Shit! Shit! Shit!

Naruto raised his hand up and yelled as he thought that he was the victor.

All the audience looking at the match was astounded as well, seeing that Akira who seemed so powerful was blown away by a single punch.

"Beloved Master!!!" All the three present Nekoshou cried out in worry for their precious Master.

Yasaka looked at Naruto with a smile and there also seemed to be slight sadness?

As Naruto was ready to declare himself victorious, an intense suffocating pressure filled the air.


Black miasma covered the whole place as a dark pink figure appeared in front of him.

"You think you are a hot shot with that Plot Armour of yours, huh? Well... guess what? You aren't the only cheat character here." A hoarse voice said as the figure slowly revealed to be bruised up Haruno Akira.

"Beloved Master! YOU ARE ALRIGHT!!!" All of the Nekoshou cried out in joy.

"Of course I am! This shit is nothing to me." Akira grinned savagely but he knew it was going to be tough.

His stats were still reduced because the fucking Plot Armour had already been used. But it didn't matter since his main specialty were his skills after all.

"Tsk... you are quite a stubborn guy." Naruto clicked his tongue seeing Akira stand up after he had put all of his strength in that attack.

Akira grinned, "I am quite a bit weakened after that stunt you pulled out of your ass but I have got many other ways to beat you."

Akira's Oroborous Sage Mode was out and his stats were severely reduced so his only option was to attack his weak point.

It was Naruto's emotions.

"You know Naruto. You are quite a hypocrite." Akira said causing Naruto to narrow his eyes at him.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well... I mean look at you. You didn't bother thinking a bit about how your wife could have felt before even fighting things out." As Akira said that Naruto's eyes widened.

"WHAT!? But you were going to take her anyway or there would be a war." Naruto gave his excuse.

"Kukukuku... did you even think that it was your wife that made the offer in the first place? Maybe you can't satisfy her anymore so she had to resort to this?" Akira attacked his critical point as Naruto stumbled back in shock.

"No... that's not true..." Naruto said weakly.

Akira teleported behind him and whispered in his ears, "I think you don't really care for your wife as well. I mean think about how your wife will enjoy having her pussy totally spread out wide by my cock. Something you could never do."

"Shut up!" Naruto attacked Akira only for him to teleport away.

"Did I hit a soft spot, Naruto?" Akira smiled pitying Naruto.

"Kukukuku... Don't try to run away from your problems, Naruto. You will have to embrace it in the future." Akira said looking at Naruto who was clutching his head.

"AAAAHHHHH! YOU ARE RIGHT ALRIGHT!" Naruto confessed as Akira looked at him in confusion.

"I am right?" Akira said questioning no one in particular.

"I tried to keep that abomination in check but I just can't take it anymore. Ever since Ero-Senin (Jiraya) took me with him to peek on women, I have been fascinated with watching others making out with women I take fancy on. It felt so good!" Naruto said as there was a bulge on his pants.

Akira in his turn was slowly backing away as he looked shocked at the development.

"And you know the worst thing is that I love my wife but want to see her defiled by a huge cock while she begs for more." Naruto cried as his pant had some stains.


Meanwhile Akira chanted those magical words not believing what was happening in front of him.

Yasaka slowly came towards Naruto and consoled him.

"Beloved... I know we never found the right guy but I guess he the one. You even said that he's an altenate version of your teammate and also your brother in-law from another world. He's perfect and he looks quite amazing as well." Yasaka said looking lustfully at Akira.

Naruto genuinely wanted to get cuckolded but only never gave into it because he wanted the best man for it. It seems he found the right man for the job.

While Akira had only one sentence to describe this situation.