The Auction Of The Plane Split Talisman

The Plane Split Talisman would actually appear in the auction? Di Jiu immediately clenched his fists in excitement. He had to obtain the Plane Split Talisman.

He possessed a Plane Split Talisman that he would use to return to Earth. The main issue was how he would return to the Small Central World from Earth. The fact that another Plane Split Talisman had appeared at this auction was good news for Di Jiu.

The Spirit Qi of the Earth was deficient, so he would not be staying on Earth for long. He actually wanted to return for two reasons. First, he wanted to search for Monk Red Dust from the Wang Chuan Temple. Although he had never met this monk, he believed that he was very strange.

He had one question he needed an answer to. Why could he see the physical body he'd had in his past life?