Truth in the Feigned Affection (VI)

Li Mei Palace

A lovely looking lady was sitting alone on a long log seesaw as she watched the view of the big great pine trees in front of her. One hand was placed on her belly while the other was held onto the seesaw rail.

From afar one could not help but admire the calmness and heavenly picture of the beauty sitting underneath the big tree on the log seesaw. The afternoon sunlight was lightly shining on her beautiful face. The weather was not too cold or too warm, just alright for staying out.

She was dressed in a clean peach colour dress. While her small face was rosy and sweet, her eyes were peacefully closed as if she was sleeping.

The Empress had cancelled the morning greetings, so Li Gui Fei had been leisurely enjoying her free time since the morning.

Then, all of a sudden, from behind her, someone wrapped his big arms around her back.

Her eyes that were closed were immediately opened. Nevertheless, it was the familiar scent and arms that made her cosily leaned her back in his chest.

"Bixie has already finished your meeting with your officials?" Li Gui Fei's sweet voice greeted the person behind her.

However, only a heavy sigh was returned. Emperor Yang Long released his embrace and made his way to sit on the long log seesaw. He did not forget to put his arms gently around Mei Fang's back, "I'm sorry Mei Fang."

A small hint of surprise was revealed on her face before quickly disappearing, "What happened?" She soothingly asked the person who was looking at the pine trees ahead instead of her.

Slowly, he turned his appealingly handsome face to her. Those soft but sharp brows and dark eyes with long lashes were just perfectly sculpted on his dashingly beautiful face. However, there was a slightly regretful expression that was trying to be refrained in his eyes, "Your now Li Gui Fei and have finally found your way back into your family, but it was my fault for not preparing things properly."

With eyes full of love, Li Gui Fei slowly placed her beautiful hands gently on his face. However, his eyes were still lowered and did not even look at her, "Bixie, look at Chenqie."

His eyes slowly looked up to her lovely face.

"What is the matter?" Li Gui Fei asked with her big doll-like eyes.

Emperor Yang Long's lips became pursed as he thought of the irritating matter that had happened this morning. He had just finished assigning and the preparation for General Feng's return tomorrow. But the more he thought about it, he should have not lowered his guards on her, "Whatever you hear, just close your ears to it. Rumours are merely rumours, don't let it affect your mood."

With a slightly confused look, Mei Fang inquired more, "What happened, hm?"

Emperor Yang Long placed his big hands on her small face and smiled, "Rumours are trying to defame my lovely consort, but don't worry. I will take care of this matter. Just get some rest. You and the baby...cough...cough" All of a sudden, the Emperor lowered his head and began coughing out of nowhere. His eyesight even turned blurry and a sharp whistling pain covered his eyes for a short moment before disappearing into nowhere.

Slowly, he looked up at Mei Fang who was in front of him. However, he quickly looked away right after.

He took a few deep breaths. In the end, he spoke without looking back, "Mei Fang, get some rest. I have to leave first." Emperor Yang Long then got up to his tall height and left silently.


Li Gui Fei could only watch in puzzlement as the Emperor left silently. What happened?

"Kong hu." Li Gui Fei's voice called out in the presence of silence around her.

From afar, a black shadowy figure of a vague figure of a person was revealed in the forest of pine trees in front of her sight.

Without having to speak louder, she continued, "Get me the latest updates. What happened in the capital today." Li Gui Fei's voice that had been sweet turned hostile on the thought of what could have happened that made the Emperor this way.

"Yes, Niang Niang." Then, all of a sudden, the shadow disappeared into the shadows of the pine trees.

On the other hand, the Emperor got onto his sedan chair while holding onto his head.

"Bixie, where would you like to go?" Eunuch Wu asked carefully.

"Head to Zhen's study."

"Yes, bixie. Would you like this eunuch to call for the Royal Physician as well?"

"No. Just head straight to the study."

"Yes, bixie." Then, for the rest of the way, the entourage moved in silence as the important person sat on the sedan chair.




Da Fu, Xin Li

In one of the famous inns of the capital city.

"Reporting to Great General Feng and Feng Furen, we checked with the men you have sent to protect the eldest miss and we have out that the rumours...were actually the eldest miss' order." a servant dressed in black reported to the two important individuals in front of him.

Both General Feng and Feng Furen had sent out men to find who was trying to ruin their daughter's reputation and marriage life. However, hearing that it was from their daughter made them fall back in their seats with a troubled heart.

What was happening now? Hadn't their daughter been writing to them how nice and good the Emperor was to her? Why on earth would she need to spread this kind of rumour?

General Feng turned to look at his Furen with confused eyes, "When we lost our grandchild, we were not even able to return back to the capital. Now, this...Furen, what do you think of this?"

Feng Furen's hand was gripped tightly into a fist, "We would have to ask Lan-er and hear it from her own mouth. This matter should not be taken easily. The person we are dealing with is the Emperor of this Kingdom. We must not act rashly with our emotions. While you go prepare our soldiers, tell all them to put on a peaceful face and not scare others."


"Just go will you?" Feng Furen stressed on her words.

"Fine fine."

Once the Great General Feng went out of the room, Feng Furen was left alone inside. However, she was deep in thoughts.

...Eldest miss' order?

How unlikely of her...




Qian Xing Palace

All the windows were shut in the study room and hardly any light was inside except for the one candle on the study table.

Meanwhile, the Emperor sat alone on the table as he stared at a memorial tablet on his table.

He did not know when he had reached out for the memorial tablet but it was now in front of him.

One fine letter was written on the tablet.


...Sigh, it had already been two weeks since he passed away. Why was he feeling such feelings now?

The Emperor placed the tablet back into one of his drawers on his table.

