Daughter’s Identity (IV)

Back in the Royal Central Hall.

After the Empress left with the Royal Physician and General Hong Yi, the entire hall became silent. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts thinking of their own situation and what step to move next from this incident for the Empress had left such a blow in the entire Royal meeting hall that they were unsure which direction to go.

Among everyone in the royal meeting hall, the Emperor was reading the second roll of paper at the highest place in the hall.

As the Emperor did not speak, no one else did either.

However, as the rest thought that the Emperor was reading the official paper in her hand, in truth, his thoughts were roaming around what had just happened.

...Since the Feng family treasured their daughter this dearly, then it would have been a triumph card to go against them. However, it was just that this chess piece had caused such a drift between his chess game.

...It seems he would have to find another route to get this chess piece move according to his plans.

Meanwhile, Li Gui Fei was watching with sad eyes.

...From the moment he walked inside the hall, he had never laid eyes on her. Unlike other times, she could not understand him at all. What on earth was actually going on in that entrancing mind of his?

Below, left prime minister Xin, the Emperor's right hand man also kept quiet. Like the Emperor, he too was thinking of the consequences of what had just happened would lead to.

...Since there was no use in tricking the Feng family, then it would be less of a burden for the Emperor. However, it was also not good for the Emperor's to be exposed in such a way.

...Aiya, the Empress was also cold hearted just like the Emperor. She left no space or excuses for the Emperor to redeem himself. Nevertheless, he would agree more or less with the Empress' actions. This cousin of his had a heart of stone, just this wouldn't break him, but it would at least cause an annoying scratch.

...Sigh, from now on, they would have to think of another way to work around the Feng family. Tut tut, less burden? Maybe not, more like a burden for him.

Then, there was the second prince who could only sigh as there was no one to pick on. Nevertheless, it was also good she was not here, else he would only eat many loses. What he did not like the most was that he was roughly a year older than her, but he had to treat her like an elder for she married to his brother, even more, it was his eldest brother. Sigh...

However, little did the second prince know that his impression of this sister-in-law's of his had improved. From a boring sister-in-law to a very feisty one for she seemed to be the only one who could escape unscathed from his brother.

...Hm, truly impressive.

Like the rest, the person who was also in deep thoughts or if he had such deep thoughts was the right prime minister Li.

Currently, he had once again accepted this daughter of his that had been chased out from the household a long time ago. At first, he had thought that he would gain more than lose, but from the looks of it now, he had lost even more.

...That Feng Hong Yi acted righteously in front but behind, he would use such tricks to tarnish other's reputation. The entire Feng household must have conspired this whole set up. This account, he would keep it in his mind and make them payback.

...However, for now, he would have to wait for the right time. This abandoned daughter of his will still come of use…

Out of all the people within the Royal Meeting Hall, the one person who was not involved or received much loses this day was the first prince who had been quiet this entire time.

...The result of who would win this chessboard was still unconfirmed. It wasn't the last move nor was it checkmate. Only one chess piece of the Emperor's was eaten. Thus, he would have to patiently wait and see what would become of this game and how many players would end playing this game...who knows, there would be more than two players…

The Royal meeting that was held had pretty much nothing left but for those on the chessboard to think of their chess move.

It was truly hard to see which step they should take next, for it was still the beginning. The fog was still obscure and could not be determined, but the maze, where so many traps awaited, was hungrily waiting to absorb her prey.

The only matter laid on, who would be the one to be eaten?




Da Fu Inn, Xin Li

The Feng family had already returned to their temporary residence in the capital city. Since leaving the capital city 7 years ago, the Feng family had sold their entire household in the capital city, thus leaving nowhere for them to live. Not that they minded anyways.

Da Fu was considered the capital city's most famous Inn for travellers to reserve rooms to stay in the capital. It was placed in the capital city's three-way junction which consisted of three main roads of the capital city's considering Da Fu to be one of the prominent buildings in Xin Li.

On one side of Da Fu, the road was filled with a long line of stalls with a busy commotion of the middle classes called the Si Wu street. While on the other side of Da Fu was one of the two most' prestigious roads of the entire capital city; Zi He street.

Zi He street even had a special gate in the entrance for those who resided within the street. The street had all the luxurious shops and stalls and housed houses for all the wealthy ministers of the capital city. Two of them being the Right and Left Prime ministers.

Although it housed all the ministers, Zi He street broke down into smaller streets and none of the ministers were housed so close to each other.

Nevertheless, at the very end of all roads, all led to the Royal Palace. No matter how rich or how poor one was, it all ended at the Royal Palace. All the routes in Xin Li were designed by the forefathers of Rui Ren and this was one message for the Palace to keep in mind of all the people in Xin Li.

Da Fu was split into half for it stood on both sides of the two streets that were very close yet so different in many ways.

One side, only the middle classes could afford to be in such an Inn while on the other side of Da Fu where it faced Zi He street, the entire Inn was decorated luxuriously.

Among the prestigious guests of Da Fu was the Feng family.

In a room decorated heroically filled with bamboo drawings and bamboo trees, a middle aged lady was sitting alone beside the window. Outside, the streets were buzzing as usual. She could see all the young miss' from all the wealthy families coming out to buy jewellery and silk and so on with their maids.

Feng furen sat alone as she drank the hot tea in front of her.

She had just gotten back from the Royal palace but she could help but think of her daughter's strange reaction in the palace.

No matter how hard she tried pushing this weird feeling to the back of her head, in the end, it was still apparent.

Feng Furen sipped on the bitter herbal tea to calm down her emotions, but it did not help.

