Truth in the Feigned Affection (V)

Seeing the Physician Jin's wide eyes, Hui Lan had a slightly better impression of this master of hers.

Hui Lan briefly lowered her eyes as she thought about a few things. To be truly honest, though she called him master, she was simply calling him by name. She never really intended to be having a teacher at a time where she couldn't really trust these Royalties in this palace.

All she wanted from this teacher connection was to get these herbs as fast as possible.

Looking at how he was genuinely trying to tell her the 'truth', she could feel his honesty. It was a shame that the real Hui Lan was not the one who heard his confession. Too bad she passed away too soon…

If it was the old Hui Lan, she would have tears falling down already, but this was not the old Hui Lan. Since he knew the cause, then why wait 2 weeks before telling her?

Hui Lan looked back at Royal Physician Jin with her clear crystal eyes, "Why tell me now?" She remembered clearly that he had told the owner of this body that the little prince passed by because of an unknown disease.

...However, was it really unknown?

If he had found out since the moment of her son's death and chose to disclose it. Then, she would without hesitation cut off ties with this person.

...Yun-er was the little prince's name. However, although she was not truly his mother, her motherly instinct was already gushing all over her blood and body.

Hearing the Empress speaking with her normal voice and not fearing the shadow guard, the Royal Physician straightened his back and opened his mouth, "As an official of this kingdom and reporting straight to the Emperor, I was ordered to keep quiet about it."

A dangerous sneer that had never been seen before appeared on Hui Lan's face before returning to a ghastly straight face, "When did you find out about it?"

The Royal Physician spoke with a firm voice, "2 weeks after."

Hui Lan raised one of her eyebrows, "You're telling me that the best Physician in the entire kingdom found out about this poison only 2 weeks after a patient was poisoned. Forgive me for asking, but did your skills suddenly deteriorated or something?" Her eyes showed a visible dangerous intent to the Royal Physician.

Though the Empress was questioning his skills, the Royal Physician did become resentful. Instead, he bowed down humbly, "This Physician is incompetent, please forgive this Physician."

Hui Lan crossed her arms around her body, "Royal Physician Jin, keep your sorry words for later. Bengong is only asking for the reason." She had even changed her tone and their titles to clearly show her stance. Hui Lan's brows became slightly creased as she asked seriously, "Tell me, what poison was it?"

...What kind of poison was so hard to detect? Even the Royal Physician could only find it after two weeks?

The Royal Physician Jin cupped his hand as if reporting to a superior, "This Physician has called the poison fiery serpent poison, to be more honest, there has been no such record of this kind poison ever, not even in the book of records of all poison which belongs to Royal Family."

Hui Lan tilted her head slightly. There was such a thing?

Seeing the Empress' questioning gestures, he continued to explain, "The thing about this poison was that there has been no such record of this serpent-like poison in our Kingdom or the Kingdoms around us as if it does not exist."

As surprised as she was to hear about this poison, she calmly expressed with an "Oh?"

The Royal Physician then continued, "It was not that the poison was not detected but the poison acted as if it was one with a human's body system, so our system reacts to it as if it was an ordinary disease. The poison acts slowly but very fatally. It was also very odd that my brother came to tell me to be quiet about this matter only 2 weeks after… However, if this physician is not wrong, the person who was responsible for poisoning the little prince had purposely made the poison only reveal itself 2 weeks after the little prince's death. "

Hui Lan loosened her hands from each other, "Hence, that is why the poison was only revealed after two weeks. If it was planned for two weeks…?"

Suddenly, a thought came into her mind. That was perfectly given to her...two weeks after her son had passed.

2 weeks was the time mark when everything happened. First, she was given the note. The Physician found out about the poison. The Emperor had instructed the Physician to keep quiet about it. Then the only person who was missing in this was...Li Cai Ren.

That note, more than helping the owner of this body, it was rather a tipping point which made her fall even deeper in her depressed state. What good would come of going to hurt li Cai Ren in the open, when there was someone ready to protect her. Most importantly, that person was this owner's one and only person she loved…

...So, that note, it could have belonged to no one else other than...Li Cai Ren...or the Emperor's Mei Fang…

Solving this small case in her mind made her head feel light weighted. She turned around and sat on the table slightly. Something inside her seemed to have awoken, it was not just waves of boiling anger that was gradually burning inside her. Was this anger hers? Or was it the Empress Feng who was still connected to this body?

