Delightful Discovery


Inside of the library, Niko closed a book that was rested on his hand. He sat on a wooden chair that was carved with strange patterns that depicted spirits. He sat cross-legged near the entrance of the library as he had read many books in his time here. The library wasn't too big or too small as it contained the perfect amount of books and space to read. The library was glossy black with an old renaissance style giving away a very peculiar vibe.

The structure was shaped like a dome with the shelves being on the walls leaving the middle of the library completely empty. The walls were made of the same stone as the cave before, with a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

The bookshelves were made from a dark brown wood, and were also carved with the same patterns as the chair. The floor was unrecognizable as white mist covered it, however, it sounded like wood as Niko walked from and to the bookshelves. The mist never seemed to dissipate even after he opened the door, it was as there was a machine inside of the building creating this mist.

Niko had just checked how much time he had left before he was summoned into the dangerous new world, and he possessed thirty minutes left. He was satisfied, however, he was still a little disappointed. He still did not possess a skill that could aid in combat.

¨What am I even thinking? Skill gems are extremely difficult to drop from monsters and even more difficult to find. I was lucky enough to find one of them… Besides I can't just be taking in every skill I find, I am only allowed to have seven.¨ Niko thought to himself. It was true, he couldn't just take in random skills, he had a specific skill build that he wanted. However, if it was a necessary situation he would definitely use skills outside of his specific build.

Just like in RPG games, people have different builds for different characters. Some people will go with a specific flame mage, while others with a straight up warrior, however, Niko wanted a magician with the least amount of physical combat possible. He hated physical combat and couldn't bother with it. He was inexperienced and weak when it came to it, therefore he wanted to stay far away and deal damage, or maybe not fight at all if he could.

´Alright!¨ After Niko stopped thinking about this matter, he stood up with a book in his hand and moved towards the bookshelves. In the many hours, he was in this library, he had been reading books nonstop. These books varied from, Information on monsters and items to basic information that would seem to belong in the small booklet given by the orb. This library had been extremely helpful in giving him an understanding of things.

Niko was surprised that in this preparation world he felt no fatigue whatsoever. He knew that the world he would be summoned to even though was like a game, it still required a human to eat, drink and sleep. He guessed that the preparation world excluded all of that time-wasting stuff so that the people could actually prepare for the world where their lives were on the line.

Niko walked towards a bookshelf that was closest to him on the wall and placed the book back into the empty slot it was taken from. He then began to look through the shelves in search of a book to read until a strange book caught his eyes. The book was a mixture of black and green with golden writing that read, Spirit Kings Inheritance.

Niko turned his head slightly. This book stood out from the rest and he was surprised he didn't see it before. He moved his hand to grab the book and as he pulled, he was shocked to feel that the book didn't budge a single inch.

¨Huh?¨ Niko´s eyes showed signs of curiosity as he began to use both hands to pull the book. He was pulling with all of his strength and nothing came out of it. He was getting annoyed and frustrated as he couldn't understand how can such a book be this heavy. The faint light green aura that surrounded him began to glow brighter. His reaction had caused the unique title to act up.

To his surprise, something strange happened. The green aura began to surround the book as if they were compatible with one another. Seeing this, Niko took the opportunity to pull the book once more.


The library shook. The chandelier swung back and forth and the shelves began to shake. Suddenly, the middle of the library that was empty before began to open up. The mist that covered the ground began to fall into the hole as it was water going down a cliff.

A stone statue began to move upwards from the hole. The statue was that of a man. The man looked calm as his near perfect face looked ahead. On his hand was a staff that was almost his height. The man wore a robe that covered his feet and in the middle of his chest was a very dark green oval gem.

¨A skill gem!¨ Niko almost screamed out loud.

He looked at the statue once more.

¨I've seen this man before...¨ He thought to himself.

¨Him!¨ Like a light bulb has lightened up in his mind, he finally knew where he had seen the man before. This man was the same man that had summoned many spirits to kill the goat men.

Niko´s eyes moved back towards the skill gem with greed in his eyes. In the middle of the gem was a black skull that seemed to disappear into the gem. From the middle of the skull to its farthest parts, it became much more transparent.

¨A seed skill gem!¨ Niko was even more surprised now. Seed skill gems were gems with a figurine in the middle of the gem and it would greatly affect the future skill gems received. Of the skill gems that people are able to receive from a monster, there would be a 75% chance that the skill gem is associated with the seed skill gem. Niko began to understand this after reading in this library, which also meant that Louis might have a seed skill gem as well.

To some, seed skill gems might seem like nothing more than another skill gem, however, those with seed skill gems would be able to possess a more balanced set of skills. Usually, skill gems that dropped were completely random, meaning, one person could receive only attacking skill gems and not anything else, leaving themselves completely weak in defense or vice versa. It was a type of gambling with your life on the line.

Niko moved forward towards the statue. The statue was a head taller than him, therefore checking the gem wasn't a problem.

[Celestial Probe]

Information on the skill popped up in Nikos mind.

[Skill: Spirit King's Order]

Level: None

Description: A skill used by the Spirit King. The skill allows the user to order the spirits of the dead to fight for them. The Spirits will serve the user as its master and listen to every order.

[Additional Information]

+1 Intelligence

+1 Mana

+1 Mana power

If the dead were killed by the owner of the skill, and the skill is used on it, the spirit will be summoned a rank less than it was once it was alive, with the potential to grow to a rank higher. (May vary depending on the level).

If the dead were not killed by the owner of the skill and the skill is used on it, it will be a rankless spirit with the with an unknown potential lower than when it was alive (May vary depending on the level).

For a spirit to achieve its full potential and level up, fighting and killing are necessary.

The longer the target has been dead for, the higher the risk of failure.


Unique Title ¨One Surrounded by Spirits¨ required to activate.

2 mana is required to activate.

2 mana power will be used up when the skill is used (Amount of mana power used varies by level of spirit.)



¨So much information...¨ Niko began to sweat and shake in excitement. He could barely process everything. At this moment he was extremely happy to have a skill like Celestial Probe, which allowed him to know more than normal people.

¨This skill is the same as the skill used by the man!¨ Niko understood, that those spirits that slaughtered the goat men were summoned by this same skill.

As Niko was admiring such a skill, another screen appeared in his mind.

[30 seconds left until summoning]

Niko hurriedly said, ¨Yes! Activate!¨

The skill gem began to glow as it disappeared from the man´s chest and into his status.

Niko was relieved that he was able to find this skill. He was excited. He finally had the power he needed. He could summon armies to fight for him, this was something extremely useful and it would aid in his search for his sister.

Before he was summoned, Niko said, ¨Status¨

[Name: Niko Lazar]

Level: 1

Exp: 0%


Strength: 1

Constitution: 1 (+2)

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 1(+1)

Mana: 1(+1)

Mana Power: 4/4

[Unique Title]

One Surrounded by Spirits(Passive)


Celestial Probe I

Spirit King's Order

Delight flashed across his eyes as the countdown reaches zero.

[Summoning Beginning]