Daughter’s Identity (I)

The door to the Royal Meeting hall opened once again. Three figures came inside the hall among the quiet atmosphere.

One was Eunuch Wu who had his hands cupped together in front of his as he walked with a slightly bent back.

Behind the elder Eunuch, a noble figure walked with his medical box and a small assistant following closely behind the nobleman. The nobleman was dressed in a clean white robe and a neat hat covering his hair while his small assistant was also dressed in white with a light blue waist apron over him.

His handsome face was truly not simple for just a physician for his features were distinct and all well-shaped. It was none other than the Royal Physician Jin who had been called to check on the Empress' health.

"Bixie, Royal Physician Jin" Eunuch Wu reported to the Emperor in front of the entire meeting hall.

Emperor Yang Long who had been reading the paper roll looked up from his paper and spoke, "Physician Jin! Zhen has a few worries and would like you to check the Empress' health and prescribe her medication."

The Royal Physician said his greetings to the Emperor before turning his gaze to the lady in full red. Her hand supported her head while she closed her eyes as if she had a headache.

Royal Physician Jin looked back at the Emperor before meeting those discerning eyes of his brothers. The two briefly met eyes before the Royal Physician nodded and made his way towards this sister-in-law of his.

...As he made his way up the stairs, he could help but think to himself what kind of trouble she got herself into that she was now being pushed into the position ah. Now, her health has to be revealed in front of the meeting hall.

It seemed his brother was doing all of this for everyone to see. It was just that all of this depended on what kind of condition the Empress was in.

...Was she sick? Or was she perfectly fine? And which answer would benefit who the most?

All eyes were on the Royal Physician Jin as he made his way over to the Empress.

Drawing closer to the Empress, his eyes met with the Empress' court lady that had been standing right behind her mistress as if she was a mother hen protecting her baby.

Normally the cour ladies would not be standing in such place, but this court lady seemed to not bother any eyes or mouth.

Su Rong, on the other hand, indifferently glanced at the person drawing closer before stepping one step back to give some space. However, her eyes went back to watching over Hui Lan if her friend needed any help.

When Royal Physician Jin placed down his medical box, Hui Lan slowly opened her eyes.

In full honesty, Hui Lan had almost fallen asleep waiting for this master of hers. Hence, when she opened her eyes, there was still drowsiness in them.

Almost as if she was a drunken lady, those pretty eyes would probably be the fall of a city. However, it was just that the person who had to receive that kind of look was the well reserved Royal Physician Jin.

"Niang Niang, may this physician listen to your pulse." The Royal Physician politely informed his superior.

Hui Lan gracefully sat up straight and passed her bare wrist to the Royal Physician.

Being prepared, Royal Physician Jin placed a thin white cotton cloth on top of her bare wrist and began listening to her pulse.

...Her heart was beating very softly, unlike the last time he had done a check up on her. The last time she had almost recovered from her grief when the little prince passed away, but now it had truly gotten worse. At this rate, her heart could stop at any rate...

...Although seeing her perfectly fine yesterday, it seemed she must of have such a strong will power that she could act just fine.

...How were these people doing this to her?

Royal Physician Jin slowly took his hand away from hers with a serious look on his face. He turned to Ah Bao who was standing behind him and asked for the paper and brush.

Hui Lan looked at the Royal Physician's grave face and was not surprised. She knew her body well than anybody else in this entire room and how weak it was.

...Was she faking it? Keke, she would have to let this master of hers answer to everyone in this room for her.

After writing down her symptoms, he then began writing down the prescription that needed to be made for her.

After finishing such, he gave back the book to Ah Bao and then both made their way down to report of the Empress' condition.

Now, everyone became attentive as they waited to hear from the Royal Physician.

If the Empress lied about her condition, then the rest of the Emperor's claims, wouldn't all that be true? The Empress was jealous and purposely sent out the rumours to the entire capital. Now, this, this was truly something shameful if she did it herself.

Hui Lan looked at every minister's eyes that were so curious about her condition. The matter of those rumours was because of her, but it was only for the truth to go out ah. It was just her small revenge to what they had done to her through the past year. These ministers were truly men of the past in which they still believed that having a benevolent wife while they have their own concubines.

...Sigh, when culture and tradition have been carved and engraved into people's mind, it was hard to change or have any other thoughts.

However, she turned to look at the upright General Feng who had stayed loyal to his own wife, Feng Furen...now that was an eye-opening in such an era. Well, if she did not mistake or remembered incorrectly, Feng Furen was not a docile woman or was like any other women in this age, so if General Feng even took in a concubine, she feared that Feng Furen would have already left General Feng.

Nevertheless, she retreated her eyes away from the Great General to her pair of hands. She stared at her pair of hands and sighed.

...If she left this place, then what would become of this person?

Mei Fang was almost at the end of her seat as she truly wanted this woman's facade to be ripped off and reveal all her lies...

Once the Royal Physician stood before everyone else in the hall, he placed his medical box down and cupped his hand, "Reporting to Bixie," Royal Physician looked up to his brother with genuine eyes as he spoke, "The Empress' condition is very bad, bixie, this Physician suggests for the Empress rests for 2 weeks and nurse herself back to good health. It would be better if she goes back and rests now."

Emperor Yang Long's brows became creased up.

...So, she was really sick?

He glimpsed at the figure in red that was now sitting quietly in her own chair.

Although Hui Lan could feel the gaze from behind her, she did not turn around or even face the other person. Was this for her to prove herself? No, she did not need or have to prove herself.

