Everything is Going Well (2)

"Lulu, you told me I'm the most beautiful woman you've ever met. You said I'm different from anyone and you will love me alone! But how come I see you looking at some lewd models magazines every day!?"

"Calm down, my love. The reason I've been looking at these many women is to see if there's any girl that's more beautiful than you which I haven't found any yet to this date. You really are the most beautiful, Alicia. But don't worry, I won't give up. I will continue searching with all my heart."

Lucien looked at his shocked girlfriend into the eyes and said with a calm face,

"And you are to encourage me, supporting me monetarily to buy even more books and sources. No matter what, I will prove to the world that my girlfriend is the most beautiful."

"Awww, Lulu, you are so adorable."

Alicia hugged his arm and smiled merrily with a blushing face. About the monetary stuff, it was because Alicia was the one holding all his money since a week ago.

His mom taught her some weird things like a woman should be the one who controlled the household money which Alicia immediately followed her. Now he had to beg his lord girlfriend for money every time he wanted to buy something. Moreover, Alicia didn't let him bought the in-game items!

'Now I know why dad always keeps his own money stash in secret.'

While Lucien was secretly wiping off the sweat, his dad gave him a thumbs-up.

Right now, they were at one of the secret bases of Crimson Forest. From what Lucien knew, although the organization was world-wide, there weren't more than ten thousand people working under which was quite a small number.

His dad told him there used to be a lot more members, however, one day he and uncle Richard decided to get rid of all the traitors and useless ones. Moreover, it had something to do with his mom. As his dad didn't want to talk more about it, Lucien didn't ask more.

At least he knew that Kathlene was his kind-hearted and doting mom, and he loved her.

Taking the elevator of the famous restaurant near his house, Stevan tapped his keycard on the scanner and the group of three was going underground. Lucien was quite shocked at this restaurant was the one he and his family often came to dine.

It was a big but normal-looking Japanese restaurant. Who knew there was actually a base down here.

With a metallic noise, the door of the elevator opened up, so as another iron gate behind.


Both Lucien and Alicia were greeted by the sight of the rows of screens in the big room. There were two men and a woman eating ramen cups as they looked at the screens while occasionally tapping the panels. All of them looked carefree while the men looked a bit dirty, not fitting the ideal dark organization members in Lucien's head at all.

However, from his perception, Lucien could see that these guys weren't normal as their hands all reached close to the place they hid their guns. They seemed to be ready to go on combat anytime if the person who walked out from the elevator wasn't someone of the same side.

"Hi, boss!"

"Oh, hello boss!"

"Ohaiyo, boss..."

The three of them put down the ramen cups and greeted Stevan in their own styles. They looked warm and trusting toward him.

Stevan smiled and nodded back.

"Alright, let me introduce the new member here. This is my son, Lucien, and the girl right here is Alicia. She's my daughter-in-law. She hasn't joined us and just come here to look around. Treat them nicely, kids."

"Hi, everyone, you can call me Lucien. Nice to meet you all," Lucien introduced himself. Alicia also said, "You can call me Alicia too!"

"Woah, what a beautiful girl…" mumbled both the men as they stared at Alicia. Even the woman couldn't help but stare at Alicia with her big round eyes.

"Ahem," coughed Stevan trying to wake up these kids.

Seeing only the woman came to her sense, Lucien frowned and looked at the guys. Suddenly, an invisible pressure emitted from his eyes bore down on both them, turning their faces paled.

"Calm down, son." Stevan patted Lucien's shoulder. He then turned to the guys and said with a stern voice, "Beware of your eyes, Sian, Jack. I told you she is my daughter-in-law."

Seeing them both lowered their heads apologetically, Stevan introduced them, "These are Jack, Sian, and Yolanda. Don't mind their actions from before, son. They're actually all good kids."

Stevan then left the base as he still had something to do. Today he just wanted his son to familiarize himself with his new 'workplace'. He didn't worry that Lucien would be bullied as he roughly knew his prowess.

Also, the three kids, Jack, Sian, and Yolanda were the one Stevan adopted and raised for several years. Although they weren't that kind as they were raised to work in a dark organization, they were not the bad people either.

With his dad gone, Lucien talked to them for a bit and observed his gonna-be comrades. Now that he saw their appearances closely, he was a bit surprised that they were actually young. They looked around the same age as him.

