
The children I got from the orphanage of church were regarded as highly talented kids according to the church records.

My plan was to simply build an empire. The great Neko-Haruno Empire.

It would be awesome. But first I had to train these children which was piece of cake actually.

With my max levelled Genjutsu, I stimulated them to feel fun while training and used Mass Shadow Clone Jutsu to train all of them in different arts such as swordsmanship, crafting, cooking, everything there is to know with my Mentor skill amplifying their learning rate by hundred times.

They were practically like a sponge soaking all the training becoming extremely skilled at astonishing rate.

And there's the diamond in the rough I managed to find, Argento Asia herself. One of the future harem member of the protagonist of this dimension. She had amazingly high Holy attribute and natural affinity with dragons.

With my training, she's become extremely strong and confident girl.

She was my number one student after all.

I still had seven years left until my Dimensional Transfer cooldown ended and I needed to get one servant each from the Biblical Faction.

Getting a sevant was easy but they had to be at least level 1000. That was a high hurdle... unless I fucking trained them myself.

Brilliant... but who to train?

I don't want males as I am only interested in females.

Getting an Angel servant will be incredibly hard. They might accidentally Fall if I do something.

God dammit!

I will have to kidnap one of those Brave Saint, that Griselda. She was a hot MILF from the photo I saw of her.

Then about Devil... who should I get... hmm.. maybe Serafall. I have the perfect idea to get her.

Kukukuku... wait am I turning into Orochimaru?


And lastly that Penemue from Fallen Angel, I will get her sexy ass on my cock if it's the last thing I do.

As I was planning my moves, an ominous portal opened right beside and a loli Gothic girl came into view.

"Ophis... what the hell are you doing here?" I asked surprised at her sudden arrival.

"I have been watching you ever since you were sent to the underworld by me and you interest me." Ophis said stoically but I could sense certain amount of amusement in her tone.

"So... you even saw me having sex?" I asked slightly curious about the matter.

"Yes... and I must say after watching you I began to feel something strange in my lower body." Shecsaid completely clueless about being horny.

"The thing is you were feeling aroused, Ophis. By the way aren't you genderless?"

"No... I have chosen to become a female, the opposite of Baka Red." Ophis said raising her eyebrows.

What the hell? All this time I thought she was a genderless dragon.

"Haruno Akira, I have seen what you have doing for a while and it interests me. Join me, Haruno Akira. Join my organisation, Khaos Brigade. It will help you take down those enemies of yours." Ophis said in an exaggerated manner.

I snorted, "No thanks."

Ophis faltered, "Why? It would be so much easier for you to beat them."

I looked at her in deadpan, "You want me to work with people who can't even wipe their own ass and expect them to wipe mine. No thanks... and Ophis you should probably do the same. Why depend on people who can't wipe their shit off their ass?"

Ophis looked at me for a while and laughed.

This had been the first time Ophis, the Orobouros dragon had laughed.

"Very well then, but before I leave satisfy my lust Haruno Akira since you are responsible for it." As she said that she snapped her fingers and instantly we were naked.

My life... it's too awesome!!!