The Last Words

In the waiting hall of the Swallow Capital Alliance Aerospace Airport, thousands of young men and women were chatting excitedly. If one was close enough, they would hear that these young men and women were talking about their yearning to enter the Fairy Planet.

Of course, not everyone was happy. You Huli, who was among them, was unhappy. In fact, being able to enter the Fairy Planet was his biggest wish. After passing the test though, he had deliberately taken a day off to see Di Jiu and tell him that he was about to go to the Fairy Planet, only to find out that Di Jiu was no longer at the Apricot Lake Hall. Actually, he also heard that the Apricot Lake Hall had been involved in some bad incidents, which made him feel very worried about Di Jiu.

Although he wanted to investigate what had happened to him, he did not have the time, so all he could do was push this regret back into his heart.