...She was simply being herself…

Emperor Yang Long thought back of the time he pulled her inside the Royal meeting hall and could not help but lean his back to his throne in deep thoughts. He should have taken more notice of her.

When he held her wrist, it was truly beating softly for he did not hear her pulse through her sleeves, so he did not think much of it.

...Realizing his mistake, he slowly covered his head as if having a headache, but in fact, it was all to cover a small smile that could not be kept behind.

...So, it was truly all because of him. This time, he had pushed his trap too far without thinking of his opponent's card.

Meanwhile, the first prince's lips were slightly hooked up before disappearing just as fast. The possibility was that the Royal Physician could have lied, but that was not the third brother he knew. This third brother of his was well known for his honesty.

The first prince slowly looked up at the figure that was in full red with a bright red veil covering her face like a dangerous enchantress.

...It seemed this Empress was much more interesting than he had thought…

Hui Lan who had been silent could feel someone else' gaze on her and slowly looked up to see who it was.

When her eyes were laid on the other person, he had already turned away swiftly.

Though he had already turned away, Hui Lan was sure she was not mistaken.

...First Prince, Min Tian?

Then someone's sweet voice took her attention away from the first prince, "Royal Physician Jin, what is the matter with jie jie?"

Hui Lan turned her emotionless eyes to the other person but did not speak anything.

...So, now this person was acting like she was her mei mei? Reveal her sickness? So, that she could plot something out of this sickness.

"Forgive me Li Gui Fei, but the Empress' condition cannot be disclosed easily." Royal Physician Jin replied humbly back.

Hui Lan turned to look at the only other person who seemed to care for her and could not help but feel pleased with his ignorant reply.

...Although he was saying it so humbly, his answer quickly reminded Li Gui Fei's place…

"Ahem, from what this minister sees this, if Royal Physician Jin does not tell us, then how do we know if the Empress is truly sick or not?" A middle-aged man spoke up in protection for his daughter.

Hui Lan then looked at the minster who spoke. It was none other than the right prime minister Li.

...Such a daring claim, but hm, now she could see where this Li Gui Fei got her haughtiness from…

Royal Physician looked up to the right prime minister with a cold look for the first time, "Is right prime minister Li questioning in this physician's skills? Or are you questioning whether this physician lied?" The third prince then turned his cold eyes to the Emperor as if saying…

...Do you see this brother?

Before the situation got out of hand, the left prime minister quickly stepped in for the Emperor, "Ahem, let's all not be too serious. Bixie, since the Empress is not well, it would not be good for Niang Niang to stay out for long." Prime minister Xin's eyes quickly signalled his cousin of his to quickly decide.

Emperor Yang Long took his eyes away from his third brother that was as if warning him. He closed his eyes once before reopening it, "Very well, Empress you are dismissed and Physician Jin give her the prescription you see fit."

It was at that moment that General Feng quickly stepped in, "Bixie, if this general may ask, may this general and furen be able to stay beside our daughter while she is being taken care of?"

Emperor Yang Long revealed a short hesitation before speaking, "General Feng, Zhen will not stop you from meeting the Empress, but...the borderline…?"

General Feng cupped his hands in front of him before speaking, "Bixie do not worry, my son is taking care of the borderline as of now. This general will also not spend long in the capital and will quickly return to the borderline."

"Hm, Zhen is grateful for having such a thoughtful general. Hence, Zhen will let you stay here for at least one week before you should return to your son and protect Xin Li."

"Many thanks bixie." General Feng bowed in thanks.

...In other words, the Emperor was implying that although the General had come to the capital, it was the Emperor who had allowed such and that it was only him who was above.

...Tut tut. Hui Lan could not help but think how cautious the Emperor was acting. While granting the general's wish, he had also quickly warned the general to not stay over for long.

...This was most likely how one would call the Emperor's heart was intricate as the pitless ocean.

Hui Lan finally turned around and was ready to leave, "Bixie, then, Chenqie would like to take my leave."

Both met eyes for the last time before Emperor Yang Long turned to look at his third brother, "Royal Physician, do take care of the Empress for me."

"Yes, bixie." The Royal Physician who was always humble before others also replied humbly back.

As the Empress made her way out clearing all the claims, the rest remained behind.

Hui Lan gradually stood up to her full height and with the support of Su Rong, both slowly made their way down the hall. She walked down with her chin raised up ever so slightly and a small smile on her enchanting face while someone's burning eyes watched as she walked passed.

...This time, this mei mei could only sit and watch as every method she tried became unfruitful. It was just a few loses that Mei Fang ate today, but there was more to come ah.

As Hui Lan walked down with a face of victory, the first prince's unbothered eyes took a brief glimpse at the person who was walking down the stairs.

...Hm, interesting.

On the other hand, the second prince watch this sister-in-law of his walk past him with a slight pouting face. This was the second he lost to her ah. First, it was because of that bird of hers and now.

Then, there was the left prime minister who held nothing against but had a wary gaze upon the other person for she was truly tricky than he had thought and the right prime minister who did not even want to look at the Empress.

...Everything was ruined because of her!

After Hui Lan walked past the Royal Physician, the Royal Physician Jin and his assistant both followed her and then General Feng walked behind the Physician.

Unlike how she came into the meeting hall along with the Emperor, this time she made her way out of the Royal meeting hall with others instead.

The Emperor could only watch with mixed emotions.

He was definitely not pleased with how things turned, but he felt rather amused. It seemed it was only her who could slide away from his trap that was aimed for her.

...This time, he admitted his defeat, but from now on, he would probably have to take more notice of her.