Alpha Bloodline

Namikaze Minato POV

Panic, that was all I was feeling. My dear Naruko-chan was missing. I don't know how this even happened. Kushina-chan was pregnant so Mikoto was busy looking after her to pay any attention to Naruko. Naruko… she always was too hyperactive to sit still but now we have gotten report of Kumo spy in the Konoha province. Kumo and Iwa never did like me... heck! They downright detest me. After failing the attack on Uzugakure, they came for Konoha only to get annihilated by me. They call me the Bloody Flash for slaughtering their army of 10,000 in 10 minutes. If it wasn't for Kushina-chan trusting me with her Uzumaki heritage it would've been disastrous. Right after that, her father Uzumaki Seiji betrothed us and we got married but right on our marriage day, Uchiha Massacre happened.

The Uchiha clan except for Kushina-chan's best friend Uchiha Mikoto and her son Uchiha Itachi didn't attend my wedding only to get slaughtered by unknown enemy ninja. Still to this day we don't know who it was. And to top it up Konoha's corrupt council started pressuring poor Mikoto for CRA (Clan Restoration Act) since Itachi-kun was too young and that unknown enemy was still out there. Kushina-chan then begged me to marry Mikoto which I did reluctantly only to later come to love her and Itachi-kun like a real wife and son which Kushina-chan was ecstatic about (probably for doing naughty activities which was true not that I disliked it).

"Hokage-sama we have located unknown chakra sources spiking in red light district. Probably a battle going on." Suddenly an ANBU appears in front of me breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Let's go." With that I rush towards the destination only to find an unbelievable scene. A kid was fighting against a Kumo spy probably a high chunnin level ninja to a standstill and it was too amazing. I halt all the ANBU not to interrupt the battle to see the kid's true potential. The kid looks only about 5 years old and had a pink hair with emerald eyes meaning he must be Haruno Mebuki's son. His face does match his now KIA (Killed in Action) ninja father Haruno Kaiga which was to say he looked damn handsome.

After some moments the Kumo spy launches a lightning jutsu which horrified me thinking that the kid was dead but to my astonishment the kid lived even after being hit dead center in the abdomen. From the looks of it he's barely alive. Dammit I should have interfered and now a promising young child is going to die. Readying myself to use the Flying Thunder jutsu only to stop myself and shield Naruko's vision on impending scene which was terrifying to say the least. The kid used some kind of advance S-rank… no make it SS-rank jutsu to make a mincemeat out of the Kumo spy. Right after the attack he collapsed probably due to chakra exhaustion since I could feel all his chakra concentrated in his right hand. I am even surprised that he didn't blow up his right arm off.

"Weasel, send the kid to the medics ASAP and tell the doctors to check his blood for bloodline or anything regarding his body. His show of strength has been too astounding. No… get Senju Tsunade for the checkup. Also get Inoichi for mental checkup." Briefly nodding at me Weasel or might I say my good step son Itachi went along to complete his task.

"Tou-san will… will he be alright?" I glance at my daughter who had been paralysed. I can see something new in her… It's suspicious. It's the same look when I rescued Kushina-chan… MY BABY GIRL HAS GROWN UP SO FAST! It only feels like yesterday but she's already in love. And I can somewhat relate to it since that is how I got Kushina-chan as well. Haaa… well a bird will fly one day soaring into the horizon searching for their own place but to think it would be this early.

"Of course, he will. He's a strong child. You don't need to worry about him or maybe someone's got a little crush hmmm?" I decided to tease her only to get an unexpected answer.

"Of course, he's my DESTINED ONE, dattebane!" OMG! So cute and she's even gotten her mother's verbal tick. She was always so tomboyish to have any girly fascination and now falling in love changed her completely.

"Don't worry! You can visit him once we do a full check up on him, okay?" Nodding while blushing she takes off with ANBU squad to return home. I still have a lot to do before returning home. Looking at the puddle of blood and the leftover remain of the dead ninja I order some of my men to clean up and head towards the Hokage tower.

After few hours of paperwork hell, I hear a knock from Senju Tsunade and Yamanaka Inoichi. Nodding at them to speak they give their report on Haruno Akira.

"Minato… the test result is terrifying. I don't even know if he can be even called a human or if he were a human he would be called an Alpha."

"Explain." Activating the silencing seal, I urge her to continue.

"His body adaptivity is so high that if it were possible and it is as I have seen it, he should've already exploded due his blood cells. And one top of that he has absolute chakra control." The last sentence is said with her expression showing disbelief and slight disgust.

