Rabid Dogs can kill you

On a bright afternoon, a man was being chased by 5 vicious looking dogs who closely resembles a wolf, with two horns growing on their foreheads.

"Ah, look at that poor guy. He attracted a whole group of them. He must've not been paying attention and attracted their aggro while running away from trying to fight a rabid dog 1v1."

"Hey fatty, Why are you talking as if you weren't the same as that guy a few moments ago? If it wasn't for our party then you would've died already. What's that look for? Do you want me to kick you out of the party?"

A group of six people was talking whilst having pitiful looks towards the man being chased by the 5 dogs.

"Ehehe. I'm just joking party leader sir. Thank you very much for letting me join your party. If it wasn't for your great leadership skills then I would have died before completing the quest from the village head."

"Ugh. Men and their pride. You've been arguing amongst yourselves and didn't notice that the man being chased by the monsters is already heading here."

Meanwhile, the man who was now running away from the five monsters that were chasing after him was no other than Devin. He's now being chased due to his negligence and mindset that since he was still within the beginner's village, all monsters would be easy to kill. Because of that, he immediately plunged to attack the first Rabid Dog that he saw after he accepted the Village Head's quest to slay 5 Rabid dogs that were attacking the fields.


HP: ???/???

STR: ??? AGI: ???

INT: ??? VIT: ???

However, contrary to his expectations, the first Rabid Dog that he saw immediately leaped towards him which gave him a fright. This caused him to be caught out on the attack dealing him massive damage. Following the Rabid Dog's attack, it backed off and was preparing to launch another attack and it continued to quickly pounce on Devin. After only fighting one Rabid Dog for the very first time, he died without even dealing much damage to the enemy monster.

After he died, he saw things in black and white. In addition, he also saw his own body on the floor splattered in blood. A notification panel soon arrived in front of him notifying him of his death.

Devin, noticing the revive option placed on the bottom of the message, pressed it and appeared back inside the village. This time he thought back about the message and recognized that he must now be at the temple. He also saw various flashing lights followed by people appearing right after. He thought that they must've also died while taking on the quest.

"Sigh. This game is actually hard. Now I have to go all the way back to the fields."

Despite his complaints, he immediately headed back to the fields and saw another Rabid Dog. This time, he was more prepared and he swiftly dodged to the left which caused the monster's attack to miss. After engaging for about four minutes he noticed that although the monster was already at half health, his own HP bar was at a meagerly low 25/100. With his health at 1/4th left, It was only a matter of time before he would be the one to lose against the Rabid Dog so he started to run. Unfortunately, as he continued to run he had drawn in the attention of more Rabid Dogs on the way. That was until he saw a group of six people.

"Hey! You guys over there! Help! Please! Guys!"

Devin who was now directly running towards them had a relieved look on his face as he thought that with their number, they could defeat them and he could stay alive. He then saw how they were grouped up and were in a proper formation to fight. He continued running towards them until he saw that although they were ready to fight, they were all pointing their daggers towards him. Seeing his unwelcomed presence, he tried to head towards another direction.

"You think you can get away by trying to grief us?"

The guy in the very front who appeared to be the leader of the group spoke. He was tall and with his body build being ripped, he appeared very imposing.

Now that he was only a few meters away, he could clearly see that the guy in front of him was already at level 2, and so were most of the people behind him.

"No, brother, it's a misunderstanding! I really need help. I'm not a griefer!"

"Don't let him get away!"

The Leader of the group called out and those behind him begun to move out and block out all of Devin's possible escape routes. If he were to try and confront those who block him then he would be pincered as there were still five of the Rabid Dogs who were chasing him.

Inevitably, no matter what choice he makes he knows that he will die. So, instead of trying to escape from his fate, he instead decided to head back and face the pack of dogs who were chasing him as his last-ditch effort to try and escape his current predicament.

His thought process was that since he attracted the other dogs who were chasing him simply by them being in range with his position, then maybe they might be attracted to this group of people behind him. Unfortunately, regardless of his efforts, he was still killed when all five Rabid Dogs pounced on him at the same time.

Since this was his second time dying, he immediately revived and went back to the temple in the village.