Daughter’s Identity (II)

Hui Lan was leading the rest of the people that were following her to Kunning Palace. Although on the surface she looked calm, deep down she was beginning to get slightly nervous.

She could not help but think of the person who was following behind her.

...He was this body's father, but he was not her father.

When they reach Kunning palace, she would have to meet this body's mother as well.

She will have to try her best in faking to be their daughter. Although she could act in front of others, she did not have the heart to act in front of those that were being sincere to her.

...Aiya, Hui Lan, this day finally came, but it came faster than she had thought.

Not long, the entourage arrived at Kunning Palace that was half burnt.

Seeing the state of his daughter's palace, the general could not help but feel a big stone in his heart.

...Was this how these people treated his daughter?

Upon arriving Kunning palace, a slender figure was already waiting with a few soldiers standing behind her.

The few maids that had been tied up were also gone without a trace. It seemed, they were completely chased away.

Her hair was all plaited neatly down her back while she was dressed in a dark green dress. She was looking at the lake in Kunning palace with her hands behind her back. A dignified air was excluded from her figure, unlike any other woman.

Hearing footsteps from behind, the lady in a deep dark green dress quickly turned around.

From behind, Hui Lan watched as the lady in the dark green dress turned around in slow motion.

After finally seeing the other person, Hui Lan's lips were slightly parted away from each other.

...This person...was one-tenth no two tenths similar to her mother...but still it was very shocking indeed.

Hui Lan stopped in her steps while the lady in the dark green dress looked at her daughter from afar.

The two looked at each other from a distance while time ran.

In Feng Furen's eyes, she was looking at her daughter, but in Hui Lan's eyes, she was looking at a stranger who was familiar with this body.

It was Feng Furen who first took a step forward and forward closer to the young lady in the red dress.

...Oh how long she missed her daughter…

Feng Furen's steps fastened and in no time she was in front of her daughter. Her motherly eyes looked at her daughter from head to her shoulders before pulling Hui Lan into a big hug. The middle-aged lady embraced her daughter tightly.

"Oh, my love, you must have suffered so much. Mother is so sorry." Feng Furen expressed all her feelings to her daughter with a slight teary voice. Her daughter had been through so much and as a parent, she could not even be beside her daughter through those rough time.

Hui Lan was momentarily lost. Her hands were dropped at her side and did not hug back. However, her heart felt like it was breaking into pieces; it was so painful that she had to close her eyes.

Feng Furen was saying something to her, but she could not hear it. When she opened her eyes again, she finally lost it and everything went dark.

"Lan-er!" "Jie!"

Hui Lan's body slowly lost her balance and Feng Furen quickly held onto her daughter's head and protect her from the fall. Both mother and daughter fell onto the ground slowly. A figure dressed in black flew from one tree that he was hiding at to the two.

"Lan-er!" Feng Furen cried in alarm. She gently patted her daughter's face that was covered with a veil, but Hui Lan did not respond. On the other hand, another figure was kneeling beside Feng Furen.

The middle-aged lady took a brief angry look at the figure in black before looking at her daughter again.

Su Rong had also knelt on the other side of Feng Furen and quickly she looked up to the Royal Physician. On the other hand, Physician Jin quickly scooped down to check on Hui Lan's pulse beside Su Rong.

General Feng went to the other side where the figure in black was budged in between before holding onto his furen's shoulder tightly as a reassurance as they waited for the Royal Physician. He too gave a sharp look at the figure in black beside him before looking at the Royal physician.

After hearing the Empress' pulse, Royal Physician Jin slowly looked up to the Empress' parents, "The Empress is alright. She just fainted because of shock, but let's move her into her room so she can rest."

Su Rong quickly interrupted the Physician Jin, "Royal Physician Jin, can you go make some herbs in the kitchen for Hui Lan while I'll go make her a bed. Uncle Feng and Aunty Feng, Su Rong will ask you to wait for me."

Hearing her suggestion, the Royal Physician understood her worry and nodded, "Fine, I'll go right now. General Feng and Furen, please wait for this physician here. The Empress is not in critical condition." Physician Jin took a glance at the figure in black that had just joined them before picking up his medical box.

