Beginner Town? (1)

Lucien first checked out his loots. Staring at the dagger in his hand for second, the system told him that he got an appraisal skill and a screen popped up, showing the dagger status.

[Steel dagger]

Rank: Common

Attack Power: 56

Durability: 12/20

A normal steel dagger created by a nameless blacksmith.

"What!? 56 attack power!? I would just die if I got picked by it and it's just a common rank? Oh lord god." Lucien really felt that this world was too hard to live in.

Next, he took out all items from the pouch. There was not much in it, just a few pills, herbs, berries and coins.

[Minor Insect Paralysis Pill]x1

[Homeostasis Pill]x2

[Red Coiling Herb]x1

[Panam Berry]x6

[Copper Coin]x13

His appraisal skill went up to level 3. It took him around 10 seconds staring at the object before the appraisal worked. Except for dagger, however, other items didn't give much information.

"I don't have to worry about food for now with these berries."

Panam berries were the one Gibb gave him before. He really felt fine eating them. With juice inside, it could satiate his thirst moderately.

"Now it's time to check my status. Let's look at the path first." Lucien opened up his path menu. On the corner it said he now had 43 PP. Curious at how it worked, he looked at his skill list. There were many new skills on the list.

"So, I will get those PP, which probably stands for Path Point, every skill levels I get, except the level 1."

The path function of the system was so important to him now that he knew he wouldn't get any experience from killing monster which means… "Fuck! I can't level up!"

Putting points in the path giving him stats which was the only way he could think of to get stronger. Well, this world was not a game. Level 60s Gibbs was still killed losing too much blood. "Even with millions HP, if I get my head cut, I will die."

"However, stats are still important." Lucien had already experienced the wonders of stats from the +15 all stats he got. The feeling was indescribable. His body changed so much just from those stats. His higher strength, agility, reaction and other stats allowed him to climb the tree, an action he had never done before in his whole life.

So does skill. Although acting skill didn't do much, other skills had. His dagger mastery made him not feel uncomfortable holding a dagger anymore. He felt like he could use the dagger more professional, well, not that exaggerating, still a newbie though.

Coming back to the path menu, there were Abyss Traveler Path 0/50, Luck Path 0/60, Wind Magic Path 0/30, Trainee Path 0/20, Surpasser Path 0/250. Two new paths for him. Trainee Path was probably the upgrade of Newbie Path. As for Surpasser Path, it was awarded to him. The path looked interesting but it took too many points so he gave up.

Abyss Traveler was a no go. It likely wouldn't make him stronger. Luck Path was the same. He wanted to prioritize what he currently need first. As a result, he chose Trainee Path which he had enough points to finish it. Then, he would go with Wind Magic Path. He couldn't resist the temptation of magic after all.

[Congratulations! You have earned 5 health points.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 5 mana points.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 5 stamina points.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 1 stat point.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 1 stat point.]

[Ding! You have encountered a branching path. You can pick Warrior branch, Mage branch, or Production branch. Please be reminded that the branch you choose will influence the skills and rewards receiving from Trainee Path!]

"Hm? Path doesn't only give me pure stat point to allocate?" Lucien felt the need to explore more about system. As for the branchings, he chose the Mage branch. He hoped it could synergize with his Wind Magic Path next.

[Congratulations! You have chosen the Mage Branch. +1 intelligence, +1 wisdom, +5 mana points, +1 mana regen. You have got a skill, Light Orb lv1.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 3 mana points.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 1 mana regen.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 1 stat point.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 4 mana points.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 1 magic stat.]

Then, the reward went in cycle of 5 here. He also got Mana shield lv1 at 10 PP, Paralysis lv1 at 15 PP and at 20 PP...

[Congratulations! You have completed Trainee Path(Mage branch)! +5 mana points, +1 mana regen, +2 magic stats, +4 mana per level. You have got a skill, Meditation lv1.]

The effect of the skill was likely as the name said. However, Lucien was curious at the Meditation skill.

Meditation lv1 : Stabilize your mind and meditate to increase the rate of mana recovery by 2X percent.(X = Skill level)

"It is useless for now but will be quite useful if I can level it up. However, ugh, I hate meditation. I just can't sit still doing nothing!" mumbled Lucien. The longest mediation he had done in his whole life was 47 seconds.

With 23 PP left, he put them all in Wind Magic Path without hesitation. This path was different from the two before. It only rewarded him every 5 PP.

[Congratulations! You have earned 20 mana points.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 3 mana regen.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 1 intelligence and wisdom.]

[Congratulations! You have earned 1 control.]

It didn't give him any skill. He guessed he would get one at the completion, only 7 more PP to go. From two paths, he mostly got the stats in magic category and it was definitely okay to him. If possible, he wanted to just kill monsters in range.

However, Lucien knew it was too optimistic to think like that. He would not throw away close combat fighting style, though it was scary. It was just magic was convenient for now as the random path from system happened to be magic related. A few paths still could not decide his whole fight style yet.

"Yawn~ Let's just think about it tomorrow." Lucien was so tired right now. The stress he got today was too much for a young boy. He decided to save his free stats for now.

Looking at his new status, Lucien went into a deep sleep.

Lucien Santosa

Class: N/A

Level: 0

Title: 'Will of Survivor', 'One Who Surpass'

Legacy: N/A

Health(/r per hour): 126(63.5)

Mana(/r per hour): 165(51.5)

Stamina(/r per min): 69(23)

Strength: 18

Agility: 25

Endurance: 18

Vitality: 18

Perception: 17

Reaction: 19

Dexterity: 18

Intelligent: 20

Wisdom: 19

Control: 18

Indomitable: 18

(5 free stats, 5 magic stats)

Skill: Acting lv21, Mana Arrow lv1, Heavy Blow lv1, Running lv7, Pain Resistant lv8, Dagger Mastery lv12, Climbing lv3, Appraisal lv3, Light Orb lv1, Mana Shield lv1, Paralysis lv1, Meditation lv1

PP: 0

Completed Path: Newbie 5/5, Trainee 20/20

Current Path: Wind Magic 23/30

Available Path: Abyss Traveler 0/50, Luck Path 0/60, Surpasser Path 0/250

3-4 hours later, around midnight

"Ah... I need to pee." Lucien rubbed his eyes.




"Damn it, I will bear it for now!" Then he went back to sleep in tears.