Daughter’s Identity (V)

After the Royal Meeting ended, everyone finally took their leave. Meanwhile, Emperor Yang Long and Li Gui Fei were the last two that were left in the hall.

Neither spoke anything.

Sitting on the throne, the Emperor did not know when or how, but the feeling of guilt began rushing inside his heart.

Deep inside Mei Fang's heart, she was fuming at the Emperor, but she did not say anything.

Instead, she sorted out her sleeves and stood up, ready to leave. Li Gui Fei then turned around and bowed once before making her way out silently.

She uttered no farewells to the Emperor.

As she walked down the stairs, her lips were pursed tightly between each other as a nerve gripping feeling was engulfing all over her body and heart. Her hands that were held together underneath her sleaves grew tighter as her nervous feeling grew.

All she could do was wait and count inside her heart until he would call her name. However, she had already walked down all the stairs, but he still did not call her.

...What was going on in his mind? He clearly knew what he did was completely making her lose face, but he just kept quiet!?

...Shen. Yang. Long.

However, just then, his familiar deep voice called from behind her, "Mei Fang."

Mei Fang halted on spot and lifted up her face. All the anger and hurtful feelings were washed away.

...He would always, always call for her, no matter what.

Mei Fang's nervous feelings were brushed off. All that left on her face was a serene face that showed no hurtful feelings.

Slowly, she turned around and locked her big lovely eyes on his handsome face, "En."

At first, both met eyes with each other, but Emperor Yang Long did not keep it on for long and eventually looked away.

Seeing that he was not looking at her straight in the eye, her heart began beating fast again.


There was a tint of sadness in her eyes, but she was trying to cover it with the best that she could. In full honesty, this was the first time she had ever felt this way. This nervousness, it had never been here before. Before, she was always sure that he was completely all over her.

Meanwhile, the Emperor could not help but blame himself for making her see all of 'that' and for not being able to clear her name, "Zhen, is sorry."

Little did he know that there was also another feeling that was added it up altogether. It was as if, guilt had engulfed all over him.

Seeing that he was blaming himself and that it was just that he felt bad, made her feel relieved.

...His distant feelings were not because he fell in love with that woman or because of what had happened to that nameless prince, but it was because he was blaming himself because of her.

...Hm, this is also good.

"Bixie, Chenqie understands Bixie's heart. Chenqie does not blame you." Although inside she was not pleased with everything, Mei Fang's sweet voice spoke to ease the other's feelings. Her feelings were kept unknown so that he would remember that she did not blame him.

However, little did she know that Emperor Yang Long began blaming himself more. The more she made it as if it was nothing, the more he felt worse that she was trying to make him feel better.

He slowly looked up to her with some remorse feelings in his dark eyes.

...She was keeping all her hurtful feelings because of him, but why did it not make him feel any better?

As the Emperor looked up, Mei Fang averted her eyes and spoke, "Bixie, if you do not have anything, Chenqie will go back to get some rest first." She did not want to see those sad eyes or she would end up revealing what she felt.

...It was better to keep it like this for she did not want to talk about it. They would just move on from this and not talk about it any longer.

There was a brief moment of silence between them. Emperor Yang Long was looking at Mei Fang, waiting for her to look up but she did not follow and kept her eyes low.

....Mei Fang, why do you not want to talk about it? Can we no longer share anything between each other?

In the end, Emperor Yang Long took his eyes away from her, "Go then. Get some rest."

"Thank you, Bixie." After all was said, Mei Fang made her way out of the room without looking back.

On the other hand, Emperor Yang Long turned his face back to look at the person who was walking away.

...Just like that, she walked away from him. How many times has it been like this?

...When had things become this way? Where was that person that was always on his side? Why did it feel like she had gone further away and was standing on the opposite side as him?

But no one could answer his dreaded questions in his heart.




That evening, in the next most prestigious street of Xin Li, the street was lit up with pink lanterns in the entire street.

Jin Ke street was infamous for many different things. One of them being the famous Yan Hua Fu. The entire place was set on top of the shallow parts of Xin Li's great lake, lake San.

