My boy, Lucien (3)


What the heck? Lucien staggered backward a step and looked around, bewildered.

'Are my ears functioning alright?'


'Oh My Gawd!' He screamed inside his heart and staggered back another step.


Lucien swallowed his saliva as his hands that were holding a case of necklace started to tremble a bit.

Slowly, he moved his hand towards the doorknob. He could feel a beat of sweat on his forehead.

He knew this was not right, but after hearing that voice, no-, that moan, he really wanted to know what Alicia was doing inside her room. With his mythical skill, he could sneak in without being noticed.

Although he didn't know to what extend his skill could conceal, opening the door and sneaking in was within its effect.


The knob let out a sound but Alicia didn't hear it.


Lucien entered the room and was shocked at the scene playing in front of him!

Alicia was sitting in front of her computer with her face as red as tomato. Although she was covering it with her hand, Lucien could still see her teary eyes. Her body was twirling left and right.


"W-What the heck, Alicia? Why are you watching this video." Lucien couldn't help but exclaimed breaking his own concealment.

"L-L-Lulu!?" Alicia quickly closed the video playing on her computer.

Well, it wasn't that she was doing something perverted. She was watching the video of herself while she was being massaged.

That moanings were, of course, from the computer. As for why her real self was covering her beet red face was probably because she was too embarrassed to even look straight at herself in the clip.

Although she knew she had been moaning everytime she was having a massage, she didn't know herself was actually this embarrassing.

This video was recorded a few weeks ago as Alicia wanted to see the actual scene of massaging.

"W-W-Why are you in my room, Lulu!?" She shouted in shock. Alicia was currently wearing a pink pajamas with a pillow on her lap. This was the first time Lucien saw her in this clothing.

"U-Uhh, I-I heard a w-weird noise from your room, so" Lucien was so agitated that he couldn't speak properly. "So I come in t-to see if y-you are alright."

"Then why did you conceal yourself!?"

"U-Uh, E-Ermm…" With a box behind his back, he really didn't know what to say. He couldn't say that he thought she was, ahem, 'helping herself', and wanted to sneak peek, right?

So he decided to change topic. "Then why were you watching that video!?"

"What video!?" Alicia's eyes averted to the other corner of the room.

"I saw you were watching that video where I massaged you." Seeing Alicia's unsettledness, Lucien put on a serious tone and stared into her eyes, dismayed her even more.

'Aww, what a poor little sheep.' He really didn't know how could Alicia be this innocent.

Alicia's white face blushed once more as she shouted at Lucien. "It is all your fault, Lulu!"


"Since that day, you haven't m-massaged me at all! You had been massaging me everyday for years! How could you suddenly stop for a whole week!" As if she was venting, she drew closer to him and shook his shoulders.

"I have been enduring, you see? For a week, I kept wishing you would come and massage me. But what did I get?" At this point, her eyes became teary.

"You were having fun with your beautiful senpai at school everyday! And today, you even courted your classmate! Boohoo, I thought you l-love me!"

'W-What the heck?'

With a third 'What the heck?' of this chapter, Lucien was stunned silly at the absurdity of the situation.

'I-Is she crying? What? She is a 4000 years old angel and she is crying because I didn't give her a massage? The situation was so awkward back then that I couldn't even face her. How could I dare to give her a massage!? And what was that courting classmate!?'

"A-Alicia," Lucien held her arms stopping her shoulder-shaking-skill. However, He failed, and Alicia continued her venting.

"I could only watch that embarrassing video to at least get the feels of your hands! Boohoo, Bad Lulu! You are so bad! I hate you!"

Like that, she jumped onto her bed and covered herself with a blanket. Lucien could hear a faint sobbing voice.

"I'm sorry, Alicia." Lucien could only sat next to her on her bed and apologize. He didn't know why he was even apologizing.

And Bam! Alicia asked the question he was pondering.


"What?", baffled Lucien,

"Why are you apologizing!" Her tone sounded a bit commanding.

'The heck? She's not a woman from Earth, right?' Lucien felt a need to later ask her if she was from Earth before transcending.

"I was wrong so I apologize."

"I meant which part are you apologizing. Not giving a massage? Having good time with your beautiful senpai? Courting your beautiful classmate? Or sneaking into my bedroom!?" Her voice was muffled as she still hadn't uncovered her blanket.

Lucien felt like the conversation was more and more like a quarrel between couple.

Moreover, "What is that happy time with senpai and courting classmate, Alicia? Did you actually stalk me!?"

"..." Alicia was silence for a minute before saying with a low voice. "I-I didn't stalk you, b-but with my perception, I can perceive you whenever I want."

She seemed to think that she was at a disadvantageous side of the argument right now so she started to say in an angry tone.

"It's still your fault, Lulu! You were mad at me because the guys were looking at me lewdly, I didn't even talk to them. But you! You saw those women's gazes, right? Especially that bitch of a classmate, she wanted to eat you!"

"Woah, woah, woah! Watch your words, Alicia! That was a bit too much!"


