Truth in the Feigned Affection (II)

"Chenqie, would like to congratulate Bixie for having a Gui Fei, it seems this time Li mei mei would help accompany you more!" Hui Lan's voice was as sweet as honey drops.

However, deep down her heart could not help but beat frantically. It was as if blood was rushing all over her veins. Li Gui Fei? Li family? It looks like this Emperor is truly going all out for this consort of his. Not only has her title been lifted, but she now has a powerful family from the right prime minister to back her. It was truly hitting two birds with one stone.

While others could feel a slight sarcasm in Hui Lan's voice and stayed quiet, the second prince folded his fan in a huff as his expectation did not come to reality. Where were those sad eyes that he was looking for? Was this sister-in-law of his just acting and trying to curry favour from his brother from saying good words for his other sister-in-law?

"Sister-in-law, you look happy." He could not help but try to dig whether or not this sister-in-law of his was truly saying what she felt. Though his words might have felt like daggers to a young lady who had not received the love from her lover, he was not going to let it go that easily. One more thing he despised the most about females is their honey-like surface when it is rotten underneath.

Hui Lan's deer-like eyes shot innocently at the second prince as she opened her mouth once again to speak, "Should I not be happy? Second Prince are you not happy? But I'm happy though, could it be…?"

"You!?" Second prince Shen Jin did not think that the sword would be pointed back at him and he would be questioned with such misleading question.

"Please Niang Niang, I believe the second prince does not mean it in such a way." It was the left prime minister Xin who could no longer let his younger cousin receive more losses. Otherwise, it would be him to clean up this young prince's mess.

Hui Lan turned to look at the left prime minister who had been quiet all this time, so quiet that she had almost forgotten he was even here. However, unlike the second prince who was proud in his morals, this young lad looked rather like a young cunning fox. Underneath the calm surface, countless traps were probably ready to catch the prey.

"In such a way was Bengong even referring to may I ask prime minister Xin to clear it for me?"

The prime minister Xin had now fallen in a hot seat. How could the Empress not know what she was implying to when she was the one who spoke it? This question was truly a loss for him.

To say that the Empress was meaning that Shen Jin had feelings for Li Gui Fei was not right else he would be the one to blame, but to mention that Shen Jin was unhappy with the announcement was also not right.

This Empress looked unharmful, but her words were like spitting daggers at everyone.

The left prime minister Xin could only smile, "Please Niang Niang, help this incompetent subject out."

"Sigh," Hui Lan slowly lifted her teacup and began swirling it gently in her hand.

While the rest kept silent, they were also listening intently.

Slowly Hui Lan placed her cup down, "If the prime minister is incompetent, then Xin Li…" Once again her words like spitting daggers out, this time she had included the entire kingdom.

As the Emperor of Xin Li, he could not let it pass. Emperor Yang Long placed his cup down with a loud thud, "Don't take it too far."

"Chenqie, I also agree. I'm also tired, left prime minister Xin should not ask Bengong too many questions."

"Ge told you sister-in-law, not biao ge(cousin)!" It was the second prince who could not take it longer with Hui Lan's blatant ignorance.

"Oh did he? He did not address Bengong?"

"You youngsters truly have a sense of humour. That should be enough for now." Finally, as the elder in the circle, the Empress Dowager Xin finally hushed their argument. The more it prolonged, it would only be a loss for these three males of hers. Two of them were her sons and one was her nephew, however, they all were at a loss in front of this daughter-in-law of hers.

This time, the Empress truly played them until they were rendered speechless. Such a fearless young lady and full of sharp words.

Well, it was something she had not seen in this capital until this daughter-in-law of hers. It seems this palace would not be boring anymore.

Since the Empress Dowager spoke herself, Hui Lan did not continue and kept quiet. It was as if the lady who was on fire a moment ago was not her and she had returned back to the usual well behaved eldest miss of the Feng family.

She no longer bothered to even look at the three males in front of her and returned to play with the small snowy owl on her lap.

Meanwhile, the second prince could not help but look at Hui Lan as if he had been bullied and the prime minister Xin was silently observing her. Would she one day be competent to be his enemy? For one thing, he knew for sure, her family was not going to be around any longer.

The Emperor gave one brief look at his Empress before making up his mind, "Muhou, I was wondering if you could hold a celebration par-"

Eunuch Wu's hurried voice cried out from the door, the poor eunuch had not even arrived but his anxious voice was already made known"Bixie!"

However, only until the elder eunuch arrived did he see his mistake, "Aiya, this servant is terribly sorry for the interruption."

Hui Lan gently looked up to the new arrival. Yesterday, she had not taken a look at this Eunuch's face properly, but from what she saw was a middle-aged man with very smiley eyes. However, she wondered if he was such as his appearance showed him to be.

"Have some tea." It was the person who sat beside her who finally spoke.

She turned to look at the hand that was pouring some hot tea for her. However, as he finished pouring the tea, it was all gone. He turned behind him where Su Rong stood a few steps away.

While having his back behind everyone else, he whispered softly beside Hui Lan's ears, "He used to be my Imperial father's eunuch for a short time, but he's a tricky one. Nevertheless, truly loyal to his current master, but he is also kind, just don't try to provoke him." "Some more tea?" The Royal Physician gestured towards Su Rong who stood behind them.