Yan Hua Fu was famous for selling 'art'.

The place covered all kinds of arts; playing music, dancing, drawing. It was a place for the officials and those that could afford to go inside Yan Hua to view the beautiful sight within the capital city and enjoy the airt provided at the Fu (mansion).

Lights and all kinds of lanterns were lit in the entire place to make it look like a fantasy mansion. Even the place itself covered a large area of the capital city.

If the first biggest place was the Emperor's Royal Palace, then the second would be none other than Yan Hua Fu which currently belonged to a very mysterious young master with an unknown background. Some said he was from a rich merchant family, some said he was from a noble family. Nevertheless, among the inner circle, he went by the name of Young master Hua of Yan Hua Fu.

While Yan Hua Fu only sold art, others saw it no different from a brothel place, it was just that the ladies did not practically sell themselves but their good looks. However, no one would dare say that for it they did, somehow their business or their status would be impacted.

There was one time when an official spoke vulgar words at one of the ladies at Yan Hua Fu and in result, all his crimes were exposed. In the end, he was banished from the capital city.

Many more incidents happened like this and hence, from that time onwards, no one spoke such words.

Nevertheless, Yan Hua Fu truly sold art. If any of the ladies at the Fu (mansion) dared to do more, they were immediately kicked out.

Entering Yan Hua Fu was as hard as finding needles in the bottom of the sea for only those with talent and good etiquette were allowed to enter. Yan Hua Fu only searched and gave only the best.

The arts that were portrayed were one of the best in the entire Xin Li and even the old Da Ning.

Though art was being sold, all of the ladies in Yan Hua Fu all knew how to please the guests and by just seeing the ladies face and sweet attitude, the guests were all happy.

On this very street that led to Yan Hua Fu, one individual was being hoarded on an official sedan chair carefully. His looks were like one of those noblemen, but more so cunning in a very crude way.

Nevertheless, a line of servants were lined up behind him and were taking good care of their master.

Slowly, the entourage entered Yan Hua Fu and the official was brought inside with a full ceremony. Ladies lined up on him from one side to the other.

Meanwhile, Yan Hua Fu had a tall tower which no one from below could see what was up on the top. Nevertheless, no one ever wondered for it had a big bell that would ring every time there was a special event going on inside Yan Hua; events such as when a new young lady was selected as the Lady Yan Hua or when one of the masters of Yan Hua passed away.

In that very top place of the tower, a young master dressed in dark purple robes with a sheer red mesh on his outer robe was sitting with his chin on his hand. His lashes were considered longer than any other man and it would flutter every time he blinked.

His nose was high bridged and his lips were handsomely carved. Then, his eyes, his eyes were as sweet as a dripping honey. Nevertheless, those light hazel eyes were as deep as an ocean and as alluring as a fairy. One would not be able to fathom such passionate eyes.

Though he was dangerously beautiful, yet he was so noble like.

His hazel eyes would sometimes reflect a greyish blue tint underneath the sunlight. As the sun shone in his eyes, they followed the figure that was led inside his Yan Hua Fu.

"Hm, Right Prime minister Li is here. Meanwhile, the Feng family are residing in this young master's Da Fu." The young master slowly raised his cup of wine for a sip, "Having two very strong families in my two places, I wonder if it would benefit this young master or not, tut tut."

Just then, a young man in a greyish blue came up to the young master that sat alone beside the window, "Young master, there has been news about the Nameless group."

"Oh? What do all those young masters want from this young master?" The young master raised his wine cup again for a sip.

"They invite you to join the moon table circle, sir."

"Oh?" Though he sounded surprised, his eyes showed no waves as if he had already been expecting it.

"The moon table circle will be held in 9 days, sir."

The young master began swirling his wine cup in his hand as he thought of the situation, "Hm. Most likely about this year's end celebration. Well, tell them, this young master will be there."

"Yes, sir."

After his follower had left, the young master leaned back and placed his leg on the leg holder, "Hm, after all these years, finally, we get to start."

His eyes fluttered slightly as he looked at the evening sky, "Father, it's a shame you are not here."