Truth in the Feigned Affection (III)

Hui Lan gracefully stood up and bowed slightly. She let others see her eyes smiling as she sent the Emperor off. Meanwhile, the Royal Physician Jin silently sent the rest off.

Once the three individuals were gone. Both Hui Lan and the Royal Physician both sat back down once again.

Seeing that both had taken their seats, the Empress Dowager asked warmly, "Empress, it seems you have gained a master?"

Hui Lan nodded sweetly, "Yes, Taihou. Royal Physician Jin was benevolent enough to take Chenqie in as a student."

"Oh? Is that so, Ah-San." The Empress Dowager turned to ask this youngster who she had been taking care of since he was young. He was just like a son to her.

"Replying to Taihou, since the Empress would like to learn more about medicines and the arts of healing, this physician could not turn down a heart that was interested in such things especially due to recent events." His mention of the recent event seemed to have summed it all up without having to mention anything else for both he and the Empress Dowager knew deep down what had happened to the little prince.

However, what could they do when the Emperor has ordered to let it go and he has destroyed all evidence.

"Hm, very well. Teach the Empress well." Having listened to the third prince Shen Fu Jin, the Empress Dowager agreed. It seems, the Empress also knew what had happened to her son.

What the Empress will do next, should be what a mother would do for her son, right? From the looks of what will happen next, her eldest son who is also the Emperor might have to deal with what is to come. This matter, she, the Empress Dowager will not intervene for she understood a mother's heart well.

...Let's count what comes next as a lesson for this blinded son of hers.

As Hui Lan listened to their conversation quietly, she became lost in her thoughts. It seems, both of them already knew the cause of her son's death. However, they did not disclose it but chose to keep silent, was it for the Emperor or was it because of the Emperor?

...Did the Emperor have so much power? Or because he was their family?

...Nevertheless, both did not show any signs of stopping her even though by now they must have caught that she was not going to let the little prince's death pass by this quietly.

Well, at least, they are not trying to stop her. Whoever did wrong, should at least feel bad for what they did. However, since they do not even feel bad or even think what they did was wrong, then she would not mind giving them a reminder.

"Empress, is there anything else that you would like to talk with aijia?"

The Empress Dowager's voice awoken Hui Lan's thoughts. She looked up at the middle-aged lady beside her briefly before replying in the end, "Chenqie has nothing left to say." Hui Lan recalled the reason why she had come here and turned to look at Royal Physician Jin, "Master, I have something else that I need to discuss with you."

Royal Physician Shen Fu Jin who was about to lift his teacup up paused halfway before placing the cup down, "Oh? What is it?"

"I want to find some herbs to make fragrance oils for my room to help my body recover better." This was the only reason why she came all the way here. After all those heartache and longing signs still left in this body, she could not stand it any longer.

Her mother had once prescribed a cure for a love potion and had passed it on to her. So, for this lovesick that is going on in her, she would at least try everything she could to make it go away or at least make her more focused.

Hearing the Empress' explanation, he thought over it and saw no harm in doing, so Physician Jin replied, "Hm, then let's go to the Royal Physician Centre and see what Niang Niang can do with the herbs we have."

"How great!" Hui Lan then turned Taihou, "Chenqie will take my leave first."

The Empress Dowager had no other reason for this youngster to stay over and simply nodded, "Hm, you go by your way."

"Thank you Taihou." Hui Lan smiled and gently lifted up Xiao Mao to her shoulders. "Can you balance yourself?" Hui Lan sent her lovely voice into Xiao Mao's head.

"En, miss. I am perfectly fine." The little fella answered back joyfully. Now it did not have to walk huhu.


Though Hui Lan was to head to the Royal Physician centre, she did not even wait for the Royal Physician Jin himself and headed to the door first.

However, before she could step passed through the door, the Empress Dowager's voice spoke from behind her, "Empress, just be a little merciful to my son."

Hearing that Hui Lan's body halted at the door. She felt a surge of warmth coming through her heart. At least, the Empress Dowager was not going to stop her.

Why fight in the dark when you can fight straight on? Careful steps were all she needed.

Hui Lan turned around and looked at the Empress Dowager who turned to look at her as well. Both met eyes, but there were no hard feelings between them. Hui Lan felt a sense of respect from this elder for she knew what was right and wrong. Hence, she'll go easy...well one inch easier.

Before she left, Hui Lan nodded politely to the Empress Dowager and then gracefully left the Empress Dowager's guest room.

From behind her, the Royal Physician Jin took his leave and followed behind the young lady in the purple dress that was walking as if she was floating in the clouds.

It seems this student of his was not so easy. The Empress Dowager was famous for overprotecting over her sons including him. However, this time, she had let this student go for the Emperor that easily? It seems there was more for him to learn from this Empress...

After the guest had left, court lady Han came out to pour some more tea for the Empress Dowager, "Taihou, are you sure about letting the Empress avenging for the little prince?"

"Hm, she reminds me of me when I was younger." The Empress Dowager felt slightly sentimental when she thought of her younger days.

