Celebration, let’s celebrate (I)

With Feng Furen's hands wrapped around General Feng's arm, they both led their military entourage inside and as they walked in everyone else all parted ways for them without having to think twice. 

However, as Feng Furen was heading inside, her senses had caught onto something and swiftly, her eyes turned to look at the direction where a strong familiar aura was coming from.

...The long lost aura of a majestic beast.

Where her bottomless eyes landed, two pairs of blue and purple eyes were already looking straight at her.

The three met eyes with one another and many different emotions were shared in a short amount of time.

At the same time, Feng Furen could feel another gaze looking at her, so she slowly lifted her eyes to where the gaze was coming from. She was then met with a pair of dark grey eyes that were looking at her with familiarity.