Going To The Fairy Planet

"Is that it, Brother?" Di Ziheng had watched Di Jiu struck different parts of his father's body for a few minutes before he forcibly fed him a black pill.

"Yes, he is now metabolizing it in his body. The toxins will be cleansed in up to three hours. Your father will wake up by then. If you do not believe me, just look at his face." Di Jiu clapped his hands and picked up his big bag.

Di Ziheng noticed that the grayish-white color of his father's face had been replaced by a pale white color that was caused by malnourishment.

"Brother, my father has neglected us for years. He never fulfilled his responsibilities as a father. Meanwhile, Xi Xiumin sent you to Luo Jin to suffer. As sons, we should forgive our parents' mistakes. We are after all…"