I’m just an ordinary high school student (2)


All he could hear was the sound of wind as he moved at an incomprehensible speed. The gale pushed him forward and he let his heart flew with it.

No one could see him and no one could feel the impact from his speed. He ran happily, flexibly dodging all the obstacles.

This was Lucien with his Grace of the Wind. There was no need to use other skills as this much was enough.

After coming back to Earth for 3 months, exactly 2 years since he was summoned to Abyss. Now it was mid April which is Spring season in Japan, so the temperature was very nice.

Although it had only been 2 two years, Earth had changed a lot. But civilians' daily life wasn't affected much.

There were monsters popping out here and there. However, they were too few and too weak to cause a disturbance. Many countries' military could easily handle them. Alicia said these monster should be less than level 5.

'Such a poor monsters'

Not only they couldn't do their jobs, by causing chaos, they were treated like treasures as everyone wanted their body. Even many teenagers wanted to see them like seeing animals in a zoo.

However, they didn't know the severity of the situation. These monsters were born, even BEFORE the system could come to Earth!

Right, Lucien couldn't open his status menu at all yet he still felt the existence of his skills. Moreover, Earth already had mana from a long time ago, maybe hundreds of years. But concentration of it rose sharply these past few years.

Until it became enough to create a monster!

Not only monsters, some people had awaken special powers and this was what bringing chaos. Yep, now human was doing monsters' jobs.

The World Government and every countries were hunting for these people. They called this kind of people, 'A Mutant'.

Watching from youtube, most of the powers were very weak, like creating little flame or maybe water. However, some of them had very dangerous power like mind controlling. And most of these mutants with dangerous power became villains.

It's not that the government is killing or arresting all mutants as there are still good people among them. The good ones will just be under a strict observation

Well, the situations were still within control so people mostly had the same daily life. As for the future when the number of mutants increased? No one knew.

When he reached his school, Tokyo Arifu HIgh School, there was around ten minutes left. Many students were walking and talking with their friends happily. However, no one seemed to notice Lucien.

This was the power of his Myth rating skill. Although he still didn't know to what extent did his skill could do as he couldn't open the description, he at least knew that it had something to do with concealment.

As long as he wanted, no one could see him or feel his existence, not even Alicia or any Transcendent Beings. Such an OP skill, right?

Well, he only used it when he ran to school. It would be too lonely if he concealed himself all the time.

'Mythical Veil of Ethereal Serenity, ah, such a long name, but it sounds cool so I'm fine. Deactivate'


"I-Is that?"

"T-The Prince!"

There were 'Kiyah's everywhere as students could finally see him. With his 51 points in charm and his natural face, he was very attractive.

And of course, he felt good about his popularity. On the surface, however, he put on a cool expression. He had a k-pop hair style with dark blue eyes. Coupled with his snow-white-like skin, he was truly a Prince Charming.

His calm demeanor struck into many girls heart. He could hear whispers about him from anywhere he went.

They were all in Japanese but he could understand all of them. With his high intelligent and wisdom, he mastered Japanese in two weeks. It's not like he became a pro already, but his skill was enough for him to speak fluently.

Unlike him, Alicia learned both English and Japanese in two days. Yep, two days. Her transcendent brain really made him jealous. Because there was no system on Earth right now, there was no language assistance anymore.

Lucien and she were even bewildered when they couldn't understand each other for the first time.

Well, back to the school, Lucien put a bag on his desk and he sat down quietly. Of course, as a 'protagonist', he chose the back seat closing to the window. Everyone just let him choose his seat on the first day.


Although he was very popular, aside from the envious gaze from boys and lovestruck gaze from girls, no one really talked to him. There was no girls confessing loves as the girls' society was keeping their own kind in check.

No friends too as the boys felt inferiority complex just from meeting his eyes.

'Well, at least I can watch this real life anime.'

Lucien looked at the other corner, opposite from his seat. There were three guys bullying a weak looking boy.

"Oi! Oi! Kiyomori-san, can I borrow your money?"

That legendary 'Oi' made Lucien shivered. That line by Bully#1 was exactly like anime. Although he add '-san' to show respect, on his face was not an ounce of it.

"I-I have n-no money."

The one that was bullied was called Shin Kiyomori, or Kiyomori Shin in Japanese way. Kiyomori was his family name and Shin was his given one. That 'Shin' was a qualified protagonist name. His face was not bad and could be said to be good looking. In addition to his weak physique, he was the perfect target to be bullied.

"Hey! We're friend, right? Kiyomori-san?"

"Yeah! We are just borrowing, not stealing!"

Said the Bully#2 and Bully#3 respectively.

"B-But you haven't r-returned my money from l-last week."

