
"Swosh!" two eyes opened wide, revealing thin red veins that expanded like rivers on the white parts of the eyes. Underneath the eyes and the bottom eyelids, there were small bags of skin, showing that this person was extremely tired. This was Niko, and ever since the crazy woman Adele left, screaming like a maniac, he was unable to sleep properly. Although he unintentionally fell asleep after she left, he was awoken as he believed he heard something, but it turned out to be his imagination. There was a strange feeling of danger whenever he closed his eyes as if there was something about to happen. This was the same feeling many people felt after watching a scary movie during the night time or walking home in a deserted dark street, it was a scary, yet suspenseful feeling.

This time it was different. This time he honestly believes he had heard something, "I'm not going crazy like Adele now am I?" He murmured looking around and seeing the others sleeping. He can't be crazy, he definitely heard a woman's voice.

His heart felt heavy as he was beginning to be worried about himself, as he didn't want to become a burden. Looking around once more he noticed that Kyle, the American and Priya also had their eyes open, as they all looked at one another with a gaze which asked more questions than anything. He definitely wasn't crazy, they heard it as well, and as he was about to call the others.

"AHHH!!!!!" An ear piercing came from the outside. The same ear-piercing scream that Adele game as she left the sewer system.

The scream woke everyone in the room, as they quickly stood up in confusion, grabbing their weapons. Then another scream sounded, and the following sounds made their hearts drop.



Although these were the sounds of pig, it was strange. The boars didn't make these sounds when Niko fought them before.

"Ugh! Let's help her out!"Andrea said, but as soon as she said so, everyone's face looked displeased and ugly, especially Singh.

Singh's face became extremely ugly, as he looked at everyone and said, "No! We need to get the hell out of here as quick as possible, that bitch brought them here, and I'm telling you, she brought more than those dumb boars! Go!"

Although everyone was confused they entered the hole and went further into the mountain. As they moved, they could hear Adele's screams, followed by the sounds of breaking bones and flesh being ripped apart.

Niko's heart was beating extremely fast, he simply could not catch a break. Everyone ran further in, as the sounds outside became silent.

"What do you mean more than just the boars?" As they walked Ivanic asked

"Listen, there is something leading this damn attack, some weird humanoid monster with a pig head. It's intelligent and strong! Even someone at level ten was unable to beat them!" Singh's voice had the sound of fear within as they moved slightly faster.


"They are in!" Zheng said as everyone knew what he meant. The oink echoed throughout the sewer, letting everyone know, it had entered it.

Niko was sweating profusely, he was becoming confident in himself and his skills, but when he thinks about facing a monster that not even level ten players can beat, he knows what his fate might be.

"Those damn protectors! If I make it out alive I will tear them into pieces! How could they do this to us!" Priya cursed as she moved forward with a lantern on hand.

"They aren't obligated to take care of us, it's our fault for even trusting them. We know how people can be, and putting our lives in their hands is.. UGH!" Kyle said shaking his head as he knew he was guilty of this.

Niko agreed. As he looked at the situation, he knew how naive himself and everyone in the settlement was. HUmans are greedy, and although such a massacre is unimaginable, we can never discard what a human can do.

"But what could we do? We are summoned into a world we don't know, and those guys are the only ones with the knowledge and power to help us!" Priya had an annoyed look on her face whilst she kept on walking, and as Kyle was about to reiterate, they all came to a halt.

In front of them the hole continued on, however, on the side there was a closed air locked door, with a lever on the front of it.


Hearing this, the hairs in the back of their necks raised in fear. The sounds of the pigs are getting way too loud and close for comfort.

"Open that damn door and let's go in! It has already caught up this far, if we continue going farther into the mountain it will catch up in no time!" Ivanic said, and everyone agreed.

Candreva quickly ran up to the door, to turn the lever.

"Ugh!" Candreva attempted to turn the lever but to no avail. Not a single budgie.


He looked at the group frantically, as everyone including Niko had worried looks. The monster was way too close!

Suddenly, Dharma ran to the door and gripped the lever with both hands. Like an ancient gear turning for the first time in a long time, the gear began to move. Slowly the lever turned completely as the door was opened, revealing an airlock to another door of the same kind, however, the other door was facing the opposite way, meaning it only closed and locked from the other side, which could be extremely useful at this moment.

Seeing this and witnessing the strength of Dharma everyone wanted to ask questions, but due to the circumstance, escaping was the only thing they could think of.

"Move!" Fumito screamed as he ran inside along with everyone else. After everyone entered, they quickly shut the door and went through the other, and closing it once more, locking it from their side.



Right after closing they began to hear bangs on the door and ferocious oinks that made someone's soul shake.

Everyone felt relieved as they dropped to the ground breathing heavily. The sounds of banging and oinks stopped, creating an eerie silence which was as scary as everything else.

"Where are we…?" Niko asked as he looked around.