"Thank you, Royal Physician Jin." General Feng was thankful for Physician Jin's understanding.

The Physician Jin nodded once and then, both Su Rong and Royal Physician made their way to do their task. Su Rong called the maids around the area to quickly follow her as she ran inside the tearoom.

General Feng turn to look at the figure in black with a stern eye, but no words were spoken. However, the figure in black could feel chills all over his body.

...Aiya, he wasn't going to reveal himself just yet, but when he saw his jie fall down like that, how could he stay put ah?

In no time, Su Rong came running once again giving a gesture that the bed was ready.

The figure in black quickly gestured that he was going to carry his sister inside only to receive a grim look from both of his parents.

Nevertheless, in the end, it was he who had to carry his sister inside. His sister's weight was no hindrance to him and swiftly the Feng family made their way inside the room that was prepared by Su Rong.

Once the Feng family was inside the tearoom, Su Rong gave a small look outside before quickly closing the door.

Su Jou who had been outside could see his sister's last look and understood what she meant before disappearing from where he stood.

The next moment he was standing behind another figure in black that was dressed differently than he was. Before the figure in black could react to the new presence he felt, the air became dusty.

To be more exact, powder was thrown into him and he lost his balance on the tree that he was hiding. Su Jou had taken action before the other person could for he knew that the figure in black was just as good as he was, but before this powder, no one would survive from it.

Seeing what had happened, Su Jou quickly left the scene to where he was hiding.

...It was just a small forgetful powder, it wouldn't kill a man like that.


Back to the tearoom.

After Hui Lan was placed onto the bed gently, all three sat closely beside her with worried looks on their faces. Just then, a swift gush of wind was changed in the tearoom and a small snowy owl was flying towards Hui Lan's direction.

"Wait, uncle Feng!" Su Rong's alarming voice called out to stop general Feng who was about to block the owl from getting near his daughter.

While the general turned around, Xiao Bao quickly dodged away from the giant in front of him and landed beside Hui Lan.

The small little owl began tweeting beside Hui Lan's face but in the end, it could only give up as there was no response from Hui Lan. Then, in the end, the small owl could only trot over to Hui Lan's neck and hid its head between Hui Lan's neck and chin like a small baby.

Meanwhile, Feng furen, General Hong Yi, Feng Lin and Su Rong could only watch speechlessly. This bird...it was truly odd ah.

Su Rong quickly explained even though she did not quite understand this owl either, "Hui Lan saved it the other day and it has been living with her since. Hui Lan also gave it a name, Xiao Mao."

The Feng family could only nod their heads as they listened.

After seeing that everything is alright, Su Rong went out to get a bowl of water to refresh Hui Lan.

Looking at the state of her daughter, Feng furen was trying her best to keep herself from crying. Meanwhile, the great general looked at his daughter with concern.

"Father, jie will be alright right?" The figure in black asked with a worried voice.

General turned his eyes to his son with a sharp look, "You ah, we all might not be alright because you came out so openly."

"Father, how could I just watch jie fall down like that ah?" Feng Lin quickly refuted.

Hearing the father and son arguing right beside her, Feng furen looked at both with a reprimanding look. Immediately, the tow became quiet.

While waiting for Physician Jin in silence, Feng Furen was holding onto Hui Lan's hands lost in her thoughts.

...Are you blaming mother ah?

When she gave Hui Lan a hug, the little girl of hers did not hug back like she used to and then her lovely daughter also fainted right in her arms.

...Hui Lan ah, don't frighten mother like this.

Su Rong came inside with the bowl of water and a cloth inside. She walked over beside Feng Furen and passed the cloth to the middle-aged lady who had her hand ready to take it from her.

Feng Furen very gently wiped her daughter's forehead and when she was about to move down to her daughter's cheeks, the red veil was still covering over her daughter's face.

Her brows became slightly furrowed before pulling the veil off revealing her daughter's beautiful face.

"Rong-er, why is this veil on Lan-er?" Feng Furen could not help but ask.

