Truth in the Feigned Affection (IV)

Royal Physician Centre

Hui Lan was busy looking at the herbs that were stored up neatly in the Royal Physician centre. She went through all the herbs that she needed and placed it in a basket. Meanwhile, Xiao Mao was busy looking at all the different types of leaves and branches Hui Lan was picking up.

He had fallen asleep with this miss due to his weariness, so though it was daytime, it did not feel sleepy like it would. Instead, it was focusing on the different names that were being called as Hui Lan picked up the branches and leaves.

Every time Hui Lan picked up a herb and placed it in her basket, a teenage boy in a white robe with a light blue apron and a light blue hat would write down the herbs she took. The young boy looked like he was around 16 and his name was Ah Bao meaning jewel.

However, unlike his precious meaning, the young boy's face was clean and he dressed up in simple clothes. Then, whenever he needed to write down the herb name and the quantity, his brows would slightly crease up as he thought of the name of the herb.

Nevertheless, the brush in his hand did not stop wiggling up and down as he wrote everything Hui Lan picked up.

With an assistant right beside Hui Lan, Su Rong could only stand aside and watch as Hui Lan cradled the basket in her hand. However, what was unexpected was how or when did Hui Lan know about medicine or these herbs?

Was Hui Lan just doing it for a payback for what the Royal Physician did to her? Su Rong thought about it again and thought that she should help her friend out.

"Niang Nia-"

Before Su Rong could even finish her words, she was already interrupted by Hui Lan, "Just a moment Su Rong. Let me just finish getting as many herbs as I can." Hui Lan did not even look up from the herb that she was holding in her hands.

It was just a natural response from Hui Lan who used to be a professor. However, she would not have thought that right at that moment, she had slightly slipped her old distinct personality to Su Rong.


"Wait on the side for me, I'll be done in a few minutes…" Hui Lan then moved to the next pile of herbs on display.

Seeing Hui Lan being so focused, Su Rong did have the heart to continue.

Before, Hui Lan was just a simple young lady who longed for nothing much but to be a good wife. She did not care for anything else but all the four arts that were taught by Feng Furen. Most of the time, Hui Lan would prefer to spend her time alone, knit and play different musical instruments all day.

This Hui Lan was somehow different, but she was sure that the Hui Lan that was in front of her was truly Hui Lan. It's just….

All Su Rong could do was just watch her friend look so interested in her new hobby of hers. However, could it be that Hui Lan was simply just pretending to put on a show so she could get away by taking all these herbs?

On the other hand, the Royal Physician Jin could only watch from above as Hui Lan picked up the herbs. If he followed down to the herb chamber that was underneath him, he would have to be greeted with those sharp razor eyes.

Just by having him stand up here, he could feel the black air that was excluded from that young lady's figure below him. She had her arms crossed with each other and her eyes focused on the herbs, but by just that, she looked rather intimidating.

Tut tut, how did General Feng even find a court maid like that for his daughter? Truly scary.

After some time, the basket in Hui Lan's hand was already full. She looked at the basket with slightly sad eyes.

...If the basket would be just a little bit bigger...

Nevertheless, "Master! I am done!" She then turned to look at Su Rong, "Let's go, Su Rong ah."

Su Rong took her eyes away from the ceiling and to Hui Lan's basket. Slowly, a small smile was revealed. Seeing the amount of herbs in Hui Lan's basket, she could help but feel slightly better. It seems like her friend was thoughtful. If the Royal Physician sees how much Hui Lan took, he would probably start bawling his eyes out.

Royal Physician Jin who had taken out a book to read peeked over the balcony rails to his "student" who was making her way up to where he was. However, he almost choked when he saw the amount of stuff she placed in that small basket.

...Was she taking or stealing the herbs from the Royal Physician centre ah? Look at the pile of herbs she had in that basket of hers. What was she even going to do with that many herbs?

He could only watch this student of his walk up the stairs with shaken eyes. His heart was looking at the herbs that were being carried up like a mother hen.

...His poor eggs…

It did not take long before Hui Lan made her way to the top of the stairs. Once she was finally up, she did not hesitate to ask the Royal Physician, "Master, is there a refining room here?"

Hearing the question, his body automatically responded with a nod, but the next moment, he quickly shook his head as if he had not nodded.

Having caught up with Hui Lan was asking for from the Royal Physician Jin, Su Rong quickly joined in to ask, "Royal Physician Jin, Niang Niang asked if there is or there isn't a refining room, sir?" Her lips were slightly raised as she asked the question.

Instantly, the Royal Physician's shot a glare at Su Rong only to be weakened after meeting eyes with her. Sigh, what did he do wrong ah?

...Today, it was truly a loss for him.

"Royal Physician Jin, so?" Hui Lan was still waiting for her answer.

The Physician could only lookup for a brief moment before closing his eyes as he pointed straight and then left.

"Many thanks, physician." Hui Lan then headed her way with Xiao Mao on her shoulders. Su Rong was finally happy with what happened. She lowered her head slightly to hide her smile and followed behind Hui Lan.

