
¨Huh?¨ Niko looked around after being summoned. He was in a grassland biome that possessed a few trees here and there, and along with him, there were around one hundred other people.

¨Why are there one hundred people? Could the rest have died? Surely not… That would be a terrifying mortality rate…¨ Niko´s heart shook.

The people around him varied, just like when he was first summoned to the preparation world. However, the variation wasn't age or looks but their condition. Some people had cuts all over their bodies while others looked so clean it was as if they had just taken a shower.

The people around him held grim looks on their faces as they looked around as well.

Niko noticed, that not too far away was the entrance to another biome, strangely enough, he never thought that two biomes would be this close to each other. The biome was a jungle and the trees were bright green as the biggest amongst them, peaked at about the same height as a fifteen story building.

Everything was extremely similar to earth, although there were some trees and flowers he had never seen before all around.

¨Fuck that orb! Where the fuck am I anyway?¨ A foul-mouthed man barked. He looked dirtied as his body was covered in stains. As the orb was no longer around, he gained the courage to speak about it.

¨What do we do?!¨ A woman shouted with fear.

¨Hahah! Hey, honey!¨ Another man spoke with lust.

Niko looked at these people in disdain, most of them didn't look like anything special. They didn't seem to take the words of the orb to heart, as they were afraid and weak. Niko couldn't blame them, though, this can be very hard to adapt to. However, a few of these people stood out.

A fat man in casual clothes looked uninterested as he sat on the ground playing with his necklace. The man's hair was combed over and his mustache shone as if it was dipped in oil. It looked like he was in his own world.

Another man with a huge mohawk held a sinister look on his face as he was inspecting people around him. His mouth held a huge smile as his tongue was hanging from it. One of his eyes looked bigger than the other and the man truly looked crazy.

But the person who stood out the most was a bald man who was about three meters away from Niko. The bald man wore a clear white and red robe, almost like the Spirit King´s from before. His head was bald and his face emitted an aura of tranquility as the pronounced jaw made him look manly and serious. His hands were behind his back as he stood there looking around. Although his face was expressionless, a friendly vibe could be felt from him, unlike the other two people who stood out. Suddenly.

¨Oh, my God! Look!¨ A man screamed and pointed towards the jungle biome that was around 100 meters away from them.

The trees from the jungle began to sway back and forth as if they were dancing with one another. Then something terrifying appeared. Insects. around fifteen bugs came flying out of the trees at extreme speeds. The scary thing about this was the size of these insects. The biggest of them was a beetle-like insect, about the size of a small car, while the smallest one was the size of a dog.

There were two of the beetle-like insect while the rest consisted of the smaller house fly looking insects.

They approached extremely quickly and as people saw this, many began to panic. Niko looked around and noticed that people began to scatter to try and escape, however, those who stood out along with a few courageous others, stood there and waited for the huge insects to come.

The words of the orb were embedded deep within their minds, therefore many chose to stay and fight. As the insects saw the humans scatter, a few of the smaller fly looking bugs began to scatter as well towards the escaping humans. Since the insects were much faster they caught up and began to massacre the weak humans ruthlessly.

The scene was brutal as many of the people were getting eaten alive. Screams and pleas for help could be heard, however, no one came to their rescue. The people getting slaughtered were unable to fight back as pain took away their will to fight and they were easily taken out. A scene seen only in movies, a scene that could turn the stomach of many, a scene that was hard to handle, this scene showed how ruthless this world could be.

The gigantic beetles were approaching the people who stood still. These beetles were much slower than the flies, however, they looked much stronger as their bodies dwarfed the bodies of the flies. These beetles, looked like European rhinoceros beetles commonly seen on earth, however, their horns were shaped like spears as it faced forward, ready to penetrate anything in its way. Their whole body was dark blue while their spear-like horn was shining silver, making them look extremely strange.


Niko quickly looked at the bald man who still looked expressionlessly at the arriving beetle and moved towards him.

¨My skill isn't ready as of yet, I need a corpse first. I need to wait for one of these people to kill these insects and I will extract their souls¨ Niko thought as he quickly moved towards the bald man. He stood behind the bald man, leaving the bald man between him and the beetles that were approaching.

Niko wasn't being a coward, but smart. Facing the beetle's head on right now would be absolute stupidity on his part, therefore, he could use the bald man to help him get a spirit.

¨Is he capable of killing the beetles?¨ Niko wondered as he looked at the still calm bald man. If the bald man wasn't then he would be in big trouble.

[Celestial Probe]!

[Name: Dharma Kyidtodpa]

Level: 3


Demonic Whirlwind Palm

"He is level three!!" Niko exclaimed in excitement being leveled at this time was extremely outstanding. The fact that he is already leveled right after leaving the preparation world shows that he is an extremely outstanding person.

"How come I never even heard of this guy back on earth? He was probably capable of superhuman things! Unbelievable!" Niko exclaimed in disbelief.

The beetles separated and landed on different sides of the crowd. One of them flew down with extreme speed and pierced through a man's stomach as it landed a few meters ahead of the bald man. The horn that pierced the man was bathed in crimson blood as intestines and tattered clothing hung from it. The screams from the pierced man echoed throughout the crowd making everyone's mind go blank.

Niko looked at the creature as sweat was flowing down his head. He was feeling uneasy and disgust as he would never expect to witness such a scene. A beast the size of a car was right in front of him. A beast capable of killing many.

Many people took steps back as, even though they stayed due to courage, seeing such a beast up close was much more different.

The now lifeless body of a skinny man dangled from the horns of the beast. The man's body was arched downwards as the silver spear-like horn of the beetle was through him.

"Hum!" The beetle made a sound and suddenly shook his head throwing the body of the dead man far to the side as if it was nothing.

Niko began to feel nausea, however, he understood that this was the new world he was in. This was the world of life and death. He needed to adapt to this world, otherwise, he will be just like that skinny man who was tossed like a bag of meat.

[Celestial Probe]

[Name: Silver Horn Beetle]

Level: 2


Powerful Charge

Niko's eyes widened as he stared at the beetle's Level. Even though it was level two, it was still powerful compared to everyone here.

The beast turned towards the bald man as if it was staring at its worst enemy. The bald man was unfazed as it stared at the beast with a calm look in its eyes.

The horn of the beetle began to glow a faint white color. The thick blue wing cover raised and the wings began to move at an extremely fast speed.

"Swoosh!" The beast began to fly towards the bald man at extreme speeds fearlessly.

The bald man in the blink of an eye moved his body and extended his palm towards the beetle as it approached quickly.

A red aura surrounded his palm as it began to look like a red hurricane. The tip of the hurricane was the front of his palm and it almost looked like the tip of an arrow. It swirled violently, looking like a hurricane of blood.


Smoke and a strange red light quickly enveloped both of them. People looked at one another, some with hope, while others looked with doubt and fear. The smoke began to dissipate leaving the man standing there. The battle was completely anticlimactic as the beast died in a flash. The beetle lay there with its face pierced a new hole. Green blood gushing out of its head like a waterfall as some of the legs twitched back and forth.