The Wandering Prophet (Last)

This time, Emperor Yang Long walked out from the room alone. Although it was only just a visit with the wandering prophet, he looked as if he had aged 5 more years.

However, walking out, the corridor was entirely empty. 

He looked around the empty hallway with his sharp eyes, but there were no signs of Mei Fang, not even the feathers from her cloak.

Just then, his eyes landed on a small white figure that sat grooming itself at the end of the corridor. 

The Emperor's brows were slightly knitted as he saw the same white kitten sitting at the end of the hallway.

...It was definitely the same small kitten from the room as it had the same pair of blue and purple eyes.

...But how did it even get there, even before he did? He was sure that the kitten was in the room a few minutes ago...

...At first, it was the black kitten and now it was the white kitten. What were they trying to even do?