

I mean seriously! What the hell was going on?

A guy willingly trying to cuckold himself!?

This was some hardcore shit that I won't be able to defeat with my fragile little heart.

I did what any man in my situation would do.



I instantly teleported myself back at my place with my Nekoshou as well. I don't want them to see any more of those atrocities.

"Beloved Master? Why are we back here? We thought you were finally going to get what you wanted." Kurohime, my ever so innocent and devoted Neko said to me but I had cold sweats coming as I remembered the confession of that LUNATIC!

He wasn't a hypocrite! He was a damn lunatic!

Oh my god! What did I do to deserve this kind of trauma?

Was lusting after each and every beautiful woman a sin?

Nonononono... I can't think like that just because of this single event.

Fucking Naruto and his stupid cuckold fetish.

"Kurohime... never and when I mean never. I mean never speak of this again. This kind of thing must be forgotten." She cutely tilted her head and nodded not understanding the severness of the issue.

I need a break... I need to get some rest and forget about all this bullshit. Thankfully the stats reduction I got from Plot Armour were temporary.

"Kurohime! I am going on a vacation or something... till then you are in charge of the current affairs of our faction, alright?" I said to Kurohime who perked up with joy and happiness.

"Yes Beloved Master! I will not let you down!" She said with determination.

What is she thinking? Aw well... I am too tired with all this shit going on, I am going to relax at human world with some video games!

It's not like anything big would happen, right?


"Kurohime? Can you please explain to me what the hell is going on?" I asked Kurohime as I looked at the beaten up Sirzechs with his... missing manhood....

I left for just 3 months to clear my head and I just come back to see more shit going on.

"Ah! Beloved Master you are back! We just got you presents to celebrate your return from vacation." Kurohime said as it was the most natural thing to do.

Oi! You are scaring me, my lovely Kurohime. If getting rid of someone's... manhood is natural to you then I have every right to be afraid.

"So... don't tell me this is the present you are presenting me with?" I said while my eyes were twitching.

"Nyaster! Of course not! He is just a victim. He tried to stop us from getting your presents." Shirone said in a happy tone.

"Follow me Nyaster!" Shirone dragged me to a room.

As I went inside the room I saw a sight I wouldn't have imagined.

There was two ass sticking out of the wall as there were words written on them.

'Private meat toilet for Nyaster!'

That was what written over there and the fact that those asses belonged to Grafiya and Serafall just made one thing clear to me.

I looked at Shirone and gave her a kiss, "Best presents ever."

"Nyaaa~" Shirone fist pumped the air in victory.

The question was which one should I use first?

But still my Nekos... they sure are a scary bunch.

"Nyaster! There's more!" Shirone said enthusiastically.

"Huh? More?" What else could there be?

"We solved that cuckold loving guy's problem so you don't have to worry about it!" Shirone said happily.

I blinked several times and yelled, "WHAT!?"

"Nyaster! You are too loud!" Shirone whined but I wasn't having any of that.

"Tell me eveything!" I demanded.

"Nyahahaha... of course Nyaster! One of our Nekoshou wanted to make that whisker guy suffer so she used a forbidden spell to grow herself a huge cock. After that, she fucked the hell out of Yasaka making her completely submissive to her. Whisker guy was shedding tears but he looked happy, nya!" Shirone finished her report as I stood there dumbfounded.

Did Naruto in the end get NTR'd by a Futa girl?

Holy shit!

That is... hot!

Is it wrong for me to think that a girl with dick fucking another girl is hot?

God dammit!!! This was getting crazy!

I am going to relieve myself with these fucking meat toilets.

I wonder though... is this all they did?

I had no idea that my Nekoshou had done so much more....