...The past is the past. Should not be mentioned.

"Ah-Won." The Emperor's deep voice called out in the darkness.

"Yes, bixie."

"Call a meeting for the nameless group in 10 days time. The celebration is already set, we need to find a way to make something out of it."

"Understood bixie, this servant will send out all the letters to all the young masters secretly."

"Hm." Though the memorial tablet was already put away, his eyes still lingered on the drawers, "Any updates from Yi Qin?"

"Ahem, regarding that, there is bixie." Won's voice became slightly hesitant as he was about to report the news that was passed onto him by Yi Qin.

"Oh?" The Emperor took his eyes away from the drawers to Won's face.

"The third prince has revealed the truth behind the little prince's death to the Empress. Moreover, both have discovered the letter that belonged to Li Gui Fei and how bixie went to tell the third prince to keep quiet about it."

" he told her in the end." Emperor Yang long's grew a dangerous aura within those black pitless eyes.

The entire room became silent as Won waited for the Emperor's orders. This matter could only be handled by the man in front of him.

"Call the third prince over for me, Zhen wants to have a word with him."

"Yes Bixie." Immediately, Won's figure was gone and headed to the Emperor's orders.

The Emperor slowly got up towards one of his windows on the eastern side of the palace walls. He reached to the window lock and opened it widely.

...Third prince ah, what are you thinking?

You became her master and now you are helping you want all the Kingdoms to fall apart?

Silently, he sat down on the window rails as his cold eyes looked out towards the eastern palace…




Kunning Palace, eastern palace

After all the walking and working, Hui Lan could not help but feel tired. She did not even bother looking at her burnt palace and simply headed straight into her tearoom. Even Xiao Mao was already sleeping comfortably on her shoulders.

The little fella had thought that he would not be sleepy, but it wasn't as such and he fell into a deep slumber in the end. Day time was his weakness...

Hui Lan placed her basket down on her tea table and sat down with a plop. This body hardly had any muscles and was beyond weak. She went straight to her seat and poured some cold tea in her cup and drank it in one gulp. Her eyes fell on the bottles she had retrieved from the Royal Physician and could not help but sigh.

"Su Rong ah, help me put these bottles around the room for me please." Hui Lan reached out for the 7 white porcelain bottles in the basket and gave 3 to Su Rong.

"Niang Niang, what kind of contents are inside these bottles ah?" Su Rong could not help but ask. Hui Lan had been focused on making these bottles in the Royal Physician centre and now she wanted to put it all around the room.

"These are…" Hm, should she say that they cure people from love potions or they help you to not think of someone? Aiya, both sound terrible, she wasn't in love with that Emperor. It was just a mere distraction and that she did not want in her life, "These are just fragrance to help me calm down. I read it from a book yesterday. It was easy to make, so I just thought of making it for myself."

"That's it?" Su Rong probed further.

"En! That's it. Now, help me put them around the room." Hui Lan got up and placed one on her tea table and the rest behind her.

Meanwhile, Su Rong went to the shelves and small tables.

As Hui Lan placed on the window sill she could see the court maids cleaning and the security guards taking out all the burnt pieces out into one pile. However, there were a few court ladies that were sitting on the sides and fanning themselves.

"Su Rong, are these our people?"

Su Rong placed the last porcelain bottle down and came to Hui Lan's side. She turned to look at the group of girls that were slacking off in one corner.

"Those girls! I clearly chased them off yesterday, but they are back again!?"

"They're not from us?" Hui Lan asked with one brow raised up.

"No, definitely not!" Su Rong was burning in anger.

"Then where?"

"They're from the Royal central personnel bureau, but they'll all fishy and act willfully. I don't know how they even got into the Royal central personnel bureau." Su Rong could finally spill everything in front of Hui Lan. In the past, Hui Lan had never minded them and let them slack off. Whenever Su Rong brought this up, Hui Lan would always tell her to hush. However, this time she listened to all of her comments about those people.

Hui Lan crossed her arms in front of her, "...Royal central personnel bureau. The Emperor's people?"

Su Rong thought about Hui Lan's description of the bureau and it was not far fetched from that, "Hm, you could say that."

Hui Lan's fingers tapped softly on her arm, "But their all mine now, right?"

"Logically, yes."

"Good. Tie the up on the tree over there beside the lake. If they want to be untied, just tell them to say two words, 'I quit' and I'll untie them. Once they say they'll quit, send them all back to the Royal central personnel bureau. Also, stress, 'Bengong's orders."

However, Su Rong became blank as she heard those words from Hui Lan's mouth.

...Did she just hear Hui Lan tell her to tie those girls up? Hui Lan who did not even dare hurt a bug?

"Su Rong? What are you waiting for?"

"Ah? Oh? Understood. I'll go do that right away." Then, Su Rong's figure was gone. The next moment she appeared in front of those girls. Without having to fight, all the girls were completely knocked within seconds.

Hui Lan watched as Su Rong swiftly handled the girls and watched as some of her people tied them up on the big tree that was beside her lake.

...The Emperor's people…

...Sigh, she was truly getting sick of the Emperor's people. They were like ears everywhere.

She looked down at the white porcelain bottle on the windowsill and could not help but sigh in relief. At least, this would not make her feel not have to think of that damn emperor.

Hui Lan went to sit down in a huff. It was the first time she felt a sense of helplessness. She had no resources and no such background that would protect her.

Moreover, the person she was fighting with was much more competent than hers in regarding his resources.

...Ahh, this was frustrating...she would have to start from zero all over again…

She looked at the white jade bracelet on her wrist and could not help but think of Yue Lin, the Ice Queen.

Why her ah?

However, there were no answers for Hui Lan...