
Ophis hugged my body sharing heat with me as she was only few inches shorter than me.

"How old are you anyway, Ophis?" I asked curiously.

She blankly looked at me with her deep onyx eyes, "It's rude to ask a girl's age."

Saying that she gave me a kiss and it was a deep one. Her tongue rolled over mine making sloppy noises.

She kept going on for half an hour and broke the kiss as our saliva trailed down.

"You really taste good, Haruno Akira." She said in a monotone but with slightly red face.

I frowned, "Just call me by my name. Calling me like that is a total turn off."

She looked at me for while and nodded in response as she pushed me on the floor.

"I am going to taste each and every part of your body, Akira." She said as she started licking my whole body.

I was starting to get extremely aroused by it. "Ophis, is your saliva aphrodisiac or something? It's making me too horny.", I asked as my libido was getting bigger.

"Yes, we dragons have natural charm to attract the opposite sex. The more stronger the dragon is, the harder it is to resist. It is a surprise, you haven't went mad with lust."

Woah! I guess my Gamer Mind saved me there.

"Alright then, I guess it's about time I show you what real pleasure is." I grabbed her and pulled her into my lap as my cock rubbed against her wet cunt.

"Mmmm~" She gave a soft moan at the contact with my cock. She had her back faced against as I gently bit her slightly pointed ear. I used my Sensational Touch skill as I began my foreplay.

"What is this?" Ophis said as her body started trembling with pleasure.

"This my little dragon is how I will be taming you." I grinned as I softly fondled her flat chest.

I pinched her nipples and gave gentle twists at intervals.

"Oh! Dont.... stop~", the normally emotionless Ophis was showing an unslightly face as she was drooling with a stupid face.

She was constantly squirting her love juice which she was totally clueless about it as she was engrossed in my heavenly foreplay.

"Ophis... let's get to the main event, shall we?" I lifted Ophis and directly plunged her into my cock in one single thrust.

"Uuuuu~" She got her tongues out flapping as he squirted another load of her love juice.

Up and down. I kept ponding her in that manner as she clung tightly on my neck.

She had non-stop orgasm as I did not stop my Sensational Touch which was being used to pound her cunt so it remembers who it belonged to.

"SOMETHING IS CUMMINGGGG!!!!" Ophis first time on her entire life screamed as she cummed hard.

She rested on my shoulder as she regained her breath.

I smugly asked, "So... how was it?"

Her answer? She bit me on my collarbone, as she bit me a tattoo appeared there.

The tattoo was two black dragonic snakes coiling around each other.


"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed as I felt enormous pain.

"Akira! What's wrong?" Ophis asked.

'How the hell should I know? You are the one who bit me.' I wanted to retort but the pain didn't allow me to.

The last thing I saw were notifications from my system before I fainted.

[Ting! You have been marked as mate by the Oroborous Dragon. Requirements met for skill upgrade.

Sage Body has been upgraded to Oroborous Sage Body!

Sage Mode has been upgraded to Oroborous Sage Mode!

Sage Mode sub-skills added -

Devatating Gale learned!

Purgatory Flames learned!]