King Of Bearling -Part 15

"Ehh, let me get this baby to autopilot for a moment."

"By the way, I am curious why do you have this camera at the top of your plane for?" Jin asked as Cloudie was pushing a few buttons to ensure the autopilot mode was stable.

"Yeah, sometimes we used it to check if there is anything lodging on the top of the Helicarrier. As well as an excuse to look at the skies if our navigation is a bit screwed up. There are stars that can help locate where the North is." 

"Lol, same as Earth. Anyways yes, point the camera upwards." Jin said and Cloudie did just as Jin commanded to see that there were no stars he could see above him. The New Moon was also making it particularly hard for the camera to view anything and he had no choice but to turn on night vision for the camera."

That was when he got the shock of his life.

"Since when? I did not notice this at all!" Cloudie asked and Jin was giggling.

"Cool, isn't it?"