...Su Jou who had been hiding was also rather satisfied with the Empress' requests. Never touch his jie would be his advice for this physician.

Ah Bao, who had finally finished listing all the herbs the Empress took, made his way up the stairs.

Royal Physician Jin stopped the servant boy before he walked could walk past him, "Ah Bao, how much?"

"Eh? Physician means?" The servant boy did not even take his eyes away from the book as he asked the question.

"How much did we lose?"

"Reporting to Royal Physician Jin, today Niang Niang took around 198 her-" Only then did Ah Bao's voice stuttered, "198!!!" His boyish voice exclaimed as he looked up from his book. This amount was almost a month's worth of medicine used for the entire Royal family.

Royal Physician Jin could only cover his eyes with his hand.

...This...this...this sister-in-law of his was unbelievable…

Thinking of where the Empress had gone, the Royal Physician quickly set his mind to follow what she was up too. However, he only took a few steps away before he returned by to the servant boy, "Ah Bao, give this to me, you go find a temporary book for now. I want to see what on earth is she going to do with these herbs."

Before Ah Bao could even refuse, the Royal Physician had already snatched the book away from him and was off.

"Royal Physician Jin! Royal Physician!" Ah Bao's voice trailed off behind the Royal Physician but it was too late, the Physician strode out with his long legs.

On the other hand, after finding the refining room, Hui Lan got into action. She placed all of her herbs down and began looking at all the equipment that was placed on a big table in the centre room. There was a mortar, pestle, a traditional scale, a pot that was placed on top of a small oven and more. Everything was placed in order and was neatly kept.

Beside the refining table was a neat study table that had piles of books placed on top. Then, behind the study table was a shelf full of books that were categorized in different types of medicine and herbs.

The room looked like someone's personal study room instead of just a refining room.

Nevertheless, Hui Lan did not lag around any longer and placed her basket full of herbs down. Immediately without any help, she began ordering all the herbs into different piles for the different uses. Xiao Mao, on the other hand, watched over carefully as Hui Lan spoke the different names of the herbs as she picked each one up.

Su Rong, who came into the room after, finally saw what her friend was doing. However, wasn't Hui Lan just playing? Didn't Hui Lan just do for getting a payback for her?

...Why was she so focused on separating those herbs ah? Did she take the wrong medicine? This should not keep going...

Su Rong held onto Hui Lan's hand, "Niang Niang, when did you even know about all this stuff ah?" She quickly placed her hand on Hui Lan's head, "Are you not feeling well?"

Hui Lan's first response was "Ah? What do you mean?"

Su Rong leaned over to whisper, "Hui Lan ah, what is this all about? You can stop pretending now ah, you don't have to force yourself this much to get revenge for me. I'm already happy."

"Revenge? What revenge?" Hui Lan was completely clueless.

"Hui Lan, look at me in the eye, straight in the eye, let's go back now. You have never been taught about this all your life! Don't tell me you know what you are doing!?" Su Rong's voice grew slightly louder at the end.

Hearing where this conversation would lead to, Hui Lan could not help but feel a cold sweat all over. She had completely forgotten that this old owner was completely different from her. All this medicine knowledge was passed down from her own mother meanwhile the old owner of this body had no such clue of these kinds of things.

...Aiya, how was she supposed to get away from this ah!?

Su Rong truly did not understand what Hui Lan was going with what she was doing. It would be time for her lunch and Hui Lan was still very weak from everything that happened. She shouldn't be forcing her body like this.

However, before Hui Lan could even respond back, the door to the room opened once again. It was none other than the Royal Physician Jin who looked like he was slightly out of breath.

"So here you are!"

"Oh!? Master, quickly come here!" Hui Lan slyly got rid of Su Rong's hand away from hers and ran towards Royal Physician Jin. This time she carefully chose her words well. She should not be too knowledgeable, but just simple like simple Hui Lan, "Can you please help me separate these herbs for me? I want to make a wound healing medicine for Xiao Mao and a few antidotes for poisons." Hui Lan did not only ask but dragged the Physician to the table. Her grip on the Royal Physician Jin's arm was so tight that he had to furrow his brows.

Hui Lan leaned over and quickly whispered, "You help me, I help you!" Her face was so serious that he truly wanted to laugh at, but when he met eyes with the glaring Su Rong, he quickly nodded back at Hui Lan.

Then, immediately, the two began working as if there was a deadline waiting ahead of them.

Hui Lan left all the medicines she wanted with the Royal Physician Jin, meanwhile, she worked on the special fragrance that she was about to create for her own room. The two worked as if they had become the nation's best duo pair.

The Royal Physician Jin was clearly excelling in the role he was doing. Every step was done precisely and neatly, even Hui Lan was impressed.

The two worked swiftly under the eyes of Su Rong who was watching them with fire in her eyes. Clearly she was keeping the fire in, but if anyone dared to touch her, she would probably explode instantly.

Despite the pressuring eyes, both Hui Lan and Physician Jin quickly finished doing their own parts. In total, it had taken up around 3 hours in completing each step, but compared to how long other Physicians took to complete one medicine it would be incomparable.

