King Of Bearling -Part 16

Without a doubt, all the fighter jet pilots were pissed off by his behaviour. Surely, Jin was not in the wrong as the time to be in the particular city's airspace had not expired so the city could not complain. 

But what was wrong with it was that Jin had made the Helicarrier into some fucking disco ball of light. He started shining the flood lights he installed onto the helicarrier and it attracted a lot of attention. To make things even weirder, there was even a fog machine attached to the heli engines working overtime to spew mists around the area. 

"Can we shoot him down already?" was the consensus of the pilots who were wasting their fuel to deal with this crap. 

Steele was in an impasse. 

He wanted to get this done and over with and yet Jin was making this whole challenge as if it was some kind of sick joke that he wanted to play. Little did he know that as Jin was doing all those stupid flashing of lights, there were movements at the warehouse.