Jackson or Jack had a tall and good build. He had a tan skin and copper hair. He looked reliable and seemed to be the leader among the three here. Jack was friendly. With his loud voice, he reminded Lucien of Richard.

Sian had an average height which was a bit shorter than Lucien. He had a pale skin and brown hair. What eye-catching about him was a big cartoon tattoo on his upper arm. Overall, his look was above average but still couldn't be compared to Lucien. From the conversation, Sian was very good at shooting.

The last one, Yolanda was a short auburn-haired girl who seemed even younger than Lucien. She looked like a cute doll. Alicia couldn't help but pinch her plump cheek playfully, making Yolanda frowned moodily.

Yolanda was a quiet girl and didn't talk much. Jack said she only talked normally to Lucien's dad, Stevan, while barely said a word to other people.

Given a laptop, Lucien sat on the sofa with Alicia while looking through the information. With the ID and password he got from Stevan, Lucien could access to almost all content about the Crimson Forest.

Lucien was amazed by his dad's organization as he sucked in a deep breath. Crimson Forest was split into many branches doing all sort of crimes, like drug cartels, syndicates, crime groups, crime organizations, smuggling rings, cybercrime network groups, even street gangs, and more.

These branches had their own names and the core members of these branches were all from Crimson Forest. In actuality, most members of these criminal groups didn't even know the existence of Crimson Forest.

The real core members of Crimson Forest only numbered up to seven thousand around the world with the Twelve Thrones at the top. Of course, Richard was the 1st Throne, the real leader of the whole organization while Stevan was the second, a vice leader.

While Lucien was busy looking through the information, Alicia was bored as she laid or his shoulder, playing a farming game on her phone.

With his concealment ability, Lucien was most suit to the job like steal stuff. Moreover, with his pink spatial bag, he could rob the whole bank by himself.

However, Lucien was more interested in assassination and information gathering. He wanted to learn more auxiliary skills like tracking, shooting, secret weapon, masking, etc.

After a few hours, Lucien closed his laptop and stressed his muscle. He then walked to the training room to try out guns.

Lucien had only played shooting games but never touched the real guns. In the game, his skill was top-notch as he could no-scope anyone to death with a sniper rifle without considering the distance. In the split second the enemies came into his view, they died.

Many people even reported him using the cheating tools. Unfortunately for Lucien, the game developer deemed his skill impossible for human and banned him. Even after creating a new account, he still got banned.

Lucien entered the shooting practice room, followed by Alicia.

'Um, first, let's go with the pistol.'

This room was specially made for shooting practice and it was not a normal one. There were levels he could choose to practice shooting with and there were all types of guns he could pick.

Holding a pistol in his hand, Lucien chose the handgun practice mode level 1. With an electronic voice saying 'start', ten targets came out from the side wall, moving slowing left and right.

Aiming at the target 50 meters in front of him, Lucien pulled the trigger.


With a loud annoying noise, the bullet was shot through the target, however, Lucien didn't manage to hit the center. He frowned a bit and readied his stance again.


The gun shook but his hands still gripped the handle firmly. The recoil could at most made him itched a bit. This time, the bullet went through the center. Lucien didn't say anything as he emptied the magazine.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of the four shots went through the middle of the targets. After reloading, Lucien shot all the targets down.

Lucien didn't start the next round right away as he was unsatisfied with his reloading speed. After unloading and reloading the bullets for ten minutes, his reloading speed became so fast that normal people could only see his hands blurred.

"Level 10, start!"

The continuous shooting sounds echoed throughout the room with the speed that people would think of an automatic rifle instead of a pistol. After a few seconds, dozens of targets that moved in an unpredictable path were all shot down. Moreover, every bullet all hit the bullseyes again.

"Level 30, start!"

With a pistol in his hands and numerous bullets laying on the table, Lucien sent a hail of bullets, massacring all the targets.

Meanwhile, Alicia was watching from the side with a red face. She even took pictures and videos of her boyfriend with her phone. In truth, the gallery in her phone was already full of Lucien's picture.

"My Lulu is so cool…"

And meanwhile, the trio of Jack, Sian, and Yolanda was having their eyes widened as they looked at the shooting room through the transparent door.

"Boss' son is a monster…"