"Master, can I have the wound ointment please?" Hui Lan specifically spoke out loud as if she did not know what the lotion was. In fact, it was an antibiotic ointment that would help clean Xiao Mao's wound.

She did not have the right medicine for the little fella yesterday, so she could wash it off with warm water. Now, she could clean the wound properly.

Seeing Hui Lan giving a look in the corner of her eye to someone who was moody in the room, the Royal Physician Jin quickly went along. This room was actually his and if Su Rong truly exploded, then the state of his room, he could not imagine.

Hence, with a slightly awkward smile, he passed the ointment that was placed nicely in a small box to Hui Lan.

After receiving what she needed, Hui Lan placed Xiao Mao gently and began treating his wound.

From others point of view, it was as if Hui Lan was a mother owl who was taking care of her baby owl. She would from time to time talk to the small snowy owl who would from time to time tweet back like a whiny baby. It looked like the baby owl did not want Hui Lan to clean his wound, but in the end, it could only give in to Hui Lan.

The Royal Physician watched the scene with a small smile on his face. As the Empress of this country, she did not take in such pride. Her gestures were neither fake or forced, this kind of person was truly an eye-opening. He looked at the 7 bottles that were lined up in one line beside her.

She had been so focused on making the contents inside that bottle as if her life depended on it. It looked like some kind of fragrance of some sort. However, the first thing she did was not to take back and use the fragrance, but to treat this little fella.

From how she made that herbal fragrance, it looked like she was already familiar in making and refining herbs that he too felt surprised. He was around 5 years older than her, but it took him much more time to get used to refining all the herbs in perfection. However, she was still young and was able to do so much.

...Seems like he truly gained a good student this time. Hm, Fine. I, Shen Fu Jin, will take care and teach this student with all the knowledge he had been taught with.

However, there was something he had to come clean with this student of his before he could truly become her Master.

Royal Physician Jin watched as Hui Lan was healing the little baby owl who was as if wimping. Meanwhile, Su Rong had her arms crossed over her body as she watched both Hui Lan and Physician Jin.

...If Hui Lan was to ever get too tired from overworking, this guy will be the first person she would snap at.

After wrapping up Xiao Mao's wound, Hui Lan finally heaved a sigh of relief. Not only did she have to take care of Xiao Mao's wound, but she had to also comfort it gently with her smooth words.

Nevertheless, since all was done, she began putting the 7 bottles away in the basket which she brought the herbs with. Looking at the state of the table, it was not that messy, so the Physician would have to do much cleaning. There also weren't any herbs left from the ones she brought, it seemed her scaling eyes were still working just well.

She then looked up at the Royal physician to ask for the antidotes that he had made for her.

However, when his eyes met with hers, it slightly took him by surprise for he was initially looking at her.

Hui Lan did not take any notice and simply asked, "Master, can you pass me those bottles please?"

"Huh? Oh, here." He quickly placed the bottles in front of Hui Lan. However, as she was stacking the small bottles and wraps in the basket, he could not help but think of the words that he was meant to tell her.

It was not truly easy to come clean with something you have done. was now or never.

Royal Physician Jin looked around the room and all of a sudden, he threw a translucent powder in the air abruptly.

Su Rong had no time to react or stop the Physician's sudden actions. This...what kind of powder did he just throw in the air.

Hui Lan felt the change of air and a few specks of light things falling onto her. She took her eyes away from the bottles in her basket to what had just happened.

All she could see were small specks of powder falling down in the air. She turned to look at the Royal Physician puzzledly.

However, all he did was place a finger on his mouth as he silently gestured his message to them.

Then, all of a sudden, the roof that had been clean and white started changing. The roof was made of a sturdy white water/fire resistant cloth, but where it was supposed to be white, a few human footprints were shown and then appeared a huge large spot in the corner of the rooftop. The vague spot looked like a person's outline who was peering over them.

Hui Lan and Su Rong could not help but look at what was in front of them with amazement. This…

Royal Physician Jin made his way silently towards Hui Lan. As he moved, the huge spot that was on another spot moved closer to where Hui Lan the Royal Physician Jin stood.

...That powder, whatever it did, it was like a spy tracker.

Hui Lan looked at the powder with a slightly dazed look. What kind of contents did it include to reveal such a thing? This powder, whatever it is, it would truly come to use. But then as her eyes were caught on the shadow that was hovering over her, she gazed at the spot with fierce eyes. Someone dared to eavesdrop on her!?

The Royal Physician Jin looked up at the shadow and revealed a small smile. Tut tut, who could it be but the Emperor's Ke group?

Though he was just a Royal Physician, sharing the same mother with the Emperor has let him see many things. Some that he wished he had not seen...but who was he to choose his own path? Well, this was the least he could do, to be a Royal Physician and away from Royalty…


The Royal Physician Jin leaned closer to Hui Lan and ever so softly whispered, "Your son was poisoned." He then quickly retreated away.

Hui Lan looked up at the Royal Physician with an unreadable expression.

Slowly, she leaned over and spoke, "I know."

To that, the Royal Physician's eyes widened.

...She knew?