...Hui Lan ah…

Slowly, without thinking much, Feng Furen brought out a small shiny item from her sleeve.

The shiny item was a silver necklace that had a special white jade crescent moon pendant.

As she looked at the necklace in her hand, her thoughts could not help but think of that day...when she gave birth to Hui Lan.

Hui Lan was born in the year when Da Ning was on the verge of falling apart. At that time, her husband was yet General Feng, but Lieutenant Feng.

The situation in the Royal Palace was unstable. The Emperor at that time, Emperor Shen Ge had just begun to declare war against his brother's countries beside them. However, because of prime minister Xin who was Empress Xin's father and Emperor Yang Long's grandfather, Rui Ren, and all the young scholars of Xin Li protested, there was a delay in taking the next step.

In the same year, within the Feng household, a baby was to be born but after she had given birth to this baby girl of hers, a mysterious person in black clothes with a big black hat covering his entire face came knocking on the Feng family's door. Although it was way past into the night, the person came abruptly and requested to meet the young miss of the Feng family.

However, the only thing was that the Feng family had yet announced to the world outside that a baby girl was born into their family.

...How on earth did this person know?

At that time, they had turned the person down, but his words had caught their entire household in confusion.

He spoke to the steward about something that no one except the steward, her, her husband, and the midwife.

"Young Miss' half crescent mark." That was all he said, but it was enough to make them caught by surprise for Hui Lan was born with a half crescent moon mark behind her ear.

After hearing all the precise words one after the other, the steward came to report the peculiar words said by this man.

Hence, her husband had gone out to meet this person. Only when he went, did he realize who was knocking at their door.

Looking outside with a slight panic in his heart, her husband quickly let the other person in.

Her husband brought this mysterious person right inside her doors, but only until she saw his clothes did she realize who it was.

Grand Master Rui of the Rui Ren.

"Grand Master Rui…"

"It is alright Feng Furen, no need for the courtesy. This master is here for the young miss."

Feng Furen who was in the bed was still puzzled, "My daughter?"

Grand Master Rui's eyes were on the baby girl that was sleeping soundly beside her.

His usual deep calm eyes stirred ever so slightly.

However, he did not take a step forward or approach closer to the baby girl.

Instead, he turned to the right side where Lieutenant Feng stood, "You have been through a lot."

Lieutenant Feng cupped his hands together as he spoke, "It is the least this student can do, master." Grand Master Rui was Lieutenant Feng's master and the Empress Xin's master. Meanwhile, Feng Furen's roots were a mysterious family which only Grand Master Rui and Lieutenant Feng knew. Nevertheless, even the Grand Master Rui gave some respect to this younger generation.

"Hm, I have three things to tell you both. First, take this." A silver necklace was passed to his student. The pendant was shaped into a half crescent moon.

"Master, this?" Lieutenant Feng asked puzzledly.

However, Grand Master Rui turned to Feng Furen who was looking at him at a loss as well.

The elder revealed a small weary smile. The elder who once looked bright and noble seemed to have lost some light in his eyes. Nevertheless, he was never a person to give up that easily, "Secondly, Feng Furen, I'm afraid you still have yet to meet your daughter."

"Huh? Master, what…" Feng Furen's tired voice asked but before she could finish her sentence, Grand Master Rui had already spoken.

"It is alright, you do not have to understand yet, but when the time comes, give this necklace to her." His elder eyes that had passed so many years turned to look at the baby girl that was on the bed.

...You will either be the fall or the rise of Da Ning. This elder will have to leave everything with you, Hui Lan.

The Grand Master Rui did not stay for long and spoke all his words before taking his leave.

However, the next day, news broke that the Rui Ren were all chased out of the Palace and the capital. They were banned to never enter the capital city.

At first, she and her husband had gone out searching for them, but they left no words. Only the words left by Grand Master Feng were spoken to them. All this time they had been searching for them, but it seemed only if they wanted to be found would they reveal themself.

The year passed by rather rocklily, but it was at its worst when a terrible crime was caused. At the end of the same year Hui Lan was born, the most well-known crime of the entire capital city happened; it was the Treason of Prime minister Xin, Empress Xin's father and grandfather to the three princes.

The news felt so unbelievable even to the commoner's eyes, but facts were all shown to everyone. However, no one had really proved any of them, but it so happened that no one was really looking for any evidence but what they saw from their eyes and heard from others.

Hui Lan had yet to turn one, but the treason had already erupted.

Prime Minister Xin was executed on spot and half of his entire household was washed out, except for the Empress, her three sons, the Empress' sister and nephew who had escaped and were nowhere to be found.

However, Emperor Shen Ge was an unfathomable man for years after that, he brought back the Empress and his three sons. He reigned for a few more years and soon passed away, but what was even more beyond understanding was when the Emperor passed on the throne to his eldest prince born from the Empress who had once been kicked out.

It was a matter of the Royal family, but Emperor Shen Ge was truly one of the ruthless and the most unfathomable man in the entire century of all Emperors.

Then right after the eldest prince, Shen Yang Long took the throne, the Feng family was kicked out from the capital city to guard the borders. This was not beyond their expectations for they thought there would be a much worse treatment given to them...

...Sigh, she could still remember that terrible incident for the Feng family had also taken part. However, until this day, she and her husband still wondered if it was the right choice that they had made.

...This silver necklace was for Hui Lan, but she had never found 'that' chance to give it to her daughter. What the Grand Master Rui once said, had it come yet?

...Hui Lan ah, I just hope...hope that what I am thinking is not what is to happen.

Feng Furen's beautiful eyes turned to look out of the window. She could only hope...