Good People are Everywhere (3)

"Sir, I want to sell these herbs."

In the middle of a town plaza, a cloaked small figure was standing in front of a stall. In front of him was a grey skin old man who seemed to be a stall owner.

"Hm? These are all just normal herbs. I'll give you 20 coppers in total." The owner said lazily.

"Hey, old man, don't think I'm an idiot. Do you think I don't know the price?" Under the cloak, one can see a child face, having a carefree smile.

"Fine, 35 coppers then." The old man said with a stony face. He was not human but a race with stony skin.

"If you still want to lie, at least make it more realistic. Come, look at my eyes and said the price again. I'll give you another chance." The kid's voice sounded carefree but his eyes was chilling.

The owner felt his sweat trickled down and realize that the one in front of him was not a pushover. Although he looked young, he had a mysterious aura. Thus, he gave in. "F-fine, 65 coppers, not more than this."

The cloaked figure continued to smile for 10 seconds. Right when he was about to open his mouth, the owner opened his first.

"Tch, 80 coppers. Just take the money and go away."

The small seller didn't say anything. He handed the herbs, took the money and walked away.

'Phew~ That old scumbag! I almost got scammed by 4 times the price!' Lucien grumbled in his heart. Actually, he thought 65 coppers was the correct price, that's why he was smile praising himself inwardly how smart he was. Never did he think it was not.

'Dammit! Just where are good people these day!?'

Covered by a cloak stolen from the orphanage, Lucien walked around the town. He wanted to buy something useful before going outside the town, being aware that he was being wanted here.

Now that he had a chance to observe his supposed-to-be beginner town, he was amazed by literally everything. There was variety of races walking on the streets, some weird but cool monsters dragging the carriages. The buildings here were beautiful as well.

'It's like I'm in the fantasy world! Oh right, this is one. Abyss, huh? Isn't this town too peaceful.' Normally, as a kid, he should be happy being sent to the world full of sword and magic, dreaming of being a hero saving the world or some sorts.

However, recalling an experience he had been through these past few days, his face turned soured. He couldn't even enjoyed a peaceful life.

Although Hoodwinking helped him concealing his level and title, one should not forget how high the level of this world. A world where he, Lucien Santosa, could die from literally anyone.

Not wanting to take more risk of being caught by someone with high observation skill, Lucien wanted to part this town as soon as possible.

He found a big supermarket at center of plaza. The sign board was written in an unseen language but he could understand it.

Gold Bag Alliance, Panam Branch

Seeing many people walking in and out, Lucien went to look inside.

The inside was split into zones. There were weapon, armor, potion, pill, herb, miscellaneous, skill and magic.

'Wow! Skills and magic are being sold!?'

Lucien walked around, looking at products displayed in every zones. He only had 93 coppers, far more than enough to buy something good.

In the skill and magic zones, there were name of skills hanging on the wall, along with description and pictures demonstrating the effects. Lucien found the magic, Wind Blade, that Gibbs used backed then, on the list as well. The skill only costed dozens of silver, a lower than average price.

The currency in this world was not complicating. 100 coppers equal to 1 silver and 100 silvers equal to 1 gold. Most of skills and magics costed at least 80 silvers. Lucien just walked out feeling disappointed.

In the end, he bought one lowest grade stamina potion for 20 coppers, one lowest grade mana potion for 30 coppers and a bottle of paralysis liquid, extracted from monster, for another 30 coppers, a total of 80 coppers.

As for why he didn't buy health potion? You are funny, anyone could kill him with one strike, so it didn't matter if he had tens of potions. He wouldn't have a chance to use them.

Both lowest grade potion could recover 100 points each, which was all he could get with his money. A paralysis liquid could be smeared on his dagger. Of course, this liquid was more effective than his measly level 6 paralysis skill.

With his left over 13 coppers, he bought a nice pair of normal shoes, one that could wear in the forest, and few other necessary stuff.

Surrounding by many higher league people, his Hoodwinking skill rose up by a lot, so as sneak and acting.