"Aunt Feng, it was Hui Lan who spoke in front of the Royal family that she had a scar on her face after the fire, but it was most likely to just cover her face from them." Su Rong replied honestly.

"Why does jie have to put such claims on herself?" Feng Lin asked with confusion.

Feng Furen looked out of the window with sad eyes, "She must really hate the royal family."

Su Rong could only look down.

...Sigh, she wished she could be of more help.

When Feng Lin was about to speak some more, Su Rong quickly pinched his thigh to keep quiet. The young master Feng gave an offended look at Su Rong, but he could not do anything before this senior sister of his.

Not long, Physician Jin and his assistant came inside the tearoom where Hui Lan had been residing.

He was holding onto a tray with a bowl of medicine on top while his small assistant was holding onto his medicine box.

"The medicine is ready. This Physician will wake the Empress up first so Niang Niang can take her medicine and sleep."

Feng Furen made way for the Royal Physician and his assistant. Xiao Bao who had been snuggling beside Hui Lan also went out and stood looking at the Physician Jin with curious eyes.

Swiftly, the Royal Physician opened his medicine box and took out a small clean bag. Once he opened it, rows of medical needles laid neatly in its place. As he took the needle and was about to put it in Hui Lan, the small snowy owl's eyes grew wide and it began screeching.

Seeing the protectiveness from the small owl, Su Rong quickly went over and held onto the owl's side to stop it from hurting the Physician while he was giving Hui Lan the treatment.

Xiao Mao, on the other hand, did not understand what these humans were doing but it did not stop and wanted to break free from Su Rong who had betrayed his miss.

Meanwhile, Physician Jin looked up with a grateful look before beginning his process. Even though the small bird was screeching in front of him, it did not disturb his attention.

After having put all the acupuncture needles in, he then slowly took them out and placed them into a clean cloth to be cleaned.

For a short time, there was no response from Hui Lan. Then, a few moments later, Hui Lan began showing some responses before slowly opening her eyes.

Xiao Mao could only open its mouth in awe.

...How could this be?

The only person who had lit up the mood was none other than this small snowy bird of Hui Lan's. The Feng family looked at the small bird with a small smile on their faces. On the other hand, Su Rong looked at Xiao Mao with an 'I told you so face.'

Xiao Mao felt a hot rush into its face and quickly turned around and hid itself into Su Rong's clothes.

...Aiya, that was embarrassing.

After opening her eyes, the first person that came into Hui Lan's sight was the Royal Physician Jin, "Physician Jin?"

Physician Jin nodded slightly before turning to face Feng Furen, "Furen, can you help the Empress up so she can take the medicine."


Hui Lan turned her eyes to the middle-aged lady who drew closer to her with mixed emotions. Her body was slowly supported up by this body's mother and all she could do was follow along weakly. She did not want the other person to know what she was thinking and slowly looked away in the end.

Feng Furen felt slightly hurt because of her daughter's indifference, but she could only eat it up silently.

The Royal Physician Jin then brought the medicine bowl closer to Hui Lan's lips.

Smelling the familiar herbs, Hui Lan could quickly recognised the contents inside it and took it all down in one gulp.

Feng Lin's eyes grew wide and he could not keep his astonishment in, "Jie, how on earth did you finish that!?"

Physician Jin took the finished bowl away and placed it onto the tray.

Hui Lan turned her eyes to the figure in black and was slightly confused, "Who?"

Feng Lin took his mask down to reveal his face, "Jie, it's me Feng Lin."

"Ahemm." General Feng gave a small look at the Royal Physician who was still with them. This son of his had already exposed himself in front of a stranger and this stranger was also a part of the Royal Family.

Hui Lan really wanted to pinch herself. Who could it be if it weren't this owner's brother ah? Why was her brain not working now ah?

Feng Furen felt a slight fear in her heart before it slowly subsided when Hui Lan spoke again, "Aiya, you covering yourself from head to toe, how could jie remember you, hm?"

Feng Lin revealed a dry smile as his wary eyes looked at his parents. Now, there was another score for him to make up with his parents.

Hui Lan heaved a small sigh of relief as she dodged that bullet away from herself.

...She'll have to be more careful from now...