"So? What's the problem?" I don't understand. It seems like my question made her angry and believe me you don't want to make a kunoichi angry.

"WHAT'S THE PROBLEM? It's freaking ABSOLUTE chakra control and not a PERFECT chakra control. All the training ninjas go through seems like a waste of time comparing them to this absurd chakra control. No matter how much training one does, it shouldn't be even possible to attain that kind of chakra control. His bloodline is too freaky and on top of that with only 5 hours of sleep he can heal from all type of injury and also recover his chakra. And the the final and the most disturbing matter is his Brain or should I say Brain Cells."

"Brain? It does sound freaky… can you explain?"

"Brain is the MOST IMPORTANT part of the body in order to operate it to its full potential. A body's capability keeps increasing as you train but what about mind? We think meditation and controlling our emotions increase our mind power but from the looks of it, it's all rubbish. It seems from the time we are born to the time of our death we have only been using our mind at maximum of 5%. Now tell me what do think would happen if we were to access 100%?"

"We would be very smart, cunning and intelligent?" I answer her with another question.

"That is what I thought as well but it seems it's different than we thought it was. If we have 100% access to our mind we would have Haruno Akira, possessor of Alpha Bloodline that is what I call it anyway."

"And that brings to our next findings. Genjutsu or any mind based jutsu are completely useless against him. That means our Yamanaka jutsu are completely useless against him." Inoichi helplessly adds his report.

"Anything else?" this is a major ordeal, a bloodline that makes you invulnerable to mind related jutsu.

"Yes, in fact that is only one of the thing that his brain allows him to do. Another thing is being able to control is emotion to remain calm at any situation. He is able to feel other emotion as well but if it gets too much he can control it and remain calm and cool."

Wow! That is one heck of an advantage. It's like he's meant to be a ninja… no a badass ninja like me no maybe he might even surpass me. We have to make him remain loyal to the village. If he becomes an enemy then it will be disastrous.

"And the final topping on the cake goes to this ridiculous ability of his. He can instantly master any technique once he has learned it. He just has to learn it even if it's little bit about it and BANG he's mastered it. His brain instantly gives him masterful comprehension to master that skill so any technique he has will instantly be master level skill."

I open my jaws wide open. Inoichi and Tsunade seems to be understanding my reaction since they must have had the same reaction. This is ridiculous, no terrifying if he got in the wrong hands such as Orochimaru or enemy village then we will be doomed.

"How many people know about this?" I ask them in my serious Hokage mode.

"Only us and..." Right after that Nara Shikaku our chief military advisor enters.

"And me. Might I suggest something?" How the hell did he time that? I placed the silencing seals for a reason dammit. He's too smart but at least his loyalty is true.

"Yes, what is it?"

"I heard he saved your daughter, right?" I don't like where this is going. I nod at him.

"How about we engage her with him to make sure he remains loyal? A council woman's son marrying the Hokage's daughter after saving her and to top it off having extremely valuable Bloodline. Haruno Mebuki will definitely agree without hesitation." He looks at me for an answer and I can say that it is quite a solution to current predicament. So, my answer was obvious.

Returning home late I wonder how to explain to my wives and my daughter about the situation. Itachi would agree no doubt seeing the level of skill and potential Haruno Akira has shown but what scares me is Kushina-chan's and Mikoto's reaction. If they go mad over this I can say my life goodbye.

Resigning to my fate I call my family together for a meeting.

"So, what's this about Minato-kun?" Gulping in my saliva I answer my dear Kushina-chan.

"Naruko-chan has been engaged now due to a difficult situation. The reason for that situation is SS-rank secret so I can't tell you."

SNAP! Suddenly a pair of arm is strangling my neck and I can't see my wife in front of me. I can only see a demoness in front of me.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT YOU BASTARD? I THOUGHT IT WAS ALWAYS FAMILY FIRST!" I can see Naruko-chan crying as well and Mikoto looking at me with disgust and Itachi squinting his eyes at me with his Mangekyo Sharingan. He's ready to use Tsukoyomi if I don't explain, if I don't die by Kushina-chan's hands first that is.

"Le…t me… ex.. plain… ple…ase.." I am barely able to talk.

She lets me go only to glare at me saying 'go on speak'.

"The one she is engaged to is Haruno Akira and he has a unique bloodline which is top secret and in order to give him reason to remain loyal to Konoha I decided to engage Naroko-chan to him."

I prepare for worst case scenario only to see all of them remaining quiet and next second squealing with joy and happiness congratulating Naruko-chan and Itachi nodding at me with approval. What the hell just happened?