As her title was a servant, Su Rong did not mind and walked to take the teapot away for it to be changed.

Hui Lan took her eyes away from Eunuch Wu to the Royal Physician beside her. Why did he even care to warn her?

Slowly, the Royal Physician Jin brought his cup to his lips, but he did not drink it. The cup was only to cover his next few words, "Since you are to become my student, then this master would have to take care of you well." Having finished his words, the Royal Physician lowered his cup as if nothing happened.

On the other hand, though there was some displeasure that she became someone's student, she could not help but smile. Having him as a master was also not bad.

She slightly lifted her veil out so she could drink tea, but in fact, she was simply covering her mouth in the same way her all-around awarded master did, "I hope master would carry on teaching this student." Unlike Royal Physician Jin, from smelling the fragrance of the tea, she decided to take a sip from it.

Both master and student's actions were gracefully flawless. It was as if nothing happened.

Meanwhile, the Emperor did not get angry and Eunuch Wu and spoke, "Eunuch Wu, please, what is it?"

"Ahem. Reporting to Bixie, a military report has arrived from the borders. Great General Shen and Feng Furen would like to pay a visit to her highness, the Empress!" Eunuch Wu's voice spoke loud and clear for the Royals at the long table to know.

It was just that, while others had yet to show a reaction, Hui Lan began coughing her tea. Su Rong, who had just arrived in time for Eunuch Wu's announcement, walked over towards Hui Lan quickly and patted her friend's back gently.

"Niang Niang, are you alright?" Su Rong asked Hui Lan softly.

All Hui Lan could do was nod in return.

...Aiya, she did not know this owner's father and mother was this quick-tempered. Just from hearing their daughter being neglected and endangered, they were willing to leave their post and come see their daughter. However, she had yet to take on the role of the real 'Feng Hui Lan'. How was she supposed to fool this owner's parents in such a short time?

"Bixie, what would Bixie like to tell them?" Eunuch Wu asked carefully for this matter was a major issue if the General left the borderline to come to the Capital. It would be a great risk for the entire of Xin Li if anything were to occur in the General's absence.

Instead of replying, the Emperor turned back to look at the person who had just calmed down from coughing, "Empress, what do you say about this?"

Hui Lan lifted her long lashes up to look at the Emperor who was digging a trap in front of her. As those alluring pair of eyes looked up at him, his heart seemed to have skipped one beat.

If she said yes let her parents come, then he would be saying she did not think of the bigger picture. However, if one were to build a trap in front of your enemy, then it would be no use…for in actual fact, she did not want this owner's parents to come over, well, just not yet she suppose...

"Chenqie believes it would best left in Bixie's hand than let Chenqie speak." Hui Lan threw the hot potato back at the Emperor.

However, the Emperor did not seem to let it go easily, "Zhen is in a good mood today, I would you to share your ideas, perhaps it would help enlighten Zhen."

"Bixie is already the heavenly son, what could this lowly person enlightened you who is higher?" Though she had spoken those words, she felt as if she wanted to cough out blood instantly.

"Oh? Is it that you do not want to meet your parents?"

"If Bixie is talking about wanting to meet my parents, then Chenqie's answer is yes. However, this is a matter of the entire Xin Li, Chenqie cannot let my personal feelings over the entire safety of Xin Li." Tch, he's really patiently waiting for her to fall in his trap.

"What you said is right, but what about your filial piety towards your parents?"

Though this Emperor was beginning to get on her nerves, she sweetly replied back, "When it is a good time for us, Chenqie would, of course, show my filial piety towards my father and mother."

"What filial words are you even talking about Empress? Now, you are my wife, are you not supposed to be loyal to me instead?" His voice grew more and more dangerous as he reached his last sentence. He took this chance to warn her not to think of radiating with him.

...Tch, he truly loved twisting her words. Also, talking about the wife belonging completely to the if she was a prisoner…sigh, she was not going to rebel straight after coming to this place. She was as weak as a duckling, what she could do now was wait, wait until the time was right.

Hui Lan's eyes turned pitiful in an instant."Has my loyalty not been enough for Bixie to see? Or is it because Bixie did not even care to look at it? If so, what more does Bixie demand from Chenqie?" As if on a verge of crying, she turned to look at the Empress Dowager, "Taihou, Chenqie truly miss my parents and I believe they also miss me. Yesterday, Chenqie almost lost my life, I am sure they are worried about me. I do not mean anything but a daughter missing her parents."

The Emperor saw no use of dragging it any longer, "You talk too much." He then turned to look at the Eunuch, "Zhen gives permission for General Feng to come to the capital. Prepare a feast to welcome him for me tomorrow evening." He then turned to the Empress Dowager, "Muhou, since there is nothing left, I will take my leave, Li Gui Fei is waiting for me."

As if on queue, the three lads took their leave. The second prince Shen Kun did not forget to leave a warning look at Hui Lan before he left.

...Tut tut, what a young and carefree prince.

...Emperor. Shen. Yang. Long.

....You came all this way to tell me the news of Li Gui Fei who now has a strong backing and you did not forget to warn me to stay in my place and not have any other thoughts. However, the more you tell me to stay in my place and not have any other thoughts, the more those thoughts keep flowing in from one plan to another.

...So what if her enemy was stronger? She could grow just as strong or even stronger. Now now, just don't let me catch you by surprise...Mr Emperor.