"Our Ke group has reported that the Emperor was the one who told the Empress to keep quiet about it. The Empress would be having a hard time if she truly wanted to fight straight on with the Emperor especially when Bixie is looking to take care of the Feng family."

"Well, that is for her to take care of, aijia will not get myself involve. Her family is for her to take care of, being an Empress is not just only having a slick tongue but taking action. She was too well-behaved and what did she get? Her son was lost. If she wants to protect someone in this palace, she must do something and that aijia cannot help her."

"Taihou is wise."

"Hoho, I am just old. Tell me what the Empress is doing with Ah-San. She can ask for help from Ah-San but if she puts Ah-San in danger, you must report me immediately."

"Yes, taihou."

"Hm, bring me a go table for me. Let's see what will happen next."

"Yes, taihou."




Behind the Royal Physician, Su Rong followed silently. She kept her eyes on Hui Lan in case anything happened, however, who would have thought that the Royal Physician Jin would all of a sudden turnaround and stop.

She crashed into him without any space for her to escape. His two hands held onto her back so that both of them did not fall. However, despite crashing into each other, both made no noise.

Nevertheless, Su Jou who had been covering himself in one corner of the tiles almost slipped. That was his big sister being taken advantage of! However, he could not even do anything. This was truly vexing!

This physician looked like he was simple and nice, who knew he would be this kind of person!? From now on, he would have to be more aware of this person...

"Miss...look behind you." It was Xiao Mao's voice that rang into Hui Lan's head. She stopped in her place and turned around.

Only to see Su Rong landing perfectly into the Royal Physician Jin's arms.

Hui Lan could not help but cover her mouth in surprise, but from the look of this, she gradually revealed a small smile.

....Hm, what if...just what if huhu.

Seeing Hui Lan's teasing eyes, Su Rong quickly pushed the Royal Physician Jin away. However, her hand was slightly too hard that his body came flying towards Hui Lan.

Without thinking twice, Hui Lan pushed the Royal Physician back. Hence, he came flying back to Su Rong.

This time, Su Rong was ready and she quickly caught the Royal Physician and made him stay in one place. The two met eyes for a brief moment before Su Rong walked away to Hui Lan.

Seeing Su Rong making her way towards her, Hui Lan quickly scooped Su Rong's arm and began asking questions about Su Rong and the Royal Physician.

However, Hui Lan was only answered back with a glare.

"Is there something going on with you and the Physician?"

"Miss, ask her if she likes that guy?"

"Do you like the Physician?"

"Ey, Su Rong what is your type?"

Both Hui Lan and Xiao Mao who were nosy about Su Rong could only eat bitter fruits for the young lady did not give them any answers.

In the end, Hui Lan could only give up and put away her curiosity.

Meanwhile, Royal Physician Jin was rendered speechless. This, no these two ladies, why were not gentle in the slightest bit. Weren't the young ladies supposed to be gentle? They did not even hold back when they pushed him.

However, he had to quickly recover himself for both of them were already walking further and further away from him. They were both going to the Royal Physician centre, but they did not even wait for the Royal Physician himself.

On the other hand, Hui Lan was simply following Su Rong as she held Su Rong's arm. As Su Rong was taking her towards an unfamiliar path, she curiously asked, "Su Rong ah, do you know the way to the Royal Physician?"

Su Rong halted in her steps, "Of course, you don't remember?" Su Rong did not even care to address Hui Lan as 'Niang Niang'.

Feeling Su Rong's burning temper, Hui Lan could only smile dryly, "Let's see, I don't think I've been there before…"

"You're kidding me right?" Su Rong leaned over towards Hui Lan, "You came all the way running here when the little prince was sick several times and recently you even cried as you came all the way her for the Royal Physician to check on the little prince."

After Su Rong explained the details carefully, Hui Lan seemed to have some of those memories playing in her head, "Heh, yeah, I remember now…"

"Sigh, you-ah, you should take care of yourself more. Don't go and fight with those guys from the Shen family-ah. Those are guys are just something else, today, they were just going easy with you-ah. Even Su Jou finds it hard to travel around uncovered near Qian Xing Palace."

"Qian Xing Palace? The Emperor?"

"En. Also, is that Physician Jin following us?"

Hui Lan took a quick peek behind her and saw the white robes of the Royal Physician Jin follow behind her, "En, he's following us very carefully keke."

"I'm still mad at you for pushing him back to me though." However, despite saying so, Su Rong's cheeks slightly turned red.

"Hm, well, I suppose Su Jou is following us and watching over us well, keke." Hui Lan looked up in the sky as she spoke of Su Jou.

"You!? Tut." Su Rong bit her lips slightly before walking away with her chin slightly tilted up. However, Hui Lan's hand was held tightly on Su Rong's arm which could only mean that Hui Lan's weak body tagged along miserably. Xiao Mao could not help but screech softly as Hui Lan's body began swaying hurriedly.

"Wei, slow down a bit would you?" Hui Lan's poor voice cried as she was almost 'dragged' along the entire way. This Su Rong was also a master of martial arts, so her steps were as fast as lightning.

Though Hui Lan had won over all the men from the Shen family, she still ate a loss from her very own beloved friend.

Not everything would go the way she wanted, right?