Truth in the Feigned Affection (I)

"Chenqie greets the Emperor." Hui Lan's sweet voice was the first thing he heard.

Without waiting for him to let her stand, his Empress had already stood to her tall height.

"From what I see, this sister-in-law of mine has won this round." It was the second prince, Shen Kun who whispered to the left prime minister Xin.

In the same way, the left prime minister leaned closer, "Aiya, the Empress also has a temper as well ah. It seems it might be hard for our Emperor deal with her like usual…"

Slowly, second prince Shen Kun raised his hand to cover his mouth, "But would Ge let her off?"

With his fox-like eyes, the left prime minister Xin answered, "We'll have to see."

The two whispered softly behind Emperor Yang Long's back. However, skilled in martial arts like the Emperor, how could he not have heard the two's conversation. It was just that, both of them had no intentions of hiding their conversation either.

All the Emperor could do was to send a look in the corner of his eyes to warn them.

On the other hand, Hui Lan kept her eyes lowered and showed her disinterests in the newcomers as if they were not there. From behind her, the Royal Physician Jin slowly walked to stand beside her.

"Greetings Bixie." His gentle voice greeted his half-brother who was now the Emperor.

Seeing the Royal Physician Jin, Emperor Yang Long's eyebrows could not help but twitch. His heart could not help but boil up silently.

Though everyone was together, the atmosphere dropped colder than minus degree Celcius.

"Bixie, what brings you here to see Aijia?" It was the Empress Dowager who broke the icy atmosphere.

Emperor Yang Long turned his cold eyes from his Empress to his mother who was sipping tea at the long table, "Does Erchen have to have a reason to meet muhou?"

Empress Dowager's hand that was holding onto the teacup halted slightly before a small smile was revealed and she placed her cup down, "Of course not."

Without haste, the Emperor finally took his seat beside the Empress Dowager. Simultaneously, both the second prince and the left prime minister Xin took their seats beside the Emperor.

Hui Lan's quick eyes looked at the two young lads that followed the Emperor to the seat. The lad fanning himself completely looked like a young flower boy while the other one with those smiley eyes but crafty eyesight looked like a cunning fox.

"Empress Feng, Ah-San come over and sit with us." The Empress Dowager did not forget to invite everyone over.

Hui Lan heaved a sigh before making her way towards the long table. However, when she took a few steps forward, the young lad in white did not follow along. As a friendly gesture to her new medicine master, she turned around and beckoned, "What are you waiting for master? Let's go."

"M..master?" Never before has Royal Physician Jin stuttered in his words, but this was the first.

Their conversation was not left unheard by the people who were already at the table.

While the Empress Dowager and Su Rong fold their conversation truly entertaining the rest seemed to have thought otherwise.

The emperor's grip that was on the teacup grew tighter. Meanwhile, both the second prince and the prime minister Xin carefully had their eyes on the cold person who was beside them.

Both could not help but think together, seeing those two joining hands in front of his own eyes, why wouldn't he be annoyed? Even if they did not mean anything, it would have slightly caused his heart to be slightly annoyed, just slightly.

Hui Lan could not help but tease, "If you aren't my master then are you my student?" However, when she thought of it again, "I've had enough students, quickly come over ah." Without waiting for the other person, Hui Lan swiftly turned around and headed towards the rest.

Though Hui Lan had arrived at the seat that she had been sitting, she hesitated as she was about to pull the chair out.

...Ayy, must she have to face this heartless guy for the rest of her time here? She had thought she would not have to encounter him…

Nevertheless, since the Emperor kept his skin thick enough to face her after all she had done, then, she who had never done anything to him should not back out. Without waiting any longer, Hui Lan quickly took out the chair and sat down immediately.

Xiao Mao tweeted in a hurry as Hui Lan came sitting down without telling him a word. She almost sat down on him, "Wei! Human, though I'm small, you can't just sit on me!"

Hui Lan's eyes widened as she remembered that the little fella was still there. She apologetically looked at him and gently lifted him up to her eye level.

"Xiao Mao ah, I'm sorry. My mind was slightly preoccupied." Hui Lan's sorry voice spoke into Xiao Mao's mind.

"Hm, apology accepted! But don't let there be a next time." Xiao Mao's constant tweet was heard around the entire Ping An Palace.

Hui Lan nodded politely before placing the little guy down on her lap.

Then, all of a sudden, Xiao Mao's voice in her mind switched into a youthful voice as he spoke, "Miss, I'm hungry ah. This morning you came her in such a hurry that you did not even feed me or eat yourself.

"Sigh, why? You want me to pet you? But you aren't my pet ah, you are a free animal. Listen, why don't I let you fly around and you find your own food, hm?"

"Miss, have you forgotten something? I can't fly remember?" Xiao Mao lifted his wings sadly.

"Ah, alright, just this time." She looked up from the snowy owl to the table and found a few different kinds of cake in front of her.

...Although it might not be the healthiest food, it would do for now. Later, she would stea- find him some herbs from the Royal Physician and give it to this little fella.

As the two were talking, the Royal Physician Jin had already made his way to sit beside Hui Lan.

Hui Lan reached out for the peach blossom cake that was in front of the second prince, however, it was just that the two picked the same cake and only one was left in the plate. Slowly, she looked up at the owner of the hand that had it on the same piece of cake.

When she looked up, her eyes could not help but twitch when she saw who it was, second prince Shen Kun. This fair looking flower was just a trivial matter, but why did it make her heart boil up by just looking at his face?

