0/5 Exp

ST: 0.2/0.2

Stamina: 0.1/0.1

Defence: 0.3/0.3

HP: 2/2

SP (Spiritual Pressure) 10/10

Attack: 0.2

Zanpakuto: locked: Lv 0: 0/1000 Exp

Skills: None

Special Abilities

"What the f**k, this body is weaker a than an ant, how am I meant to get stronger without even being able to do anything properly because of how low my stamina is". Eric said furiously.

Saying that he heard the system

*Ding*= Mission: Help a lost soul to pass on.

Reward: 2 Lv

{Any suggestions on how i should develope the story}