Leveling Up With Missions (Part 1)

After hearing the mission popping up Eric was excited as the mission gave him 2 levels. Eric didn't know how to make a soul pass on but the only thing he could do is try to fulfil the person last wish and get it done with.

He looked around for any souls that would be in his surrounding but he couldn't see anything except people and more people around him.

Eric decided that he would wait for the night to come and do the mission than because at that time there won't be people outside going around.

8 hours passed and it was 11pm now.

Eric finally saw that there was no one in the city so he now could go and find a soul that hasn't passed in and help it to pass on.

Eric looked around the city for a while and couldn't find any soul until now. Right now he saw a little girl crying near a street.

Eric hurriedly went next to the girl to help her pass on.

The moment he got near her, the girl started to scream loudly, he was wondering why the girl was crying so loudly when he remembered that he was a hollow right now.

So that meant that he was very scary looking and would probably seem that he was trying to eat her.

He tried to talk to her and tell her that he won't hurt he but the moment he opened his mouth a loud roar was released that scared the girl even more.

He tried every way that he thought he could manage to communicate with the girl but the moment he would try she would scream.

Then it hit Eric, the thing that hit him was that he should try to write what he wants to say on the ground and make the girl read it.

In Japanese he started to write "I won't hurt"

He looked at the girl than pointed at the writing.

The girl started to looked down and when she did she saw the writing, thankfully she was old enough to read and write.

After she read the writing she started to stop screaming and was now a bit more calm.

Eric started to write something else in the ground, "what your name?"

The girl looked at hollow Eric and said "my name is Feren"

After saying her name Eric wrote something again on the ground.

She finished reading what was on the ground than said "I'm 12 years old"

After hearing her answer Eric wrote "how did you die"

The girl looked at me then said, "one day o was going to the amusement park with my family and we were about to cross this street but before I could pass I was hit with my family".

"What happened to your family" Eric wrote

"I don't know"

After hearing her story Eric wrote,

"What do you want to do the most right now".

The girl started to think for a while and then said "I want to go to the amusement park that is at end of this park and try everything in the amusement park".

Eric looked at her then wrote "if you want I can take you there and play with you".

She said, "even though you look scary I'll go with you as I don't want to go there with myself".

The girl started to walk towards the amusement park and I followed her to the amusement park.

The walk would have been nothing to a normal person but with Eric's stats this walk took away all of his stamina.

He could not walk anymore and the only option he had left was to buy something that will replenish his stamina.

He asked the system to exchange all of his upgrade cards and sect points into anime points.

Ding= you have gained 10k anime points for Upgrade cards and 10k points for sect points.

Ding= you have 20k anime points

Eric was shocked cause almost 6 more lion of his upgrade cards were only amounted to 10k anime points.

Eric was taking to much time with the system so the girl had to tell him follow her.

When she said that he snapped out his slick and quickly bought a stamina pill.

He ate the pill and his stamina was back to his peak.

Eric started to follow the girl inside the amusement park, even though there wasn't many people on the road there was lots of people in the amusement park at this time.

He entered the amusement park and followed the girl and did whatever she wanted to do.

2 hours later

Ding= [congratulation, Mission completed]

Ding= you levelled up twice and all stats has improved by 2"

After hearing the notification, the little girl started to release a golden colour then disappear.

As she was disappearing she said, "thank you" then she was gone and nowhere to be found.

After finishing the first mission he suddenly got a new notification from the system.

[Chain Mission]

1) Find a hollow. Reward) 1 level

2) fight a hollow. Reward) 2 levels

3) injure the hollow. Reward) 3 levels

4) kill the hollow. Reward) 4 levels

5) observe the hollow. Reward) 5 levels

Chain Reward

Complete mission 1 and 2) 200 anime points and 2 levels

Complete mission 1,2 and 3) 300 anime points and 3 levels

Complete mission 1,2,3 and 4) 1000 anime points and 10 levels.

Complete mission 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) 1500 anime points and 15 levels

Eric was very ecstatic about this mission as it gave him 30 level and 1000 anime points if he did it properly and not miss one condition.

Eric started to look around to find a hollow to fight to get those good rewards that it would give to him.

Looking around for a while he found a hollow near a house that gave a strong spiritual pressure for a human.

Eric didn't care about anything and went to fight it and when he got close to it, he heard the system.

(Any suggestions on a mission that Eric should take)