Alicia threw her blanket away as she pushed Lucien on her bed and shouted toward him. "Too much!? You said it was too much? Look at your face when talking with her. Although you acted cool on the outside, I could see you were smiling from ear to ear!"

"D-Do you know why I was with her?" Lucien asked her nervously as Alicia was so scary in this mode. She was on top of him right now, locking him in place as she shouted at her.

"Didn't you want a date? Although I didn't watch all of it you probably had a good time, right? And that bracelet she put on her bed, you actually bought it for her!? That girl was a horny bitch! You know what she di- oofftt"

Alicia's wraith was interrupted by an attack from the man below her. The assault was sudden and hard to resist.


Her shock turned into ecstasy as Lucien activated Euphoria Touch on his lips. He sucked her dried for the whole five minutes as his hands locked her head in place.

"Uhaa… haaa...ha- Oofttt!" Just when Alicia was panting, her little moisture lips were assaulted once more.


This time Lucien thrusted his tongue into her seductive mouth as well, licking and sucking everything he could. Since his first kiss that day, he had been researching tirelessly about kissing and now, his hard work finally paid off.


The screaming Alicia turned into a pitiful animal as she could only pant leaning on top of him right now.

Then, Lucien took out a necklace he bought for her and said with a helpless smile, "You little idiot, I was just buying you a present to apologize you. Being with Rina-chan was completely by chance."

"U-Umu" Replied Alicia with a low voice. Her face blushed and with her teary eyes, she couldn't meet his eyes.

"Alicia," Lucien smiled, looking at the most beautiful girl in the world on top of him.


"I love you Alicia. I really love you." Now that he was sure about her feeling towards him and the atmosphere was great, he confessed his love.

Alicia, finally realized her feeling towards him after a week, replied him with her own lips.

Only after they both were satisfied, did they part from each others.

"Finally, you are my girlfriend, Alicia." Lucien said, reminiscing the time he had been with her, as he played her light blonde hair.

"And you are my boyfriend, alright? So don't seduce the girls anymore, Lulu." Alicia replied with a smile as she too, reminiscing.

"Hehe, you are funny, Alicia. When have I ever seduced a girl." He laughed.

"I wasn't joking, Lucien Santosa-kun." Alicia's smile suddenly turned chills as Lucien could feel a murderous intent from her. The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees.


Only then the killing intent faded away and Alicia's smile turned bright again.

Lucien and Alicia sat up on the bed looking at each other not knowing what to do. In their head was the same question.

'We are officially a couple now… But how is it different from our relationship from before?'

Lucien thought as his eyes transformed into something of a predator's. 'That's mean I can do whatever I want to her now? Hehehe'

His eyes scanned every part of her body lavisciously. He didn't even bother to hide them.

"H-Hey, Lulu! Stop staring at me with those creepy eyes. It's worse than when you look at Lala!" Alicia's gaze at him was like when someone gazing at bugs.

"U-Um, Sorry."

Then, they looked at each other once more. The situation turned awkward since they both wanted to stay with each other more but there was no reason to.

Moreover, both of them were too embarrassed to say that they wanted to spend more time together.

Lucien was dejected as he stood up. "T-Then, I'll be going to s-sleep."

"O-Okay." Alicia replied reluctantly.

'Mou, we are finally a couple now, not brother and sister anymore, b-but what is this situation.' thought her as her gaze didn't escape away from her beloved figure.

As Lucien reached the door, his mind was in chaos. 'Aren't I cockblocking myself right now like a dense main character from an anime. She is now my girlfriend, shouldn't I be a bit more aggressive?'

He turned his body to look at his before-sister-but-now-girlfriend once more. She was really an angel. With her light blonde flowing hair with pink color on the tip, her shining bright blue eyes like an ocean and snow white spotless skin, her appearance was PEERLESS.

Her voluptuous seductive body was even more so. Although she looked younger than when she was in Abyss, the size of her two 'weapons' didn't seem to shrink one bit. Instead, with her now smaller body, it actually emphasized her wonderful curve.

Now she was wearing a dishieval pajamas, showing her white skin here and there. Lucien felt his blood rushed looking at this little demoness of his.

'Be a man, Lucien. Be a man.'

Lucien closed the opened door and approached her. Alicia tilted her head in confusion but when she saw resolved face, she seemed to realize something.

However, Alicia was quiet as her face turn hotter and hotter. And then, starting with a fiery kiss, the sensitive parts of her body were groped by a familiar hand giving her a hot but comfortable feeling.

She instinctively resisted 'a bit' before energy left her body as she sank into the peak of ecstasy. After a while, her moanings, which different from everytime, was getting louder and louder, being more seductive and filled with more satisfaction than ever.

That night, aside from Ecstasy Massage skills, Lucien activated Wind Reinforcement, Heavy Blow, Empower and Bliss Severing, thrusting his dragon lord with a world-shattering power.

That night, a small earthquake occurred in Tokyo without warning, catching every citizens off guard.