My boy, Lucien (1)

"Lulu! Don't just play game all day!"

"What, Alicia? It has only been two hours!"

"My Gosh! Two hours!? I thought it was only an hour. Close it right now before I'm angry!"

"Woah, my beautiful sis Alicia! Really!? You actually want me to close it after playing for an hour!"

Lucien facepalmed at this ridiculous sister of his. She had become more like a mother, no, more than a mother.

Even his mother would let him do anything he wanted just by acting cute!

However, he could only close the game seeing her angry face.

"It's weekend, Alicia. Can't I just rest?"

"I want to go outside, Lulu!"

Only then Lucien looked at Alicia. She looked pretty much his age, with a youthful aura, different from the mature her in Abyss.

She turned herself younger because she used too much energy back then. In addition to the much lower mana concentration on Earth, she was in her power saving mode. Her wings were gone as well.


"I want to go shopping!", said Alicia excitedly as she tugged his arm.

"Just tell me what you want and I will buy it from internet." Lucien waved his phone.

"No, Lulu. I want to experience the feeling of shopping!"

"Hah...", sighed Lucien. "Alicia-oneesan, did you forget the last time I took you out? Just your peerless face caused us so much trouble."

"Ahehe, you're flattering me, Lulu." She gave him a shy gaze.

"No way I would take you out!"

"W-What! It's not like your face didn't cause us any trouble either!" She was fuming.

"Fine, fine, fine, madam. At least let me take a shower first." Lucien just surrendered. He couldn't fight her after all.

"Yuck! Lulu, quickly go!"

Woah, how could she adapt to Earth so well! It wasn't like I took the shower everyday in Abyss either!

When she first come here, Alicia was excited everything, acting like a kid getting a new toy. However, it had only been around 2 months since she woke up and she acted like a modern teenage girl already.

What annoyed Lucien was that she normally watched k-dramas or played her phone all day but she didn't even let him played his game for an hour. What the heck?

Well, it wasn't like he was completely helpless against her.

"Say another word, Alicia, and I will kiss you again!"

"Ahh! Lulu, why did you bring it up!?"

She screamed in embarrassment. She tried her best to forget that moment or else the air around them would be tooo awkward. However, her Lulu didn't seem to feel her feeling.


Lucien quickly closed the bathroom door and touched his beating heart. Of course, he was also embarrassed as his face was so red right now.


The two interacted like nothing had happened as they took a taxi to the biggest shopping mall in Tokyo. Many people on the way looked at them, stunned at how perfect this couple was.

Lucien and Alicia both tried not to care about the eyes around but it was hard. Although Lucien could conceal himself, he could not conceal Alicia with his skill.

"Lulu, why do you look so upset?" Alicia tilted her head at him curiously from the side as she saw his moody face.

"Nothing." Replied Lucien solemnly. "Just buy whatever you want."

"Wow, you are so generous!"

Well, it wasn't like he was generous. But he had already 'asked' his dad for money. The conversation went on like,

"Dad, give me some money."

"How much, son?"

"Several millions yens is enough."

"What? I'm just a normal office worker. I don't have that much money!"

"Stop acting already, dad. Or I'll tell mom about the beauties at your real workplace."

"H-H-How did you know?"

And then he got a hundred millions yens to play with. Back to Alicia.

"You look very upset right now, Lulu. Is taking me here that annoying?" She said with a sad face.

"No, I just don't like how people were staring at you."

That's why even if it was a date with Alicia, he didn't really want to. He hated how she was looked at in that way.

There were many people looking at her lewdly. Some even tried to approach her. Therefore, Lucien needed to emit his killing intent every 5 minutes to scare those people away.

Actually, he felt like digging their eyes out and painfully torturing them to death one by one.


Alicia didn't know what to say as she was fully aware of her beauty. Moreover, what made her feel so complexed was that she knew the underlying meaning in Lucien's words. Coupled with his action these day, how could she not know Lucien's feeling to her.

As a Transcendant, her senses were much sharper than Lucien and she hated those lewd gazes too. However, she only wanted to experience the life here freely.

