New Dawn

"Welcome brave hero! I am Levina the goddess of the world Rendall and I have summoned thee."

A soft female voice echoed in a pure white space. A woman whose looks show how if the word beauty can be personified then it would look like this.

"Whoa! This is cool. I missed this feeling. My long wait is now over. I finally get to see again."

"Brave hero, this world, Rendall is in danger as the wicked Demon Lord's army whose plan is to wipe out all civilization draws near. Only thou have the power to save it."

The woman who was lately noticed by Devin continued to tell her story as if she was reading her lines based on a script gently walked closer towards him.

"Are thine willing to take this responsibility and go on a journey and thus defeat the evil that lurks upon these lands?"

Devin nodded and belatedly felt that he was no longer able to control his body as he began to kneel.

"Then, I shall bestow my blessing. May the wind of fortune befall upon thou."

The goddess Levina then placed her finger which has a little ball of light shining brightly on Devin's forehead. The ball of light immediately went through Devin's forehead. soon after Devin heard a tiny bell sound and a notification panel suddenly appeared in front of him.


Name: None

Race: Human

Level: 0

Exp: 0/50

HP: 100/100

MP: 50/50

Class: None

Job: None

STR: 10

AGI: 10

INT: 10

VIT: 10

Gold: 100

Inventory: 5/25

"Brave hero, make haste as the balance of the world is in thy hands. I will now send you towards the lands of Rendall. Go forth and create a new legend."

The young man has now disappeared in the white space and another one has suddenly appeared replacing him.

"Welcome Brave hero....."

Meanwhile, Devin who had felt the release of the binding from the system now stood up in a different place. It was a small room with wooden walls and floor on his right was a small bed. The notification panel was still in front of him now with certain letters blinking in red light. Now looking quite puzzled he began to explore the panel by tapping on certain letters starting from those at the top.

"I guess I should select my username for now. Hmm. I haven't thought of what I should name myself as."

He then briefly remembered that time when his little brother was watching a live stream of the world championships of a certain game that has something to do with legends and recalled a catchy username.

"Oh, right. Let's try (Faker) as my username."

However, it appeared that the username was already taken and he then started thinking of a good name but eventually got bored thinking of one so he opted for something simple instead.

"I suppose (Blinded) shall do."

Fortunately, his username wasn't in use yet if not then he would've been stuck thinking about his username. He then selected another button that was blinking. it was another function that suddenly appeared after he selected his username.

After tapping on that button, he saw a copy of himself standing. Inside it was various options to select and change his appearance but due to the warning that was marked in red that said he could only alter up to 5% of his physique, he decided to only change his white skin tone to that of a fair color and remove the mole on top his right eyebrow.

Now it was only one button that was blinking in red and he soon tapped on it and saw another panel.

Inventory: 5/25

Old Hunters Vest x1

Old Hunters Pants x1

Old Hunters Boots x1

Old Hunters Dagger x1

Beginner's Map x1

"Oh, so these are my items huh? How do I use them though? Maybe tapping on them? Ooooh, now a button asks me to equip them or to throw them away."

Shortly after pressing the equip button, his appearance began to change as his previously plain white clothing turned into that of brown leather armor that looks old.

"Wow! This is really cool! Now I wonder if I unequipped these items, would they go back to my inventory, or would they drop on the floor?"

Unfortunately for him, before he was able to even do anything a knock on the door occurred followed by its opening.

"Sire, the village head has sent men to look for you. Please head down to meet them immediately."

A blonde young woman with freckles dressed in a peasant outfit called out and directed him downstairs.

Since he noticed that this might be a quest or a continuation of the tutorial he immediately followed her outside and noticed that he had previously been inside an inn. He then saw who looked like a soldier due to the armor that he was wearing with an exclamation mark on top of his head.

"Sire, the village head has sent us to call you immediately. The rabid dogs affected by the demonic miasma have been spotted in the fields."

Looking around, he saw various other people that walked out from the same inn that he had just walked out of. They were all falling in line with an NPC on the forefront giving them out quests. Unfortunately, he was not the first one to arrive and he needs to fall in line to properly receive the quest to which he did.

While on the line, he saw a man who was wearing the same outfit cut through the very front which earned his irk as he was just about six people away from receiving the quest.

Before that man was even able to speak towards the NPC he was immediately faced with the glints of tens of daggers that were all aimed towards him.

"Stop! Stop! I'm not here to receive the quest! I'm already level 2! I'm here for the rewards!"

Hearing that, they momentarily stopped to listen, but as soon as he finished speaking they jeered at him as he was still cutting through the line.

"Fall in line!"

We don't care if you've finished the quest. We're all here to talk to that NPC!"

"Alright, I'll line up with you. Sheesh, you people could've just said so earlier."

Seeing all this transpire Devin who was now at the forefront of the NPC received a quest telling him to go look for the village head in the fields to which he accepted. Seeing the exclamation mark on top of the NPC's head then turned into that of a question mark he then decided to move towards where the fields were indicated on the beginner's map.

Upon arriving on the fields, he saw a middle-aged man with another exclamation point on top of his head.

"So, this person must be the village head, right?"