
"Is this the end of a sewer system?" ivanic asked curiously.

"I think so, but we are not sure what this is the sewer system of… Come." The woman waved towards the sewer system as she walked in.

As Niko and the others took a step inside of the huge hole, their noses were attacked by the pungent smell of sewage which made their eyes almost water.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." The woman said as she continued walking inside.

Niko analyzed his surroundings, to make sure this wasn't a trap, and through their minds, Niko and his group agreed to stay farther back and allow Fumito's group to move ahead of them.

The woman extended her hand and a lantern appeared on it, as her watch lit up slightly. The inside of this sewage system was dull as the only thing that wasn't gray was the ground with stains of sewage water and other things. Their nose was still covered by their clothes as they kept moving forward.

It didn't take long until they were finally in a much more spacious area of the sewer. There were other people sitting around in this space as they looked towards the newcomers.

The space they were in was just like everything else, grey and dull. A few lanterns were placed here and there to light up the surroundings, revealing strange levers here and there as well as another huge hole that led deeper into the sewer system.

Looking around Niko was able to recognize a man who was on the corner sitting silently with his eyes shut. Dharma, the bald man he had been summoned with. He wore the same kind of robe that Niko was currently wearing and looked extremely peculiar as he was the only person in this place with a calm look on his face.

"Oh great, more survivors!" A man with full leather armor spoke on the side. He possessed short black hair and a tanned complexion, and on his back were two axes which were died in blood. Next to him was a woman who seemed to be in her late thirties, her hair was long and dirty down her back, as she also wore leather armor.

In all, there were four people in this space, Dharma, the armored man, and woman, as well as a woman still in her Earthly clothes sitting on the side, with her face in complete distraught as her blond hair was a complete mess.

Reaching their destination, the woman turned towards the group and spoke, "We are here, get some rest whenever you feel like it."

The armored man walked towards them, as the woman who brought them here went to the side to sit as well as her attitude was that of someone who couldn't be bothered.

"Hello, my name is Singh. It will get dark soon, and I know you guys are super tired, so feel free to get some rest. Tomorrow morning we will head out in search of a safer area." The armored man spoke, as the others nodded.

Before he left he gave the names of everyone, "That right there is Pryia..." he pointed at the other woman who was talking to him, "The woman who brought you in is Veronica, that guy in the back there is… Uh… Just call him monk, and she is Adele."

After the introduction, the group that Niko came inside with began to segregate, leaving behind Nikos group who sat at one corner and Fumito's group which was somewhere else. Eitan decided to sit with Niko's group, as Candreva saved him.

Throughout this whole time, although in the outside they might not have been saying much, in their minds there was a lot of discussion going on. They have currently agreed that some might be tired and it was fine to sleep, however, one must always be awake to watch out. They cannot trust anyone. This was Niko's Idea, and he knew that there wasn't a single person in this world other than his sister he couldn't trust. Although his little group has been through a lot with him, he still held doubts, as he knew the greed of humans.

There was silence in the sewer as the only sounds that could be heard from time to time were Singh and Priya conversing over their past lives in India.

As time passed, Eitan, Candreva, and Zheng had fallen asleep, Ivanic agreed to be the one watching out for anything, but Niko simply couldn't sleep. Although he was extremely tired, he was unable to sleep. Too much was going on in his mind. He regretted not getting the last hit on those Boar Kings before, but even if he did, he might not have time to take the spirit. He missed his sister, his home, clean clothes, his bed, and everything he took for granted on earth.

Time continued to pass, and Niko was almost dozing off, but then something caught his attention. A sound, that seemed faint but loud enough to be heard by Niko. He turned his head to notice the young lady called Adele laying in a fetus position crying to herself.

"Are you ok Adele…?" Singh turned towards her and asked. Her crying might have gone unnoticed by those who were sleeping, but those awake were able to hear it well.

"No! No, I'm not ok!" She yelled from her position. The sound of pain and confusion in her voice. She was shaking slightly, and her Earthly clothes which were already dirty, were getting dirtier and dirtier. Her yell awoke those who were sleeping, as the only people who didn't seem to react was Dharma, who stayed seated with his eyes closed, and Veronica who still seemed to be sleeping.

Niko frowned. Adele was showing signs of a mental breakdown, and someone like this would be a complete hazard when in a group.

"Hey, Adele… Relax… We are safer now, alright…?" Singh tried to calm her, but it was futile.

"SAFE!?!?! For how long?! We are just waiting for our demise!" She sat up, tears down her face, and continued, "You fools! The Devils are doing this! God is dead! We must go back and beg the protectors! We must!!!"

Adele quickly stood up and looked around manically, then without a single word of warning she rand out of the place they were in, and into the whole that led out, telling, "I will beg them! I will be saved!"

Singh was about to go after her until Priya grabbed his arms and shook her head.

She was a lost cause, she was done for. She had gone completely insane and there was no saving her at this point. As she left yelling, the place was silent again. No one had anything to say, there was only a slight worry in their heart, that her crazy yelling might reveal where they were hiding.

After this, the night went on like all others, as Niko was beginning to doze off. His eyelids became as heavy as a mountain as they slowly shut, and his world turned black. The events of today completely exhausted him, both mentally and physically. This was a much-needed rest.