As a gentleman, one should let the lady take it? Well, it was not required for men to sacrifice, but she was sure that she laid her hand on this piece of cake by 0.0001 seconds.

With a smile on his face, Shen Kun spoke first, "Sister-in-law, I think I was first though…"

...Tch, even you want to bully me.

"If you imply such words, you mean this jie jie should give it to you?" Hui Lan did not even disclose her dislike in her voice.

Caughting swift of the Empress' temper, left prime minister Xin quickly gave the second prince Shen Kun a nudge on the elbow.

However, unlike other times, the second prince did not listen and persisted on getting that one piece of cake.

Meanwhile, both Empress Dowager Xin and the Emperor did not show any interest in what was going on the surface, but deep down, they were both slightly waiting to see what would happen for both knew how Shen Kun could get when he wanted something.

On the other hand, Royal Physician Jin simply sipped his tea silently. Nevertheless, he truly wanted to know what this 'student' of his would do...since she had despicably cornered him just a moment ago.

Since both Hui Lan and the second prince insisted, both did not take their hand away from the one piece of cake and both were fiercely staring at each other to let go.

...Well then, sorry if she played slightly dirty to get Xiao Mao this precious piece of cake.

"Xiao Mao," Hui Lan's voice rang in the little fella's head.

"Hm? What is it miss?"

With her free hand, Hui Lan laid it flat beside Xiao Mao, "Get on my hand, jie has found you some food, but this human wants to take it away from me. So, it's either you get it yourself, or you lose the cake."

"Huh? What!? No way." Immediately, the small snowy owl quickly got on Hui Lan's hand and without wasting any more time, Hui Lan quickly lifted her hand and placed Xiao Mao on the table.

When Xiao Mao was finally on the table, he could finally see the situation. Someone really dared to take his food!

Thinking of losing his food, Xiao Mao quickly stomped his way towards the second prince's hand and picked on the second prince's fingers.

In fear of losing his finger, second prince Shen Kun could only release his hand away from the cake.

After finally having no one to take his food away, Xiao Mao proudly lifted the cake in his beak and returned to Hui Lan's side.

"That bird! The cake was for Benwang, why was it that the bird could take it from my hands!?"

On the other hand, Hui Lan could not help but smile from behind her veil and instead gave Xiao Mao gentle patting on the back. She did not even spare a look at the second prince.

"That should be enough, Shen Kun." In the end, it was Emperor Yang Long who was the only who could stop his hot-headed brother. Only then did the second prince became quiet.

As he told Shen Kun to stop, his eyes slightly averted to look at the person who sat opposite him.

However, not once had she showed any interests in him, but in that bird…? His cold chilly eyes were shot towards Xiao Mao's small back, so cold that Xiao Mao began shivering.

"Miss did the temperature drop or something? Why do I feel so cold."

In contrast to the cold eyes that were given to Xiao Mao, Hui Lan smiled warmly and gently brought Xiao Mao down on her lap as to cover him from those frost cutting eyes.

...Tch, what a petty man. Seeking to harm a small bird? Couldn't he let Xiao Mao off?

...It seems he could not really say anything about what she had done since it was in front of the Empress Dowager. However, he was truly fast at knowing that it was her. Could it be that he had some hidden sources? Nevertheless, this cold Emperor couldn't tell her off in front of the Empress Dowager. At least, she needed to stay on the good side of the Empress Dowager. Who knows, it would be more of a help to her than a loss.

Well, this was also good, since it would not have to be brought up. Just sitting here for a while until these three people get bored and leave wouldn't be much of a wait.

However, just as Hui Lan thought that she could have peace of mind. His disturbing voice came ringing into her ears.

"Muhou, there is some news I would like to tell you." Emperor Yang Long's deep voice called out.

"Oh? So, that is why you are here." The Empress Dowager spoke as if she was already waiting.

...Sigh, from what she could see, this pair of mother and son seemed to have a rocky relation between each other…

"Mei Fang is actually right prime minister Li's lost daughter."

However, there were no signs of surprise in the Empress Dowager's expression, "So?"

"So, Zhen has given her the title of Li Gui Fei." Emperor Yang Long's voice clearly announced in the entire Long table.

The second prince unfolded his fan to cover his smile. However, his eyes were already laughing at Hui Lan.

On the surface, Hui Lan seemed to be looking down, but she was calculating a few matters inside her head.

...It seems with referring himself as Zhen, he was most likely talking to her.

However, a sense of realization came to Hui Lan. Then, that must be the reason why he was fuming all the way here. Since her rumours and Li Gui Fei's announcement was announced at the same time, then a dignified rise of position could not be met!

...Aiya, she truly did not expect that this would happen ah, but this was also good. Since her rumours would be more credible.

...From what she sees, he might be getting some headache for these couple of days.

...Well, she should congratulate him for this 'matter'

Hui Lan quickly cupped her hands together, "Chenqie, would like to congratulate Bixie for having a Gui Fei, it seems this time Li mei mei would help accompany you more!" Hui Lan's lovely eyes turned into half-moons as she congratulated the Emperor.

However, it was just that, her words of congratulations were like pouring salt onto a wound.

Emperor Yang Long's lips could not help but twitch. This girl!

...She already knows what she has done, but is feigning ignorance. Zhen will make you regret retaliating with Zhen.

However, though Emperor Yang Long's eyes were as cold as the chilliest pit of the earth, Hui Lan's fiery eyes simply smiled away as she happily thought of her revenge.

However, this was only the first action she took and he was already fuming all this way to her, it seems this fight was not that difficult...