Aww, what a poor Kiyomori-san. Lucien was actually enjoyed it a bit. Not because he loved bullying, but, this guy's story was not normal. This was the reason why he even bothered to remember his name.

The borrowing money scene went on for few minutes but no one really cared. The boys were used to it already and the girls were busy looking at Lucien's face. Right when Bully#1 forcefully took Shin's wallet, a high pitch voice was heard from outside.


A brown haired beautiful girl walked in the class with an angry face. She was followed by two plain face side characters which existed purely to emphasize her beauty.


All three bullies were surprised as they quickly put Shin's wallet back down.

"Why do you guys keep bullying Shin-kun?"

Yep, she actually used his given name, showing how closed they were. She was Yukihino Rina, one of the most beautiful girl in this school. Most importantly, she was the only one who seemed to care about Kiyomori Shin, confusing even Lucien.

"W-We're sorry."

The three bullies apologized as they were pressured by her beauty. Well, if Lucien remembered correctly, this was the second time Yukihino spotted their bullies.

"Shin-kun, you are a man. You couldn't keep getting bullied!"

Ah, she was like a Saint, reprimanding the evils protecting the weaks. What a pure heart! Is this really the real her?

Well, her action was what get Shin-kun bullied more and more. Why? It was because those Bully#1, #2 and #3 were jealous.

If he's not wrong, their lines of thought should be something like, "Why was that fucking weak prick being favored by our Goddess Yukihino? Why not me? Alright, I'll show my powerful side by bullying that prick then! I'm sure she'll look at me, powerful man."

And yep, they were all straight idiots existed just to give our protagonist, Kiyomori, a dark side and inferiority complex.

The bullies went back to their desk and send Kiyomori a hateful glance.

'Hey, why do I think you guys are so desperate to show that you are bad guys!?'

Lucien frowned as he thought of someone. 'At least Gibbs tried to act like a good person, although his face didn't support him.'

Back to our main character. Well, Lucien thought he himself should be a main character when he first entered the school. However, his face was too handsome to be one as Japanese protagonist all had the so called 'ordinary face' that could capture woman's heart at first sight.

As he admitted his face was not ordinary so he gifted his crown to Shin-kun. It was entertaining anyway seeing the plotted-like settings.

"T-Thanks, Yukihino-chan."

"Mou, take care of yourself, okay?" Yukihino said with a pout.

Lucien could hear a few guys mumbled, "so kawaii", with his perception.

"Let's go to our seats Rina-chan.", said the side woman. It seemed other women didn't want to be with Shin-kun. He was an otaku after all. And this school somehow discriminate against otakus even though most populations in Japan were okay about them.

'What a weird school. Or is it just this room?' Thought Lucien. He felt like his class really had a lot of anime substances.

Now that mana started to overflow Earth, he could feel that something big would happen to this class. 'Is this the so called Fate?'

Whatever, he was fine anyway. As someone who could easily one shot level 80s monsters, the ones on Earth were like flies to him.

Du Du Du Du Du Du Du Du

The bell finally rang and the class quiet down as the homeroom teacher walked in. She was a cute loli teacher, Mizuno Miki. Right, another legendary character.

Lucien never thought someone of such character actually existed. 'Earth has become so absurd, huh?'

He unconsciously let out a smile, making Mizuno-sensei blushed. Every students were curious why, especially girls. When they saw his smile, they blushed too.

'Hey, hey Yukihino-san, why the hell are you blushing too. Your Shin-kun is about to cry, you see?'

Facepalming himself, Lucien realized he was such a ridiculous character too.

There was nothing much happened at school. Lucien spent his time reading books in class.

His middle school self would find it absurd knowing he was actually reading a book.

With his high intelligent stats, he could easily memorize everything. Moreover, he felt it instinctively that he got a Reading skill and it increased his reading speed and memorization capability.

At P.E. class, he tried his best to control his strength so he wouldn't burst the basketball. With his high reaction and dexterity, no matter how much he tried to act ordinary, he could not.

"T-This is…"

"A-A God of Basketball…"

The heck? Really? He got the title of God in any sport he played.

"Kiyahh! He's so cool!"

"Oh my God! Look at those muscles!"

"Ah.. I want to eat him…"

This is fucking ridiculous! Aren't girls supposed to play their sport at the another field? Why are they all here!? You too, Sensei!?

These effect was only from 51 charm points. He couldn't imagine how the situation would escalate if he had put anymore points.


Lucien washed his face refreshingly while taking a break. Although he was happy that girls like him, he was feeling weird as well.

"These girls only like me because of my outer appearance, not my actual self," he mumbled to himself.



Two 'Eh's, one from the pretty girl in front of him and one from himself who wasn't aware of the surrounding.