From his observation, he saw that his skill level rose much faster using against higher league people than practicing it himself or someone weak, like those kids in orphanage.

Although he wanted his attack skill level to increase a lot faster, he couldn't randomly attack people here. So, he tried his best to raise his sneak, appraisal and hoodwinking in the town.

By the time he finished preparing everything, it had already been two hours since he left the orphanage.

He walked out of the merchant alliance sneakily, not realizing someone was watching him.

A fat man sitting in the corner of the shop called out his servant and whispered something. Then, he smiled mischievously.


It took Lucien an hour to walked to the east gate. Yep, he decided to head east. His current goal was to find a safe place and quietly train for weeks, maybe months or years, until he gets strong enough.

'I can't level up. My only way to get stronger now is to raise my skill levels and put PP into path. What I need now is time.'

Lucien still believed he was a protagonist. As long as he was diligent in training, he was convinced he could become the strongest!

"It's time for my adventurer!" shouted Lucien cheerfully as he walked through the gate.

Passing the plain full of farms and livestocks, he finally entered the forest.

'This should be the east side of Panam forest.'

The feeling it gave was almost the same as the south part he was summoned to.

Lucien started to run forward. His speed was faster now with Grace of the Wind. Feeling the wind around pushing himself forward, he activated all his movement skill and rushed into the forest.

He toggled his skills on and off trying to find the best way to utilize his mana and stamina. He then rested every once in a while to recover.

After around two hours, he stopped. His dug a hole on the ground with his hands, putting something inside and covered it. Then, he left.

Just a few seconds after Lucien advanced, a shadow appeared at the same place. It looked at the ground curiously.


A half transparent ball flew straight to the shadow's head, however it was dodged easily. The ball hit a tree behind, exploding the bark.


"Kid, you actually know you have been trailed, huh?" A black clothed man with a sword hanging of his waist said with a hint of praise. He looked at the kid, who was standing 30 meters in front of him, paled face.

"W-why are you f-following me?" Lucien said shakingly. "W-who sent you?"

"No need for you to know. I was instructed to follow you and see where you were heading," the man said slowly. "But now that you already know, be a good kid and come with me then, hehe."

"N-no way! Air Burst!" The kid shot a half transparent ball once more. However, the man dodged even more easily this time.

"H-how!? That was my most powerful skill!" The kid exclaimed in shock. He stepped back with his trembling legs unconsciously.

"You think that toy of you can hit me, haha!" The man said mockingly. "Stop your futile struggle and come with me."


Seeing the boy being stubborn, the man just chuckled as the boy ran away.

After a few seconds, he started his hunting. "Let's see how far you can go, boy!"

He already knew that the boy was quite fast, however, this speed was nothing much in his eyes.

The kid kept screaming as he ran, begging him to stop chasing. 'This kid is a joke!'

Moreover, after chasing for a few minutes, the kid stumbled on the ground.

"N-No just leave me alone. G-Go away!" He started crying pitifully, crawling of the ground. "W-What do you want from me! I don't have anything!"

"Ahh, just shut up kid." Not in the mood to play anymore, the man caught the kid's arm, not bothering to even use his sword.

However, his eyes widened in astonish as his hand passed through the kid like he was touching nothing.

Before he could process what's going on-


Blood flowed

The man quickly held his neck. His eyes turned red as he saw the crying kid disappeared into smoke and a new one appeared in front of him, looking at him with cold eyes.

"Fuck you~" The 'new' kid smiled softly.

Fuming with rage, the man knew he wasn't going to make it alive. He used all his power and punched into the kid's chest.

As if foreseeing the future, the kid dodged the strike with his fast speed by a small margin.

"I'm not gonna fall over the same trick again, you see. People of this world really like to land a hit before they die, huh."

Not understanding the kid's nonsense, the nameless man used his skill and kick with an untraceable speed, blowing the kid away.


"Fuck! It's the third fucking time already! Gosh!"

Seeing the hateful kid smashing through the trees, the man smiled contently as his vision blacked out.