My Destined One

Naruko's Pov

My name is Namikaze Uzumaki Naruko, daughter of the Hokage Namikaze Minato and the Uzukage's daughter Uzumaki Kushina. Currently 8 years old in search of adventure. I have the same red hair as Mom and deep blue eyes like my Dad.I look more like my Mom only with eyes matching my Dad's. I am already a High Genin level academy student yet my mom and dad always try to babysit me. And same goes for my step mother Namikaze Uchiha Mikoto and step brother Uchiha Itachi. I don't really know what happened but all the Uchiha clan except for my step mother and step brother were killed. My father to protect my step mother from politics married her though my mom was the one who forced him. I don't know what to think about that though.

"Haaa... hopefully I managed to escape the ANBU. I want to have some adventure alone. Pranking has gotten boring lately since only Iruka sensei reacts to them. Other people just tolerate it since I am the Hokage's daughter."

I stroll through the red light district hoping to see something interesting. Don't all the adults come here to have fun? Jiraya-ojii always comes here though. When I asked he said research on fun things... I wonder what that is? He never tells me. When I asked Itachi-nii, his eyes started bleeding and he fainted. That reaction made me curious so here I am in order to unravel the mystery.

"Hey ojou-chan! Over here."

An old man with a kind face calls me over. I think he might be able to tell about this place.

"Umm... old man what is it?"

The old man smiles brilliantly at me though I feel uncomfortable for some reason.

"Here a candy. Eat it, it's good."

Giving me a piece of candy, he smiles at me. There's no way I am eating it. It's suspicious!

"Umm.. thanks but no thanks. I gotta get home. Sorry!"

Saying that I run away or I thought I was running only to find myself paralyzed and unable to move.

"[Lightning Style - Paralyzing Shock]. Hahahaha... can't believe I am so lucky. To find the daughter of the Hokage without any ANBU. Raikage-sama will be pleased to have you. You will make a fine breeding stock for our village."

The old man burst into smoke revealing a middle aged man who had dark skin. I was scared now. He was a Kumo ninja and I heard from my Mom how Kumo ninja had once kidnaped her for her Uzumaki bloodline.

"Mom... Dad... Itachi-nii... Mikoto-okasan... help.."

Desperately I began to pray for help but it was useless . There were no ninjas in the area and I couldn't leave my strands of red hair behind like my Mom. My Mom would always tell me of her story about how Dad had saved her from the Kumo ninja like a prince. She would say he was her Destined One. I use to always dream about meeting my other half like that. Now, that the same thing is happening I can't help but think it was a ridiculous thought.

Right now he began hiding behind a wall as a precaution to get away unnoticed. I was on the verge of despair when I heard a boy's voice.

"STOP! I won't let you kidnap her!"

The boy came and shouted at my kidnapper. The man got angry and suddenly the atmosphere began to get suffocating. My body was quivering... because of me an innocent boy was going to get killed. The boy had pink hair with emrald eyes. He was handsome and charming as well but right now he was shivering with fear. I was ready to close my eyes to avoid seeing a gruesome spectacle but next second he moved his eyes toward me and immediately his expression changed. I could recognise it immediately, it was a expression made by Dad or Itachi-nii when they said they had to fight to protect their precious people. Was I a precious person for him? As I was questioning myself, he lauched himself towards the Kumo ninja.

Fast... incredibly fast, he was going toe to toe with the Kumo ninja and the way he fought was mesmerizing. It was perfect yet imperfect and beautiful yet brutal. Everytime he clashed, it felt like he was losing his balance and posture but it was quite the opposite... he was perfectly balancing himself while wobbling and swaying. They engaged for full 10 minutes but the Kumo ninja got impatient and used a lightning jutsu to finish him off. It was a perfect hit, I could see his charred abdomen. I wanted to stop that guy, I wanted to cry for weak and useless but I couldn't do anything. Just as the Kumo ninja tried to finish him off, he also launched his final attack with a battlecry. Before I could see what happenned, my Dad and ANBU blocked my view. I couldn't see what happened, after a defeaning sound I saw the Kumo ninja was nowhere and the boy who came for me was lying down in the puddle of blood. I could only hope he was alright since he was my Destined One like my Dad was to my Mom.