After that, the whole trip was silence. There was no happy mood around and it made them both really uncomfortable. So they went back home after an hour.

They were both indecisive at their own feeling. Lucien loved her but he really didn't know if she thought of him the same way. Although he seemed aggressive in chasing Alicia, he was always nervous.

He was scared that one day Alicia might leave him and goes back to Heaven.

As for Alicia, she didn't even know the feeling she was having toward him anymore. At first, it was a pure sisterly love. She cared him a lot like she was bringing up a younger brother. But now that her Lulu had grown up and looked at her in a different way, she....


Thinking of that kiss from before, she felt her heart beated a bit faster.

Hah… Just.. What should I do…


A week had passed by peacefully on Earth.

However, at Tokyo Arifu High School, every students was in chaos.

There was a rumor that The Prince Lucien from the first year and The Ice Princess Shiori from the second year were dating!

Many students spotted them spending lunch time together in one of the school garden! This caused many boys and girls to have their heart broken and cried.

"*sigh* Senpai, the students of this school are so delusional."

"Just ignore them."

After knowing each other for quite some time, they started to spend their lunch time together. Well, they both only had each other as a friend so they had been quite lonely. Right now, they were sitting on a bench, eating snacks.

"But the nickname they gave Senpai is quite funny, Ice Princess, haha."

"Hey, what about you, Prince-kun?"

From what Lucien heard, people said she was a quiet person with a cold temperament and that was how she got the nickname of Ice Princess.

However, in his eyes, although she didn't talk much, she wasn't a quiet girl either. She had a mature air around her, giving off an aura of a real senpai to him, making him feel peaceful and comfortable being with her.

Moreover, she was very knowledgeable about what was happening on Earth, especially, mutant-related. Lucien was also interested so this was mostly their conversation topic.

She would take over her family business in the future so it was essential for her to follow the trend Earth was going.

"The statistic indicates that the number of people mutating has been rising exponentially every months. The acceleration rate even increases a lot. From the algorithm here..."

Sometime, she even said something incomprehensible to Lucien. Although his intelligent stats increased his brain capacity, it didn't made him smarter academically.

"Senpai, what kind of power do you want if you were to awaken one?" Asked Lucien as he grabbed a snack.

Shiori put on a cute thinking pose before answering, "Ummm, if it's possible I would like a telekinetic ability or parallel thought."

"Hee, why?"

"They seem useful for business, I guess? What about you?" She asked him back.

"For me? Any power is fine for me as long as I get one."

Lucien answered nonchalantly. He really didn't care as he already had so many skills. Any power would be fine to him.

From what he had heard, the power people were awakening didn't sound that much, compared to his skills.


On the way back home, Lucien was in a deep thought. It was about Alicia.

He had been thinking about her the whole time for the past week. Maybe I was wrong? It's not like I am her boyfriend. Why did I do that?

'*sigh* It's not like I can lock her in my house like a pet, right?'

They hadn't talked much at all since the incident. The normally cheerful atmosphere between them had become gloomy.

She should know already that I like her, right?

Ah, so embarrassing…

Come on, Lucien, you are a man. You have to be brave.

"Mom, why is that big brother talking to himself?"

"What a pity! Such a handsome face but his head isn't alright."

"Aww, The Prince has such a cute side."

Only then did Lucien find that everyone was looking at him like he was insane.

'What the heck?'

Whatever, Lucien looked at the stores around him. He wanted to buy something for Alicia as an apology because he knew he was at fault.

"Emm, what do girls like?" He was pondering.

Dolls? She is already more than 4000 years old. I bet she would find them cute at all. But sometimes, she acts like a little girl…

Makeups? She doesn't need one as she is already so beautiful. And she probably doesn't know how to apply them anyway.

Clothes? Maybe I should buy her nice clothing? That day, she wanted to buy some clothes too. But *sigh* I really have no idea which one is good. My dad also told me to not choose a clothe for girls as we have no way of grasping their artistic sense.

While Lucien was sighing and sighing, he found a familiar girl in front of him. She had a long brown hair and a beautiful face.


Yukihino Rina greeted him nervously.