Buying Skill Books like a Pro

After reviving back on the temple, he saw that apart from the previous amount of people who revived last time, it appeared that the temple now looks cramped due to the sheer number of people who are reviving all at the same time.

Curious, he looked around and saw that most of them immediately rushed outside in groups. Helplessly, he could only be pushed around with the human wave which quickly dispersed at the exit of the temple.

Seeing how nothing has been going his way lately, Devin decided to instead have a go and take a tour around the village rather than trying to go back to the fields and fight another Rabid Dog.

"The fact that even I realize how pathetic my death was, the more that I don't want to go back there. I can't even kill a level 1 monster anyways, aside from that, since there are a lot more people here then it must also be the same over there."

Whilst walking, he suddenly saw that more and more people also walking around the village with their levels on two or three, he could even sparsely see that some are already on four.

"It's only been like, 2 or 3 hours yet some of them have already leveled way to high. Argh! I also want to level up."

After walking around for some time, he was almost complete in being able to tour the whole village. There were now only a few buildings left that he hasn't been able to enter as there were NPC's who said that he couldn't enter it yet. Aside from those, there was also a nearby merchant's store where he could buy and sell some items.

Unbeknownst to him, as he was entering the shop, some eyes were staring at him with condescending looks.

"Look at that noob, he's already heading towards that shop at such a low level."

"Hehe, he'd probably be pushed away just like those other noobs."

"What do you know? You don't even have any gold to buy any of the items from that shop."

"Shut up! At least I have some copper on me. After I sell some monster drops I'd be able to buy a thing or two from that shop."

"Whatever, let's not waste our time. We still need to complete this quest and then head to the main city."

After taking a quick look around the shop, Devin was now heading towards the NPC who was at the other end of the shop.

"Welcome! Dear customer, what services may I offer you today?"

The NPC in front of him looked dull and cold. It was as if she was just reading off a line from a script. Although Devin was a little bit surprised at the NPC for suddenly talking, he was able to quickly answer back.

"I would like to browse some items. Do you have any armor or weapons that I can use?"

Right after he spoke, a panel suddenly appeared in front of him which showed him the names, status, and prices of various items that he saw while he was walking around the shop. While browsing, he took note of certain items and their prices, he was silently making computations on his mind while thinking of the most cost-efficient items that he could buy. He also took note that there

were certain level requirements that were needed to buy other items.

That caused him to limit his choices to those items that had no level requirements or could be used on his level. Admittedly, he wasn't satisfied with those that were left. He thought that his own armor and dagger gave him just as much bonus stats. So, he decided to look at other options and to his surprise, he saw that there were also consumable items and skill books.

This piqued his interest as he focused his attention on those skill books and saw that there were only a total of 5 skills books that were commutatively priced at 100 gold.

(Increases movement speed by 10% for thirty seconds. Cooldown: 1 hour. Cost: 5 MP)

(Creates a barrier that is 10% of the casters HP which lasts for 5 seconds. Cooldown 1 hour. Cost: 5 MP)

(Instantly leap towards a target 5 meters away. Cooldown: 30 minutes. Cost: 10 MP)

(Increases damage from basic attacks by 30% for sixty seconds. Cooldown 2 hours. Cost 15 MP)

(Decreases incoming damage by 30% for sixty seconds. Cooldown 2 hours. Cost 15 MP)

Seeing that it was much more efficient to buy skill books than items, Devin decided to buy all the skill books.

"I would like to take these 5 skill books. All in all, it's 100 gold, right?"

As soon as he said that, a notification panel suddenly appeared in front of him right before he made his transaction.

"Oh, so mindful. How nice of them."

Devin quickly dismissed this message and continued to pay for the skill books. At that time, he still didn't know the sheer value of the gold that he had. He thought that gold was merely the only currency that was used in the game. Contrary to his thought was that in actuality, there are multiple types, the first is copper, iron, followed by silver, then gold, platinum, white gold, and lastly black gold. Each diminutive needs to be accumulated for a hundred times for it to be counted as an amount above it. In other words, he spent 100,000,000 copper to buy those skill books.

In comparison, a loot that comes from a monster like the Rabid Dog is around 1-5 copper. That, however, cannot justify his spending as loot often have a certain percentage for dropping, for Rabid Dogs, it is about 2/3. This means that if you farm them, disregarding the fact that other players are doing the same, you could only gather about 24,000 copper for hunting them continuously for 24 hours, and that is assuming that it drops 5 copper every time.

Unfortunately, it was all too late for him as he had already tapped on the purchase button and have received the 5 skill books on his item inventory. After completing the transaction, the NPC in front of him suddenly changed her look, her face appeared to show more of a friendly expression in contrast to her previously cold look.

"Dear customer, as per our store policy, we present to you a badge of appreciation for purchasing anything worth a hundred gold or more. If you present this badge towards our branches in other cities, you will be able to purchase other goods that aren't available to just anyone."

"Well, thank you!"

Devin smiled as he gladly took the badge offered to him and left. He thought about how it was such a pro move for him to go around and visit the shop instead of going back to die in the fields only to die. As he was back to walking again, unknowingly he found himself back at the inn that he came from. He saw that aside from those who were coming out from the inn, some were returning back. After asking out why users were returning at the inn, he heard that it apparently was a safe zone for users to log out. Seeing that he has spent quite a lot of time in-game, he felt the need to go to the bathroom so he quickly logged out.