Leveling Up With Missions (Part 2)

Ding= you have levelled up 3 times for completing the 1st and 2nd mission. All stats raised by 3.

Ding= 1st chain mission completed, you have gained 1

200 anime points and 2 levels' stats has been improved by 2.

After hearing the notification, he went straight to the show and bought a weapon, he looked at the weapon section and found a sword that would raise his by 1 time and purified anything that it has killed.

He bought the sword for 5 anime points.

Eric looked at his points that had been decreased by 1/4 from just buying one item from the weapon section.

Eric was running towards the hollow and when he got about 40 meters close to it the system showed him a page on the stats of the hollow.


Race: Hollow

Lv: 23

St: 23.3

Stamina: 23.1

Defence: 24.1

Attack: 16.3

Spiritual pressure: 33

After reading the stats of the hollow Eric was ready to go back the other way but he luckily didn't forget that while he was looking through the system shop he saw, a onetime only shop.

He went and bought the only thing he could by which was a starter pack that was 10k anime points.

He didn't look at it and went to open the pack.

He said to the system open the pack,

Ding=Opening beginner pack

[(C) Escape talisman x3, (SSS+) Helping hand x2, (C) strength pill x3, (A) Soul Power pill x1, (C) Hakuda all techniques, Mask x5, x1000 anime points.

Eric looked at the things he got and was wondering what was all this stuff.

Eric did not have to ask the system anything before it started to describe all the items.

Escape Talisman: Allows the user to escape from any danger. Warning: Location is at random

Helping Hand: Helps the user for 2 hours by boosting all of your stats by 10. Warning users uses this item the user will feel immense pain after its effect are over. It can improve your defence.

Strength pill: increases your ST by 1

Soul Power Pill: Increases you soul power by 10.

Hakuda: is a hand to hand combat technique. Learning this you will gain all of it techniques that it has.

Mask: A mask that covers your face from every bodies perception.

After hearing that Eric quickly took all of the items that somehow boosted his power and learnt all the Hakuda techniques but he didn't have to waste his time on practicing it as his special ability let him to learn it at its Peak/Mastery stage.

His strength was raised by 3 and his Spiritual Pressure was raised by 10 after that it was multiplied by 10 and his current stats looked like this


Race: Hollow

Lv: 7: 23/60

Strength: 10.2 x10= 102

Stamina: 7.1 x10= 71

Defence: 7.3 x10= 73

HP: 16 x10= 160

Spiritual pressure: 20/20 x10= 200/200

Attack: 7.2 x10= 72

Skills: Hakuda, 20 Techniques

Special Abilities: Master: Every skill you learn will be at it Mastery/Peak stage.

Bless: increases your overall statues by 40%.

Eric looked at his stats than went straight to the hollow. Now with his improved stats Eric killed easily by just activating his new sword special ability, which was to multiply his stats by 2 and now his previous stats were improved again.

The way he killed the hollow was easy as he just went in front of the hollow and left it to turn around and the moment it did Eric roared and slashed his sword towards it body.

The hollow saw this and put his hand up to defend the incoming sword attack but sadly the attack just cut through his hand and started to go through his body.

After killing it Eric went and told the system to observe the hollow.

The system observes the hollow and send him new notifications.

Ding= + 120 exp, thanks for crossing ranking kill Exp has multiplied now, you have Levelled up 3 times.

Ding= you have completed missions

Injure a hollow, kill a hollow and observe a hollow, you have levelled up 14x.

Ding=You have completed chain mission

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and has gained 13 level and 1300 anime points.

Eric felt that his strength went up by a lot just in a second and the feeling of getting stronger was very addictive to him right now.

Eric did not want to waste his time and went to kill other hollows.

In no time he found a hollow that he could kill, which was a level 79. Eric didn't waste his time on this guy and went to kill him the moment he saw the hollow.

Eric came in front of the hollow and shaved his sword through the hole on the chest of the hollow and pulled it down.

The hollow had no time to react as his body was cut in half.

After killing it the system send him a notification

Ding= you have killed a level 79 hollow and has gained 2k exp and it has been multiplied by 3 for cross ranking kill. You have levelled up 15 times

Again, he felt that addictive feeling that he was looking for.

1 hour later

It has been almost 1 hour and Eric has almost killed 305 monster that was at least around level 100+. Eric could have killed even more if he went after the weak one but he knew that the weak one would give less exp and wouldn't give him a cross ranking reward.

In this time Eric had gained 65 more levels, which made him very happy.

As Eric was fighting this monster none of them were higher than level than 110 but if any of them were around 167 Eric would have died in their hands.

The reason that he was very happy that he didn't meet any monster at that level was because he learnt that when you reach level 100, and level up again every level gives you 2 points and not one 1. Even though he couldn't kill a level 167 monster his current power was way higher than what it was before.

He has levelled up by 112 levels in one day but unknow to him this was his first state of his evolution, which was the easiest to level up.

(Next chapter might be eric vs 88888ga88)