SSS Rank Mission

After levelling up so much Eric asked the system,

"Show my stats"

After saying a page popped up in front of him,


Race: Hollow

Lv: 112: 280/8000

Strength: 127.2

Stamina: 124.1

Defence: 124.3

HP: 384/384

Spiritual pressure: 187/187

Attack: 120.1

Skills: Hakuda, 20 Techniques

Special Abilities: Master: Every skill you learn will be at its Mastery/Peak stage.

Bless: increases your overall statues by 40%.

After seeing his new statues Eric was quite happy and was ready to go and look around this place.

Soul Society

"Sir there has been a sudden decrease of hollows in Karakura Town".

The person that the info that was being transferred to said

"Send a person from one of the quadrants to check it out"

After saying that the person that received the order disappeared and reappeared in front of a person.

After arriving the person said "Sir Aizen, the head master has said to send one of your quadrants member to check Karakura Town and find out why it hollows disappeared randomly"

After hearing his word Aizen said "okay, I'll send a person to investigate the situation".

Back to story

Eric was about to go and look around this city when he was suddenly felt his body feeling lots of pain.

At first, he thought it was just random pain that he was the result of his growth but then he remembered that the helping hand item, would make him feel lots of pain if he used it.

The pain in his body slowly started to increase big by bit every second and exact time it increased it would be 1/4 more painful than it was.

Eric held his edge of screaming for 10 minutes but now it was to unbearable and he started to scream loudly.

His voice sound like a dying cat screaming, the voice at first was not that loud but after a few minutes his voice was now to the point he could wake up any in an area of 1k but luckily he was a hollow nobody could hear him except himself and the other hollows.

The pain kept on increasing and so did Eric's screaming, this went on for a while.

2 hours later

The pain had stopped and every being that could hear Eric felt a bit of sympathy for him even though they can't feel anything.

When the pain had stopped Eric removed the restriction on the notification when he was fighting the hollows.

He had turned Off for everything except levelling up and the mission notifications.

The moment he removed the notification restriction he heard a new notification.

Ding= You have gained a milestone pack; Next milestone pack is at when you reach level 200.

Eric was very joyful the moment he heard a that he has gained a new pack.

Without waiting for anything he said to the system "open the pack"

Ding= you have gained [ (C) strength pill x23, (C) Escape talisman]

Eric was about to complain about how little things he has gained but he remembered that the first pack he opened as a beginner pack which gave the most rewards.

Eric started to walk around the city and he was wondering about how he could find a better place for fighting.

As he was walking around he suddenly saw something speeding towards him but stopped very far away from him, the only reason he could see him was because that he had the system with him which blocked his presence being sensed by anything.

He looked closely at the thing and suddenly saw a huge number in his stats that he couldn't believe that anyone would have in this place,

He looked at number and saw

Lv: 1600

Race: shinigami

Strength: 13600

Defence: 13842

Agility: 14463

Attack: 11239

Spiritual pressure: 21473

Eric was ready to just walk away and use his Escape Talisman to get away from this person but that thought went against the system when he heard.

Ding= Special Chain Mission. SSS rank mission. Host is advice to do every passable way to succed this mission as the rewards will be huge

1, Ran towards the shinigami, Reward 10 levels

2, ran towards him while he can see you, 10 levels

3, Take your sword and attack him, reward, 10 levels

4, stay in his eye sight for 3 second, reward 20 levels

5, make your sword land on his body, reward 30 levels

6, Clash with him without dying, reward130 levels

7, Take a major injury from him, reward 90 level

8, Make the shinigami injured, rewards 110 levels

9, don't use an escape talisman and ran away from him, rewards 100 levels

Chain mission

Complete 1 -2, rewards 10k anime points and 20 levels

Complete missions 1-3rewards 20k anime points and 15 levels

Complete 1-4, rewards 30k anime points and 30 levels.

Complete missions 1-5, rewards 50k anime points and 100 levels.

Complete mission 1-6, rewards 100k anime points and 150 levels

Complete missions 1-7, rewards 200k anime points and 300 levels

Complete missions 1-8, rewards 500k anime points and 500 levels

Complete mission 1-9, rewards 1m and 1000 levels

Eric was very delighted from seeing the rewards but deep in his heart he know that he won't succeed in the mission so he only had one idea and that was ran away but before he could do anything he heard the system.

If you fail complete 5 of this mission you will lose all of your stats and will not be able to level up for 2 years.

The moment he heard the system he was ready to curse at the system out loud but he know if he did the shinigami would notice it and come to kill him.

Eric now was trying to think of a plan to complete those 5 mission that he needs to complete.

As Eric was thinking about how he could complete 5 of those 9 mission he came up with a brilliant idea.

Which was to wear the mask that he got from gift pack to keep anybody from looking through his disguise, then change his appearance to a normal human but he was not human so he had to add in some Shinigami cloths and try to trick the Shinigami.

Eric went and bought the stuffs that he needed, like cloths from a Shinigami quadrant and an item that could change his face.

He started to walk towards the Shinigami and was ready to introduce himself and ask why he was here