Feeling all puzzled with her feelings, Hui Lan tiredly raised her hand to massage her head.

"Niang Niang, is your head hurting?" Su Rong quickly came to support Hui Lan from beside.

"Miss? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Even Xiao Mao joined in beside Su Rong.

"Empress Feng, this physician is sorry for causing this inconvenience." This matter seemed to be one of those matters that he would regret all his life. However, one was the Emperor and his family and one was married into his family and the Empress. Sigh. From the looks of this, he was not even fitted to be her master.

Hui Lan slowly looked up to the Royal Physician and could see the struggles in his face. This person, he was not to blame. She knew how to distinguish between who truly intended to harm her and who did not. She was not going to blame everyone. With his full title, Hui Lan called the Royal Physician Jin, "Third prince, it is nothing. Many thanks for explaining to me. Can you give me the poison you have found."

Once again, the Royal Physician cupped his hand in front of him and spoke, "Niang Niang, sadly, on the night this Physician found about the poison, someone had already taken the bottle away."

There was a small disappointment in Hui Lan's eyes as she heard that it was gone. However, the next moment, the Royal Physician reached in for something in his robes and a bottle appeared in his hand. He then looked up and handed it to Hui Lan.

Hui Lan raised her brows, but when the Royal Physician silently gestured with his mouth saying 'poison', she could not help but reveal a smile.

...This person was truly sly. However, he also had a good heart. Someone like this truly suited her taste.

On the other hand, Yi Qin who was on the rooftop leaned over to hear whether or not the people inside were saying anything for all of a sudden the room had become silent.

Looking up, Hui Lan revealed a small smile at the shadow that was leaning over. She went along with the Royal Physician's dialogue and spoke, "That is a shame."

Thinking of everything she had found about today, the reality of this palace finally struck her. This place was full of danger. The surface might seem like nothing is happening, but in the dark everything was moving into the direction of whoever had the most power.

The Emperor. Li Cai Ren. Those two were not simple like how they looked on the surface...especially that Li Cai Ren.

From this owner's memories, Li Cai Ren was just a kind-hearted beauty who the Emperor loved. Hence, that was why this owner had tried so hard to show her kindness and to be the most virtuous wife.

However, from what kind of person the Emperor was, he was not looking for someone kind nor was he blind. It seemed he already knew what kind of person Li Cai Ren was, but that was the kind of woman he liked. He didn't want someone kind, but someone who would suit him…

Sigh, Feng Hui Lan ah, your actions were wasted because you did it for the wrong person…

Hui Lan looked down at the poison bottle in her hand, since you have already shown so much kindness, then this jie will show them they should have appreciated your kindness when you were kind to them.

Having set her mind in looking deeper into this mysterious poison and announcing the real reason for her son's death, she glanced at the Royal Physician and smiled.

Meanwhile, the Royal Physician could not help but feel a shiver in that smile of hers.

...It seems like the days ahead for the Royal Physician centre would no longer be peaceful…

With a loud and clear voice, Hui Lan spoke, "Master, this student will take my leave first. However, I will be coming over to learn more from you." Hui Lan raised the poison bottle and shook it slightly as to tell him that she was going to crack this poison and find what contents were in it.


Seeing the hesitation in his eyes, Hui Lan took out her winning card,"Bengong hopes you would understand." She then leaned over and spoke, "You're now in the same boat as me. I look forward to working with you, buddy." Without thinking about female and male regulations, Hui Lan gave the Royal Physician a pat on his shoulders before turning around and taking her basket and gesturing Xiao Mao to come up on her shoulders.

Since all was settled she no longer spoke anything to the Royal Physician and only revealed a bright smile at the Royal Physician before leaving coolly.

Walking past the Royal Physician the bright smile changed into a small smile that did not reach her eyes as she made her way out.

...Since her opponent had so many efficient people, then it was her turn to recruit hers.

On the other hand, Yi Qin was slightly overwhelmed with this information he had received. However, all he needed to do was report to his master who was the Emperor of this Kingdom. Nothing else…